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1、欧洲文化入门 复 习 资 料 精选第二章 1、Christianity is by far the most influential in the West. 在西方最具影响力的宗教 2、Judeo-Christian tradition constitutes one of the two major components of European culture: Judaism and Christianity. 3、The Jewish tradition, which gave birth to Christianity. (犹太教是基督教的前身) Both originated in

2、 Palestine, which was known as Canaan. 4、The ancestors of the Jews the Hebrews. 犹太人的祖先是希伯来人 5、They called “Hebrews”, which means “wanderers”。商旅 6、About 1300 B.C., the Hebrews came to settle (定居) in Palestine. 7、The Hebrews history was recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible. 8、The Bible was divid

3、ed into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. 9、The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of God. 上帝与上帝的教义10、The New Testament is about the doctrine (教义) of Jesus Christ11、The New Testament is, in essence (实质上), the four accounts (四福音书), written by the four disciples.弟子 12、The wor

4、d “Testament” means “agreement”, the agreement between God and Man. 13、Bible is representative of Christianity and 新旧约 14、The Old Testament名词解释 The Bible was divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of God. The word “Testament” m

5、eans “agreement”, the agreement between God and Man. 15、The New Testament名词解释 The Bible was divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is about the doctrine (教义) of Jesus Christ. The word “Testament” means “agreement”, the agreement between God and Man. 16、

6、The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, called Pentateuch.摩西五经 17、Pentateuch名词解释 The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, called Pentateuch. Pentateuch contains five books

7、: Genesis (创世记), Exodus (出埃及记), Leviticus(教义记), Numbers (逃亡记), Deuteronomy (摩西遗言记)。 18、Genesis名词解释 Genesis is one of the five books in Pentateuch, it tells about a religious account (描述) of the origin of the Hebrews people, including the origin of the world and of man, the career (经历) of Issac and t

8、he life of Jacob and his son Joseph. 19、Exodus名词解释 Exodus is one of the five books in Pentateuch, it tells about a religious (宗教的) history of the Hebrews during their flight from Egypt, the period when they began to receive Gods Law. Joshua brought the people safely back to canaan. 20、The Fall of Ma

9、n was recorded in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Old Testament, The Bible.21、Noahs Ark was recorded in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Old Testament, The Bible. 22、The Historical Books was divided into seven sections: Books of Joshua Books of Judges Books of Samuel Books of Kings Books of the Chronicles Books of

10、 Ezra Books of Nehemiah. 23、The content of historical Books: 1200B.C. 586 B.C. Dealing with history of the Hebrew people from their entry into Palestine around 1200 B.C., till the fall of Palestine into hands of Assyrians and Chaldeans in 586 B.C. 24、The History Books的内容 The development of system of

11、 landed nobles. The development of monarchy. 君主专制 Establishment of the two Kingdoms. 两大王国的初步形成 (略看) The settlement in the highlands (略看) Age of great prosperity under Saul, David and Solomon. 25、Joshua brought the people safely back to Canaan. 26、The first king to unite the Hebrews was Saul. 27、Davi

12、d established religious capital, Jerusalem to Palestine. 28、The Prophets (先知)名词解释 宣传教义并受神灵庇佑的人 For more than a thousand years in the Middle East there had been a class of people known as “Prophets” or the spokesmen of God. Earlier prophets lived in groups as temple officials. Later on there appeared

13、 in dependent prophet. The Prophets can be grouped into the Major Prophets and Minor Prophets.(分为大小先知) 29、The Book of Daniel名词解释 The Book of Daniel belongs to The Old Testament of the Bible. It tells about the Hebrews being carried away into Babylon. 30、The former body of church was known as Synagog

14、ues. 犹太教的会堂是教堂的前身31、The Pentateuch is the book of Daniel is also called torah. 摩西五经的别称 32、The story about Gods flooding to the human being and only good-virtue being saved was recorded in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Old Testament, the Bible, which was known as Noahs Ark. 33、By 300 A.D.each local church

15、 was called a parish and had a full time leader known as a priest. 34、Several parishes were grouped together into a large unit called diocese, which was headed by a bishop. 35、The most important bishops were called archbishops. (红衣大主教) 36、Towards the end of the fourth century four accounts were accepted as part of the New Testament, which tells the beginning of Christianity. 37、The Birth of Jesus was recorded in Matthew (马塞福音书) 38、All the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations.为什么十四在西方


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