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1、2016届高考英语词汇综合练系列14(二模前) 一、单项填空1-5代词、连词和名词1.(浙江省台州中学2016届高三上学期第三次统练)Making money seems like a problem thats very far away from us children, _ only the parents need to care about.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing【答案】B2.(江苏省苏州中学2016届高三10月月考)How would you like _ if you were watching your

2、 favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you? A. them B. one C. those D. it【答案】D【解析】句意:如果你正在看你最喜爱的电视节目,有人进入你的房间,未经你的允许把它关上了,你觉得怎么样呢?固定句式:动词 + it + when (if)-从句,在此句式中it做形式宾语,故选D。3.(浙江省杭州市五校联盟2016届高三上学期第一次诊断考试)The woman burst into tears _ she was announce

3、d the winner.A. that B. instantly C. unless D. in case【答案】B【解析】句意:一被宣布获胜这个女子就哭起来了。这里 instantly 是副词做连词用,表示 “一就”,that 不能引导时间状语从句,unless 除非,in case 以防,所以选 B。4.(江苏省海安高级中学2016届高三第一学期调研考试)What did he do in return for free _ and food offered by the kind couple? He helped their son with his lessons. A. cons

4、ervation B. occupation C. accommodation D. immigration【答案】C【解析】句意:他做什么来回报那对好心的夫妇给他提供的免费食宿?他给他们的儿子辅导功课。conservation保护,保存;admission承认,允许,入场费;accommodation住处;immigration移民。根据句意可知应选accommodation。5.(江苏省如东高级中学2016届高三上学期期中)We are born to win! The _ to success is in our genes, say scientists.A. drive B. gra

5、vity C. request D. squeeze【答案】A【解析】drive驱动器,驱车旅行,驱动力;gravity重力;request请求;squeeze挤压,少量,拥挤。句意:天生大赢家!科学新发现(科学家说):基因加速成功(成功与生俱来!基因驱动成功,科学家指出)。故选A。6-10介词和介词短语6.(江苏省海安高级中学2016届高三第一学期调研考试) It is _ his tremendous enthusiasm and devotion that the old teacher is respected by all his students.A. on account of

6、B. with regard to C. in terms of D. in reference to【答案】A【解析】句意:这位老教师之所以赢得了所有学生的尊重,是因为他付出了极大的热情和奉献。on account of 表示“由于,因为”;with regard to 表示“至于,关于”;in terms of 表示“就而言”;in reference to 表示“关于,至于”。根据句意,应选A 项。7.(江苏省镇江中学三校联考2016届高三上学期第一次联考) _ help preserve history, the Greek government appointed a committ

7、ee in 1975 to undertake a complete repair of the Acropolis.A. In a gesture to B. In salute to C. In honor to D. In a way to【答案】A8.(浙江省杭州高级中学2016届高三上学期第三次月考)_ her performance in study, no one can match her in the grade. However, learning takes up all her time and she hasnt developed other abilities,

8、which is a great pity. A. On behalf of B. In terms of C. As a result of D. In charge of【答案】B【解析】on behalf of为了的利益,代表;in terms of就而言;as a result of作为结果,其结果是;in charge of主管,负责。句意:就学习方面的表现而言,年级上无人能跟她相比。然而,学习占去了她的所有时间,她的其它能力没有得到发展,真是遗憾!根据题意选 B。9.(江苏省扬州市2016届高三上学期期末考试)The magician picked several persons

9、_ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.A. by accidentB. at randomC. at riskD. on average【答案】B【解析】at random(=without aim or purpose)随便地,胡乱地;by accident意外地;on occasion偶尔;on an average平均计算。句意:魔术师从观众中随机挑选了几个人,并请他们协助他进行表演。根据题意选 B。10.(2016届浙江省余姚中学高三上学期期中)Living with cancer has

10、 made her realize how important it is to take every chance to live her life _ the fullest.A. at B. on C. to D. with【答案】C【解析】live ones life to the fullest生活得充实,过充实的生活。句意:身患癌症使她认识到抓住每一个机会让自己生活得充实是多么的重要。根据题意选C。 11-16副词和形容词11.(江苏省海安高级中学2016届高三第一学期调研考试) The car is small. Is it safe? Definitely. Tests sug

11、gest it is _ safe than any other type of good car.A. no less B. not less C. no more D. not more【答案】A【解析】no less than:表示“和一样”。句意:这辆车很小,它安全吗?那是肯定的。测试表明它跟其它型号的好车一样安全。no more (.) than与not more (.) than 作状语时的区别:no more (.) than意为“同一样不”,含有消极、否定的意思。than后面的从句在形式上是肯定的,在意义上却是否定的。该句型对比较双方,即than的前后两部分都给予否定。not

12、more (.) than意为“不比更”,含有积极、肯定的意思。如:Rachel is no more courageous than Saul (is). (=Rachel is not courageous, any more than Saul is courageous.)拉塞尔和索尔一样没有胆量。Rachel is not more courageous than Saul (is). 拉塞尔不如索尔有胆量。no less (.) than和not less (.) than之间存在着与no more (.) than和not more (.) than之间相类似的区别。如:Fren

13、ch is no less a mother tongue for him than English. 如同英语一样,法语也是他的母语。As a scholar, he is no less learned than Prof. Smith. 作为学者,他和史密斯教授一样知识渊博。根据题意选A。12.(江苏省海安高级中学2016届高三第一学期调研考试)Katherine is not _ in the way to treat her children. Sometimes she is too strict with them and sometimes she just allows th

14、em everything. A. conventional B. consistent C. considerate D. controversial 【答案】B【解析】凯瑟琳对待孩子的方式不是始终如一的。有时过严有时只是放任。此处B项意思是:一贯的,始终如一的(英语释义:always keeping to the same pattern or style; unchanging)。conventional依照惯例的,约定俗成的;considerate体贴的,体谅的,深思熟虑的;controversial 有争议的,引起争议的。根据题意选B。13.(浙江省杭州市五校联盟2016届高三上学期第一次诊断考试)No matter how much knowledge you have, if your subject is at all _, be careful when discussing it during your speech, or you may well offend your audience.A. diverse B. sensitive C. abstract D. original【答案】B【解析】div


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