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1、应用:习题精练.单项选择从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.My son is over 1 year.Hes too young to_ himself.A.get dressed B.get dressC.get dressing D.get to dress解析:get dressed穿衣服。句意为:我儿子一岁多,他太小了还不会自己穿衣服。答案:A2.You can take anything from the shelf and read,but please_ the magazines when youve finished reading them.A.

2、put off B.put downC put back D.put on解析:本题考查由put构成的词组,put back放回去;put on穿上,挂起来;put down放下,记下;put off表示延期,使(乘客)下车等。答案:C3.(2010江苏南通九校联考)Flight 331_. Id better be on my way.Goodbye. Bye.Happy landing!A.was announced B.is being announcedC.has announced D.is announcing解析:本题考查动词时态。根据语境“广播中正在播报331航班的登机消息”,

3、所以选is being announced。答案:B4.Excuse me,I want to have my watch fixed,but I cant find a repair shop. I know one nearby._ Ill show you.A.Im sorry. B.Come on.C.Congratulations! D.What can I do for you?解析:come on 用在祈使句中,意为“来吧,走吧,赶快”。答案:B5.We_ and will never take part in such dirty business.A.have never B

4、.had neverC.have never taken part D.never take part解析:此题考查动词时态以及省略的有关知识。从“will never take part”可知这里应该用现在时态。另外,由于“have never taken part”中taken part是过去分词,和其后的take part形式不一样,不能省略。答案:C6.If there were no war,the people of the world should have_ in their daily life.A.a much happier time B.a more happier t

5、imeC.the happier time D.much happiest time解析:此题考查在给定的语境中形容词比较级的用法。这是一个虚拟条件句,暗含着对比,故用比较级。所填处是固定搭配“have a .time”。答案:A7.It was dark.We decided to_ for the night at a farmhouse.A.put away B.put down C.put up D.put on解析:put away收好;保存好;把放在一边;put down 写下;记下;镇压;put up留某人过夜;举起;put on 穿上。依据句意选C项。答案:C8.It_ how

6、 long the shock that explosions hit London transport system will stay in peoples hearts.A.abandons B.considersC.matters D.minds解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:袭击伦敦交通系统所带来的震惊在人们的内心会持续多长时间那是最要紧的。it是形式主语。matter要紧;至关重要。答案:C9.She_ when she heard that her husband had been shot.A.broke up B.broke inC.broke down D.broke off解

7、析:break down意为“支撑不住,身体垮了”,break up 意为“拆散”,break in意为“插嘴”,break off 意为“中断”。根据句意应选C。答案:C10._ many difficulties,the new government has a hard time.A.Faced B.Facing C.Being faced D.To be faced解析:此处facing 为及物动词的现在分词,宾语为so many difficulties,如选A项必须加上 with才正确。答案:B11._ you be young forever!A.Wish B.Hope C.Ma

8、y D.Expect解析:may作情态动词表示祝愿。根据be动词,可排除A、B、D项,因为A项和D项要用wish/expect you to be young forever;而B项要用hope that you are young forever。答案:C12.The smile on her face suggested that she_ happy.A.be B.were C.was D.feel解析:当suggest 作“暗示、表明”时,其宾语从句用陈述语气。答案:C13.My watch has stopped.Cab,can you get it_ for me?A.to goi

9、ng B.going C.go D.gone解析:get 后接现在分词作宾补,表示“起来”;get后接过去分词作宾补,表示“使被”。答案:B14.That company was_ willing to provide us with what we needed,which made us excited.A.no more than B.more thanC.no other than D.much too解析:no more than意思为:仅仅,只不过;more than意思为:远远超过,何止;no other than意思为:只有;正是;much too意思为:太。本句意思为:那家公

10、司非常愿意提供给我们所需要的东西,这使得我们很兴奋。答案:B15.Is there a gas station around_ I can get some petrol?A.which B.whatC.where D.that解析:本题考查定语从句。关系副词在定语从句中作地点状语。本句中around作定语修饰a gas station。答案:C.完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 “Ordinary” was the worst insult(侮辱)Mother could find for anything.I 16 h

11、er taking me shopping and the look of scorn(蔑视)with which she would freeze the 17 when they suggested that some dress or pair of shoes was “very 18 weve sold fifty already this week”.That was all she 19 to hear.“No”,she would say,“were not interested in that.Havent you got something a little more 20

12、 ?”And then the assistant would bring out all the strange colors 21 would buystuff which would have had to be sold off 22 at saletime at the end of the season but for my mother.And later she and I would 23 fiercely because I wanted to be ordinary as desperately(拼命地)as my mother wanted to be unusual. “I cant 24 that hairdo”(she said when I went to the hairdresser with my friend and came back 25 a pageboy haircut straight out of Seventeen magazine),“its so terribly ordinary.”Not ugly,not unsuitable. 26 ordinary Her 27 of or


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