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1、Unit 3 A Healthy LifePart I : Words 一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit3的所有单词和词组;2. 会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词词组;3. 会熟练运用重点单词和词组。二、【自主预习】: Word-formation1. alcohol (n.) _(adj.) 酒精的2. stress (n.) _(adj.) 产生压力的,紧张地3. adolescent (n,adj.) _(n. ) 青春期4. withdrawal (n.) _ (v.) 收回,撤回5. automatic (adj. )_ (adv.) 无意识的,自动的6. mental (adj.)

2、 _ (adv.) 精神上,智力上7. abnormal (adj.)_(反义词 ) 正常的8. breathless (adj. ) _ (v.) 呼吸_ (n.) 呼吸9. unfit (adj. ) _(反义词. ) 健康的,合适的10. strengthen (vt.) _(n. ) 力量,力气_(adj. ) 强壮的,坚强的11. disappointed (adj.) _(adj. ) 令人失望的_(v.)使失望_(n.) 失望12. illegal (adj. ) _(反义词. ) 合法的13. survival (n.) _(v. ) 幸存_(n. ) 幸存者14. embar

3、rassed (adj)_(adj. ) 令人尴尬的_(v.)使尴尬三、【基础知识】Key words and expressions 1. stress n./vt. _研读思考1. The stress is on the first syllable on the word “alcohol”.2. She said that the secrets to their successful marriage included being able to laugh together and ability to stay calm under stress.3. When I was a

4、 child, my mother laid/placed/put great stress on my proper behavior.4. The President has repeatedly stressed the importance of economic development.5. The spokesman stressed that the measures must be taken.6. He was feeling very stressed and tired.7. Its less stressful, and I have more time off.结构归

5、纳1. 在压力之下_ 2. 强调某事物_ (n)2. 强调某事物_ (vt)3. 强调.的重要性 4. 焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的_ 5. 压力重的;紧张的_实战演练1) 用stress的适当形式填空。After a _ week of week, all the employees were extremely _ and tired. They complained that few could work efficiently under _.(1) 完成下列句子(1) 我们的英语老师特别强调阅读在英语学习中的重要性。_.= _.(2) Jane _ since her mothers il

6、lness. (under) 自从妈妈病倒后,简一直忧心忡忡。2. ban vt _ n. _研读思考1. They signed an agreement banning the use of chemical weapons.2. Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year.3. She was banned from competing for two years after failing a drug test.4. The beef export ban is likely to be lifted this yea

7、r.5. There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.结构归纳1. 禁止某事_ 2. 禁止做某事_3. 禁止某人做某事 _ 4. 解除禁令_5. 禁烟令_ 实战演练1. Suzhou has a ban _ in the busy streets. (park). 苏州禁止在繁忙的街道停车。2. She has been banned _ for drinking. (drive) 她因饮酒被禁驾六个月。延伸拓展ban n./vt. 禁止,禁令(=formal prohibition),指合法地或由于社会压力而禁止,含谴责或不赞成的态

8、度,通常搭配形式: ban .from sth./doing sth.forbid vt. 禁止,不许,普通用语, 用于较小事物,或个人、上级、官方、长辈做出的禁止命令、规定,或客观条件不允许,通常搭配形式: forbid sb. to do sth.3. due adj_研读思考1. The meeting is due to start until three. _2. Have they paid the money that is due to them? _3. The discovery is due to Newton. _4. His absence was due to th

9、e heavy rain. _5. My rent isnt due till Wednesday. _结构归纳1. 预期做某事_ 2. 应支付/ 给予/归因于某事,某人_实战演练1. The project had to be abandoned largely _ a lack of government funding. A. according to B. due to C. in the name of D. in the eyes of 2. - Did you look up the time of train to Shanghai? - Yes, the early trai

10、n is_ to leave at 5:30 a.m.A. likely B. about C. possible D. due延伸拓展due to由于;起因于,相类似的短语有:_, _,_,_,_, 等。注意: due to 放于句首,可放在句中作表语,定语或状语。4. addicted adj. _研读思考(1) You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes.(2) Many students are hopelessly addicted to computer games.(3)

11、The old man addicted himself to drinking.结构归纳做.上瘾;沉溺于_ /_. 实战演练(1) The parents felt helpless when they found their son _ love stories for long. (addict ) 当父母发现他们的儿子长期沉溺于爱情小说时感到很无助。(2) The new survey shows that the number of students _ has been on the rise in recent years. (addict) 那项新调查表明,沉溺于电脑游戏的学生数量近几年上升了。5. accustom vt _ accustomed adj _研读思考(1) This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it.(2) Im not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercises.(3) He quickly


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