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1、 高一英语备课组预习学案(16)预习目标:Learn some important points and sentences.预习自测:1. The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.in that 在于、原因是、因为Traditional Chinese sports are similar to the Western sports in that both are m

2、eant to improve peoples health.2. According to, a man named Cang Jie 句中named Cang Jie 为过去分词短语作后置定语 Eg ;He is a man liked by all. Those chosen as team members must be at 7 a.m. tomorrow. I bought some painted chairs.拓展:单个的过去分词作定语放在名词前,短语放在名词后。3. Not all characters were developed from. Not all charact

3、ers“并不是所有的汉字”表部分否定。英语中的all, both, every, ereryboby, everything, complet, completely, always, whole, wholly, entirely, altogether等具有总括意义的代词、形容词、副词与not 连用,构成部分否定,表示“不都,并非都”的意思。 Eg: Not all of them know the answer.=All of them dont know the answer. 并不是他们中所有的人都知道答案。 The rich are not always happy. 有钱人并非总

4、是幸福的。 注意:表示全部否定要用none, no, neither 等 Eg: None of them knows the answer.他们中没有人知道答案。 即境活用:In our daily life, money is very important in a way, but it isnt_. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing.4. indicate vt. 1) 指示;指出 He indicated to me where I should sit. The light above the elevator in

5、dicated that the elevator was then at the fifteenth floor.2) 表明;象征;暗示 A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day. A red sky at night indicates that the following day will be fine.5. While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practic

6、al use. 一般来说, “of +(抽象)名词”相当于该名词的形容词,常用作表语或定语,意为“具有,拥有、”。常用在这一结构中的名词有importance, help, value, interest, benefit 等。即境活用: Todays meeting is very important for us. =_. Your advice is of great value to us.从所给的短语中选择适当的填入横线over time according to differ from in that this way turn into as a whole develop in

7、to1Old English _ greatly _ the modern English we use today.2. Life on the island has changed _ because of the growing number of tourists who visit it every year.3. _ the tickets, the train will leave at 8:30. Wed better hurry to get to the station on time! 4. She said it was the teachers praise and

8、encouragement that _ her _ a good student.5. Install this spell check software on your computer. You will avoid making spelling mistakes_.6. Considering your idea _, I think it will contribute significantly to the development of the company. However, it may cause some problems as well.7. I was lucky

9、 _ I was able to find what I wanted.当场训练:一、 首字母填空:1. We Chinese have friends t the world.2. A large v is a must if you want to learn a language well.3. Both English and French are o languages of Canada.4. Overwork, little rest and poor food all c to his illness.5. A well written article should have

10、both a good beginning and a good e .6. The word “not” is p differently in the UK and the USA.7. Our school is a non-smoking one. So smoking is b in our school. 8. She smiled to me, i that she had seen me.9. The blacks are fighting against r discrimination.10.Taiwan is separated from m of China by Ta

11、iwan Strait.二根据中文填空1. There are 30 persons injured in the road accident, the driver _ (包括).2. We have _ (经历) many tests in our life.4. Chinese words are often formed by _ (结合) different characters.5. Everyone thinks that it _ (不同于) from many Western languages. 6. It is easy for us to understand the

12、_ (简化的) Chinese characters.7. There are many other examples _ (反映) the development of Chinese writing.8. This house is so old that it is impossible to find its _ (原来的) owner.9. Good health _ (取决于) on good food and exercise.10. The national flag should be _ (升起) every day.三 选词填空 adopt depend on contr

13、ibute to differ from reflect take control of turn into ban as a whole indicate 1. A red sky at night _ fine weather the following day.2. Many factors _ the development of the company in the past few years.3. She can see her face _ in the mirror, which becomes pale day after day.4 It is certain that

14、the little girl will _ a beauty someday.5. To ensure the safety of students, the school _ students from running on busy roads outside the school.6. John _ the business when his father retired.7. We should _ ourselves rather than on others, including our parents.8. Considering your idea _, I think it will be beneficial to our company.9. What is known to all is that cultures _


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