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1、催促迫使英语怎么说build a fire under sb讲解:build是动词,有“构成,形成,使成为”的意思,build fire就是“生火”的意思,build a fire under sb字面意思是“在某人的脚下点把火”,引申为“催促某人行动起来”。支持范例:Eg.The landlord built a fire under the poor peasants for the debt.地主催促可怜的农民还债。Eg.Dont build a fire under us for an answer to your request.不要催促我答复你们的请求。Eg.They are bu

2、ilding a fire under them to take an action.他们催促他采取行动。Eg.The boss built a fire under his employee to make an explanation to it.老板催促他的雇员对这件事做出解释。英语情景对话:A:Hurry up! Time is money!快点!时间就是金钱。B:Dont build a fire under me. I know the importance of time.别催我,我知道时间的重要性。A:But you are too slow to follow them.但是

3、你太慢了,跟不上他们。B:Dont you see Im trying my best?你没看见我正在尽力吗?英语学习笔记:1.hurry up:赶快,快点Eg.Hurry up, or well be too late to get anything to eat.快走吧, 再晚了就吃不上饭了。Eg.Hurry up or we will miss the train.快点儿,不然我们就赶不上火车了。Eg.Let s hurry up so that we may finish the work in time.咱们快一点,好及时完成任务。Eg.Well have to hurry up i

4、f we want to finish it today.想今天完活,我们就得抓紧点儿了。2.too. to.:太.而不能.Eg.He is too young to bear the misery.他年纪太小了不能承受这样的痛苦。Eg.Mary is too stupid to get through the final exam.Mary智力太差了,不能通过期末考试。Eg.The manage is too busy to have a talk to you about your salary.经理太忙了,没法和你谈你的薪水问题。3.try ones best:尽力,努力Eg.I try my best, but the coach finds fault with everything I do.我已经尽力了,但是教练仍然百般对我做的每一件事挑剔。Eg.Ill try my best to procure you that original French novel.我将尽全力给你搞到那本原版法国小说。Eg.We have been trying our best to come up with a solution.我一直在竭力相处一个解决办法。


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