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1、湖北省稳派教学联盟2014-2015学年高一英语下学期期中试题(扫描版)20142015学年度第二学期期中考试高一年级英语试卷20142015学年度第二学期期中考试高一年级英语试卷答案及解析一、听 力:1-5 CBCAA 6-10 BCCAB 11-15 ACBAA 16-20 CCBCA (略)二、阅读理解:2124 CABA 2527 DAB 2831 DACB 3235 DCAD 3640 GEABD本文讲述作者的父母离异初期没有归属感,不喜欢在父母所在的两个城市间穿梭,也不喜欢离开自己的伙伴,然而,随着时间的推移,作者逐步适应并喜欢上了这种生活。21. C细节理解题。根据第一段可知因为

2、父母分离,作者不知道自己该属于谁,玩具小屋游戏就是体现了作者没有归属感。22. A细节理解题。根据第二段It wasnt that I didnt want to see my mom and stepdad; I just didnt want to leave my friends,可知做着不喜欢在两个城市间来回穿梭是因为不想和朋友分开。23. B细节理解题。根据最后一段 Ive learned that its also fun 可知作者已经慢慢体会到了这种旅行式的生活的乐趣。24. A文章标题题。根据最后一段的总结,作者认为旅行式的生活的结果是自己一直都想念着某个人。这是文章中心,所以

3、做标题。本文主要讲述格拉斯哥焰火活动的相关事宜。25. D信息查找题。从Events:部分可以得知,D不在其中。26. A信息查找题。从Notice中的If youre driving, please be concerned about road closing time. All roads to Glasgow Green will be closed to vehicles (车辆) between 5:30 pm and 9:00 pm.可知答案应为A。27. B信息查找题。从Notice中的Join our mailing list to stay up to date with

4、all the latest information on www. Glasgow Green. com. Should it be put off or called off, we will keep you informed as soon as possible!可知答案为B。研究表明,思维容易漫游的孩子往往有更聪明的大脑,他们可以“一心多用”。28. D细节理解题。从第三段During the study, volunteers were asked to perform one simple task during which researchers kept asking if

5、 their minds were wandering.一句可知答案为D。29. A词义猜测题。本题考查学生对熟词生义的理解。根据Daniel Levinson教授的话可知“虽然那些工作记忆能力很强的人们在完成任务时常常走神,但他们的表现并不差。”30. C细节理解题。从第五段The results, published online in the journal Psychological Science, appear to confirm former research that found working memory allows humans to deal with multip

6、le thoughts at the same time.可知答案为C。31. B归纳概括题。根据文章第一段和全文内容可知答案B正确。迪斯尼称它自己为世界上最快乐的地方。为了吸引世界各地的游客,各地的迪 斯尼因当地文化和品味的不同而不同。32. D细节理解题。从第二段Opened in 1983 and larger than the original California Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland is the third most visited of any theme park in the world after the two Disney park

7、s in the US.一句可知Tokyo Disneyland是继美国两个Disney parks之后的第三个参观人数最多的公园。33. C细节理解题。从文章最后一段Many visitors complain that although the theme park is equipped with special smoking areas, most smokers seem to puff away (吹气) in all the open areas, including in queues for rides.可知答案为C。34. A推理判断题。从文章最后Besides this

8、, it is also the only Disneyland in the world where you can enjoy an alcoholic drink with your meal; a French meal without a glass of wine would make for the unhappiest place in the world.可知答案应为A。其他项均与文意不符。35. D主旨大意题。通过第一段以及统揽全文,可知D项为正确答案。本文讲述了四种基本的野外幸存的技能。36-40 GEABD 三、完形填空:4145 BCBCD 4650 ACABD 51

9、55 ADBCD 5660 CADAB本文讲述作者有一次帮一个小女孩当了秋千,此事在小女孩的心里留下了美好的记忆,作者也因曾经帮过小女孩而感到幸福。41. B从第二段“For the next two hours I 48 myself pushing swings and playing games with my daughter and the little girl on the playground”可知答案为B。42. C从下文and asked for a push可知“女儿冲到了秋千那里”。43. B根据“Her grandmother”可知是“another little g

10、irl”。44. C根据but一转折词,可推知是小女孩儿的努力“失败了”(failed)。45. D从下文的“.asked if she needed a push too”可知答案为D。46. A根据小女孩儿的回答“Yes”判断答案为A。47. C作者使小女孩儿的秋千荡起来所以应该是“flying towards the clouds”。48. A “find oneself doing sth”不知不觉的发现自己在做.。49. B “到我们往家里走时”,head v. = to go or travel towards50. D根据“still”一词可判断答案为“flying”。51. A

11、根据上下文可知作者是去学校“接女儿”。52. D作者在家长等候区等候女儿。53. B“突然”感到两只小胳膊搂住我。54. C大人看小孩儿自然是“低头看”。55. D根据“more”一词可以推断是“hug”。56. C小女儿跑去赶校车,作者看着她的后背。57. A从上文的“I stood tiredly in the parents 52 area watching for my kid”可知答案为A。58. D与上文“but my spirits were still 50 higher than those swings”相呼应。59. A根据上下文可知作者要表达是“我们与人分享的每一份爱都

12、会回到我们本身”。60. B定语从句修饰soul需要关系副词where。四、语法填空:61. to sink 考查动词cause 用法。62. that 考查It wasthat强调句用法。63. Interested 考查过去分词(形容词)作状语的用法。64. had lived 考查过去完成时的用法。65. After 考查介词的用法。66. digging 考查动词stop的用法。67. my 考查物主代词用法。68. because 考查上下文逻辑关系。69. could 考查情态动词用法。70. what 考查名词性从句的用法。五、短文改错:I just come back from

13、 Britain last week . I was luckily enough to be came luckyone of the student from different countries to visit the UK from Feb.16 to students 28. We paid a visit to many places, like London, Oxford or andthe Lake District. I learned much about British culture and history in London, where was my favo

14、rite. I also liked Oxford, in which I saw much which manymore old buildings . The Lake District was beautiful, but it was pity a that it rained heavily when they were there. The most excited thing we excitingfor me in the Britain was that I made a lot of friends there.六、书面表达: (One possible version)D

15、ear Bob,I am sorry to know that some of your classmates are overweight and in poor health. I am writing to offer you some advice on how to keep healthy.In recent years, with the computer becoming part of our life, many people spend too much time surfing the Internet. Therefore, they have little time for sports. Besides, the fas



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