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1、Module5 Unit 1新课标单词用心 爱心 专心betray vt.出卖,背叛primary adj.初步的,初级的;第一位的,主要的academic adj.学习良好的;学术的stupid adj. 笨的,愚蠢的overlook vt. 忽略,忽视;俯瞰cheerful adj. 愉快的,高兴的admit vt& vi. 承认deliberately adv故意地swear vt. 发誓forgive vt. 原谅,宽恕 tease vt. 嘲笑,取笑,奚落friendship n.友dilemma n.进退两难的处境,尴尬的处境,困境,窘境brilliant adj. 优秀的,杰出的

2、;灿烂的;聪明的focus vi& vt.集中注意力;聚焦 n. 焦点,关注点absent-minded adj.心不在焉的afterwards adv然后,后来yell vi.& n.吼叫,大叫mean adj. 刻薄的,卑鄙的,吝啬的guilty 内疚的,有罪的cruel 刻毒的,伤人的;残酷的,残忍的stand vt.容忍,忍让,经受,遭受awkward adj. 别扭的,不自然的;笨拙的outgoing adj. 开朗的;友好的apologize vi. 道歉bitter adj. 怀恨的;苦的;痛苦的unlikely adj. 不太可能的blame vt. 责备,谴责doubt n.

3、 怀疑,疑惑 vt& vi. 怀疑,疑问behaviour n. 行为,举止embarrass vt. 使尴尬,使困窘,使不好意思,使局促不安gifted adj. 有天赋的,有才的strength n. 力量,力气;实力unfair adj. 队友unfair adj. 不公平的stubborn adj. 顽固的,固执的,倔强的disagreement n分歧,意见不同;不调和ruin vt. 破坏,使毁灭delay vi, vt& n. 耽搁,拖延,椎迟persuade vt. 说服,劝晓badminton n. 羽毛球amusement n. 娱乐,消遣amusement park 游乐

4、场circus n. 马戏表演;马戏闭take care 保重,小心,当心daily adj. 每天的,日常的 adv. 每天,天天discourage vt. 阻止,劝阻;discourage vt. 使灰心,使气馁absurd adj. 荒唐的,荒诞的,怪诞的essay n. 短文,论文;散文punishment n.惩罚area n. 地区;区域anxious 焦急的,焦虑的;渴望的suffer vi. 忍受痛片;受损害,受损失practical adj. 实用的,实际的free adj. 免费的 puzzle vt.使困惑,使迷惑不解 absorb vt.吸收,吸引 absorbed

5、adj. 投入的,专注的,全神贯注的 attitude n. 态度,看法 consistent adj. 一致的 worldwide adv. & adj. 全世界(的)adolescent adj. 青春期的 n. 青少年hesitate vi. 犹豫,迟疑不决respond vi. 做出反应,回应,回答hesitation n. 犹豫,迟疑不决regardless adv.不管,不顾课文出现短语1. get along with2. be worth sth/doing sth3. be worried about4. be proud of5. feel like (doing sth)

6、6. be determined to do sth7. stare at8. as a result of9. be/get angry with sb10. yell at11. keep on doing sth12. cant stand doing sth13. cant help doing sth14. go on to do sth15. be ashamed of16. in public17. avoid doing sth18. before long19. as well20. stay up21. for sure22. make it23. come up with

7、24. rather than25. would ratherthan26. cant wait to do sth27. put off (doing) sth28. it is no use/good doing29. on the other hand30. look out for31. be strict with sb32. blame sb for sth33. be absorbed in34. in the world35. attitude towards36. without hesitation37. share sth with sb38. be based on/u

8、pon39. regardless of40. be responsible for一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化1. You have every right to feel b_ by your friend if she did tell your secret to others, but it seems unlikely that she did.2. Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we are both very _ (学术的)and like to study, but w

9、e like it that way.3. We went to wash our hands in the girls toilets before lunch and I a_ how badly I had done.4. I thought that Hannah must have d_ told everyone about my mark after promising not to.5. I dont think I can even f_ her. Now Ive lost my best friend and everyone _ (取笑) me.6. He kept on

10、 saying really mean things to hurt me. I feel really _ (内疚的) because I said some really cruel things too.7. Since the match, he hasnt spoken to me even though we sit next to each other in class. Its really _ (别扭的,不自然的)8. The things he said hurt me too, but he has not a_ to me.9. However, if you feel

11、 that she is very bad at keeping secrets and likes to e_ you in public, youd better find a new friend.10. Although you both said mean things to each other, one of you has to be first to say sorry. Dont be s_ .11. Dont let a small _ (分歧) ruin your friendship.12. We will listen to your problems and of

12、fer you _ (实用的)advice.13. Boys and girls have different a_ towards friendship.14. These results have been _ (一致的) worldwide.15. It has also been shown that many _ (青春期的) boys cant name a single best friend.16. There are some things about Amanda and her friends that _ (使困惑)Robert.17. She says I spend

13、 an _ (不合理的) amount of time online.18. Mum says I had better pass my exams, or she will sell the computer as _(惩罚).19. I suppose we just have to realize: boys _ activities, while girls share feelings.20. _ of what these friendships are based upon, shared feelings and activities, the important thing

14、to remember is that both of them are friendships. 二词形转换1. cheerful (adj.)- _ (v.) n 2. admit (v.) - _(n.)3. deliberately (adv.)- _ (adj.) 4. cruel (adj.) - _ (n.)5. apologize (v.) - _ (n.) 6. embarrass (v.) - _(adj.) _(adj.)7. strength (n.) - _ (adj.) _(adv.) 8. unfair (adj.) - _ (反)9. disagreement (n.) _ (反) _ (v.)10.amusement (n.)- _(v.) _(adj.) _ (adj.) 11. discourage (v.)- _(adj.)_(adj.)12. anxious (a


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