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1、Unit 2 The environment课题课型复习课教学目标明确学习的目标,掌握重点单词、短语、句型重点掌握重点单词、短语2,4,6难点重点句型教法讲授法、讨论法、探究法教学过程教 学 内 容 个案调整教师主导活动学生主体活动 Second period Step 1: Personal show Write down the words according to yourself. Step 2: Language focus 1. cut 短语 知识探究:The interviewer cut short (打断) his guest in mid-sentence. His car

2、eer was cut short (中断) by illness. I was cut off on my line to London. 我打电话到伦敦时,电话线被切断了。 He tried to cut down on smoking but failed. 他尽力少抽烟.但没成功。 Cut out all the vulgar expressions. 删去所有粗俗的用语。题练落实:B) 1. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was _ from the outside world. A. cut out B. c

3、ut off C. cut up D. cut through D) 2. The electricity _ for several days because of the earthquake. A. were cut B. was cut downC. was cut D. was cut off B) 3. When the mother returned, she saw her son _ vegetables into pieces. A. cut down B. cut up C. to cut down D. to cut up B) 4. We should quickly

4、 cut _ the enemys retreat(退路).A. in B. off C. out D. through 2. run 的短语归纳知识探究:I often run into things that are up high, such as tree branches, and sometimes hit my head on them. 我经常会撞到高处的东西,比如树枝,而且有时我的头也会碰到。If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 同时追两只野兔,就会一只也迫不到。 He ran after her for tw

5、o years, but she had no interest in him at all. 他追了她两年,但她对他毫无兴趣。 We are running out of food. (= Our food is running out.)我们的食物就要用光了。题练落实: 1. -Im still working on my project.-Oh, youll miss the deadline. Time is _.A. running outB. going outC. giving outD. losing out 2. Their ink has _, that is to say

6、, they have _ their ink. A. run out; run out B. run out of; run out of C. run out; run out of D. run out of; run out3. I have to draw some money from the bank before our money _. A. runs out of B. is run out of C. runs out D. runs up 4. The color of this T-shirt_, so I always wash it separately. A.

7、fallsB. dropsC. runsD. loses 3. pick vt.挑选,采摘 知识探究:pick up 的意思较多,是个极其重要的短语1)捡起;捡起。The naughty boy picked up a stone and threw it at the dog.那调皮的孩子捡起块石头向狗扔去。2)用车接;中途顺便搭人接物。Ill pick you up at the school gate.我用车到校门口接你。On her way home, she went to the nursery to pick up her son.回家的路上,她顺便到托儿所接她儿子。3)接收(相

8、当于receive)。Its easy for my radio to pick up VOA. 我的收音机接收美国之音很容易。4) (偶然)获得, 习得The boy picked up some English words when playing with those boys.5) 好转; 改善: The market always picks up in the spring. 一到春天市场就活跃了.6)以(便宜的、较低的)价格、钱买到;染上(陋习)等They picked May 6th for their wedding. 他们选定5月6日结婚。 The students are

9、 helping the farmers pick apples. 学生们在帮助农民摘苹果。 I had my pocket picked on the bus yesterday. 昨天在公共汽车上我的口袋被人扒窃了。 It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the story. 玛丽在店里花了好长时间才挑好一件新衣服。 Ill pick you up at six this afternoon. 今天下午6点我去接你。 I usually take my daughter to kindergarten at 8: 00 a.

10、 m. and pick her up at 4: 00 p.m.我通常上午8点送女儿去幼儿园,下午4点去接她。 短语中间皆可。题练落实: 1. When I got off the crowded bus, I found my pocket _ and the disk in it with the important documents gone. A. stolen B. missed C. picked D. lost 2. Its easy to _ my car from others in the parking place; it has an advertisement f

11、or Panasonic TV on the back of it. A. make up B. find out C. pick up D. pick out 3. After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the seaside to _ his health. A. take up B. pick up C. carry up D. make up 4. The director had her assistant _ some hot dogs for the meeting. A. pic

12、ked up B. picks up C. pick up D. picking up 5. Bad habits are easily _ while good ones are hard to develop. A. kept upB. caught upC. drawn upD. picked up 6. When the cooking class changed to Tuesday, I had to _ so that I could _ my daughter from piano lessons. A. drop in; pick up B. drop off; pick upC. drop out; pick up D. drop by; pick out 7. He _ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris. A. made out B. picked upC. gave upD. took in联想拓宽:pick your words斟酌词句 pick sb. as选某人作 pick sb. to do选某人做 pick out (从同类中选出 板书设计当堂作业课外作业教学札记 3



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