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1、培优卷2020年 人教PEP版英语三年级下册 情景交际( )1.新学期,当你返校时,老师会说:A. Welcome back to school! B.Nice to meet you?( )2你说你喜欢吃水果,你想问你的新朋友是不是也喜欢,可以问:A. How are you? B.What about you?( )3你想告诉对方你从哪里来,会说:A. Im from China. B.Where are you from?( )4星期天你约同学出去玩,出门前妈妈对你说:A. Have some fruit. B.Have a good time.( )5老师向你介绍新转来的同学莉莉,你会

2、说:A. Welcome! BGoodbye!( )6你想知道远处那个女孩是谁,会说:A. Whos that boy? B.Whos that girl?( )7你的生日,爸爸送给你一个生日礼物,他叫你打开看看,应该说:A. Open and look. B.()pen it and see.( )8写作业时,你发现你的钢笔不见了,你会说:A. Where is my eraser? B.Where is my pen?( )9你想吃些西瓜,你会问妈妈:A. Have some watermelons. B.Can I have some watermelons?( )10。你想知道对方看见

3、多少本书,会说:A. How many books do you have?B.How many books do you see?二、单项选择。( )1.- _ - Shes from the UK.A. Whos that woman? B.Where is she from?( )2- _ -No, he isnt.A. Is she your teacher? B.Is he your grandfather?( )3. -Wheres your boat? -_A. Its on the chair. B.Its from China.( )4.-_ -No, I dont.A. I

4、s it in your bag? B. Do you like oranges?( )5. -I dont like watermelons. -_A. Me, too. B. Me, neither.( )6. -Lets have a race. -_A. Good idea. B. Thank you.( )7. -_-Its fat and it has a big nose.A. Look at the duck. B. Look at the pig.( )8. -Can I have some strawberries? -_A. Sure. Here you are. B.

5、Thank you.( )9. -Ten and eight makes nineteen. -_A. Yes, it is. B. No, ten and eight makes eighteen.( )10.- _ -I have twenty.A. How many kites do you see? B. How many cats do you have?三、看图,根据情景选择合适的句子补全对话。1A: Whos that man?B:_2A: Tina!_B: Great!3A: Welcome back!_B: Nice to see you, too.4A: Wow! Hes

6、so tall!B:_5.A:_B: I have five.6A: Where are you?_B: No!A.Nice to see you again. B. Hes my father.C. How many balloons do you have? D. Lets buy some fruit.E. And he has two long legs. F. Under the desk?四、用数字将下列两组句子排成通顺的对话。(一)( )I have eleven good friends.( )No, he isnt. He,s my friend.( 3 )How many

7、friends do you have?( )Wow, you have so many friends!( )Look. Is he your brother?(二)( )Oh, yes. Thanks, Dad.( )Is it under the chair?( ) Open it and see!( )Where is my gift(礼物),Dad?( )Wow!A toy bear! Its so big.五、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话,将其序号写在横线上。(一)Sarah: Mike, this is Tina. 1._Mike: Nice to meet you.Tina:

8、2._Mike: 3._Tina: Im from Canada.Mike: Oh, I like your country. 4._Tina: Thank you. 5._Mike: Sure. Here you are.A. Can I have some water?B. Have some apples !C. Where are you from?D. Nice to meet you, too.E. Shes my new friend.(二)John: Lets play with toys!Sam: 1._John:Oh, I cant find(找到) my toy cars

9、.Sam: 2._John: I have eleven. The blue one is my favourite(最爱的).Sam: Look! 3._John:Oh, yes! 4. _ Do you like my car?Sam: 5._ Its so nice!A. Yes, I do.B. How many cars do you have?C. Is it in your toy box?D. Good idea !E. Silly me !六、根据图片,完成对话,每篇有两个多余选项。(一)A. Yes, she has two big eyes. B. Hes tall an

10、d thin.C. Whos this woman? D. Hes tall and fat.E. Hes my teacher. F. Shes short and fat.G. Come here, children.(二)A. No, it isnt. B. How many pears do you want?C.Can I have your pears? D. Oh, Im full.E. What about you? F. No, I dont.情景交际一、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9B 10.B二、1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9B 10.B三、1B 2D 3A 4E 5C 6F四、(一)4 2 3 5 1(二)3 2 4 1 5五、(一)1E 2D 3C 4B 5A(二)1.D 2B 3C 4E 5A六、(一)1G 2C 3A 4D 5E(二)1.E 2B 3F 4C 5D



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