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1、Unit 1Nothing ventured,nothing gained单元概览重要词汇词汇相关提示hook v.着迷于请注意hook还有名词的词性。faith n. 信仰;信任请掌握faith的常见搭配。rank n. 等级;军衔;行列请掌握rank分别用作名词和动词的用法。delay n. 延误,耽搁;被延误或推迟的时间请认真掌握delay的固定搭配;作动词时的用法。grasp v. 抓住;咬住;全面领会请注意grasp还可以用作名词。hold on 坚持住请仔细区别hold on的各种用法及相关搭配。give way (to)妥协;屈服请认真掌握give way (to)的其他含义。g

2、ive off 放出;发出请仔细辨析give out和give off的用法。重点句式1.What do you think sb. do.?你认为某人?What do you think helped them to achieve success in life?你认为是什么帮助他们在生活中取得成功?Who do you think will be sent here to take charge of the company?你认为谁会被派到这儿来管理这公司?Where do you suppose he has gone?你认为他去哪儿呢?How do you think we can

3、 finish our work on time?你认为我们该怎样才能按时完成作业?2.It is/was.that/who.强调句子的某个成分 It was with great excitement one morning in July 1914 that I read this advertisement.是在1914年7月的一天早晨,我兴奋地看到了这则广告。It is Tom who helps us through the woods.是汤姆带我们通过这片树林的。It is because he was late that the teacher punished him.正是因为

4、他迟到了才受到老师的惩罚。It was in the hotel where he stayed that he was caught.他是在所住的宾馆被抓获的。3. .so that.引导结果、目的状语从句 The ice and snow reflected dangerous rays from the sun so that if we didnt wear sun glasses we would suffer from sun-blindness.冰雪反射强烈的阳光,如果不戴上太阳镜,我们就会患上光盲症的。Everybody lent a hand,so that the sowi

5、ng was done in time.大家都来帮忙,结果播种及时地完成了。The Emperor gave a lot of money to the swindlers in advance,so that they might begin their work without any loss of time.那位皇帝提前给这两个骗子很多钱,目的是让他们可以立即开始工作。I came round to the window so that I can see you.我走到窗前以便能看到你。重点语法学习并掌握现在分词作定语的用法。学习并掌握过去分词作定语的用法。学习并掌握定语从句的基本用法。写作要求运用所学过的各种定语形式及词汇、语法知识,叙述一段难忘的经历或描写一个不同寻常的人物故事,能发表感想和评论。2用心 爱心 专心



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