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1、北京市延庆县2016高考英语二轮任务型阅读类基础精练(2)共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Do you know what a big dream is? 71 Or, is a big dream something that provides only entertainment? Children dream big dreams, but there are three barriers to realizing dreams. They often kill them before they ever

2、 have a chance to grow. The Self Immediately following the birth of a big dream, a negative self-talk takes over and gives all the reasons why it cannot happen. This inside voice is the ego(自我). Its there for protecting and should be listened to. 72 Most people are influenced by the inside voice. Th

3、ats why only a handful of people make their dream come true. 73 Family and friends are a lot like the ego. They want to protect those they love, so they will often list all the reasons why the big dreams wont come true. Sometimes, family and friends destroy dreams of those they love most, out of the

4、ir own fear of being left behind.The World If one gets past the first two barriers, one has to face the world. 74 In the past, big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world. Fortunately, in most of the world today, big dreamers just get laughed at.The way to

5、 realize a big dream is with confidence and action. When children have confidence and then take action, they will be ready to accept any failure. The truth is that every great dreamer whose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well. 75 A. Family and Friends B. How Big Dreams Die

6、 C. Does a big dream show ones future ? D. They simply fail until they succeed. E. Sometimes it is right, but more often it is wrong F. It is the last and the most terrible barrier.G. And their big dream is to be a rock star or a famous artist.【参考答案】7175、CEAFD【天津市2014高考英语六校第三次联考试题】 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满

7、分10分)阅读短文,并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, was born in Kingfish, Oklahoma on March 29, 1918. He was raised in Missouri where he worked in his fathers store while attending school. This was his first retailing (零售业) experience and he really enjoyed it. After graduation, he began hi

8、s own career as a retail merchant.He soon opened his first Wal-Mart store in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas. Wal-Mart specialized in name brands at low prices and Sam Walton was surprised at the success. Soon a chain of Wal-Mart stores sprang up across rural America.Waltons management style was popular wi

9、th employees and he founded some of the basic concepts of management that are still in use today.After taking the company public in 1970, Walton introduced his “profit sharing plan”. The profit sharing plan was a plan for Wal-Mart employees to improve their income dependent on the profits of the sto

10、re. Sam Walton believed that “individuals dont win, teams do”. Employees at Wal-Mart stores were offered stock options (认股权) and store discounts. These benefits are commonplace today, but Walton was among the first to implement (实现) them. Walton believed that a happy employee meant happy customers a

11、nd more sales. He also believed that by giving employees a part of the company and making their success dependent on the companys success, they would care about the company.By the 1980s, Wal-Mart had sales of over one billion dollars and over three hundred stores across North America. Wal-Marts uniq

12、ue decentralized (分散的) distribution system, also Waltons idea, created theedgeneeded to further encourage growth in the 1980s during growing complaints that the “superstore” was stopping smaller and traditional stores from developing. By 1991, Wal-Mart was the largest US retailer with 1,700 stores.

13、Walton remained active in managing the company, as president and CEO until 1988 and chairman until his death. He was awarded the Medal of Freedom shortly before his death.56. What does the underlined word “it” in Para.1 refer to? (No more than 5 words)57. How did Waltons first Wal-mart store achieve

14、 success? (No more than 10 words)58. What is the purpose of Waltons carrying out “profit sharing plan”? (No more than 15 words)59. Why were employees at Wal-mart stores offered stock options? (No more than 10 words)60. Are you in favor of Waltons management style? And why? (No more than 20 words)【参考

15、答案】阅读表达:(得分等级分四档:2分;1.5分;1分;0分)56. His first retailing experience.57. By specializing in name brands at low prices.58. To improve Wal-Mart employees income dependent on the profits of the store.59. Because they would care about the company. / Because it would make them happy and promote sales. 60. (

16、Open).【湖南省怀化市2014高考英语一模试题】Section B (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage. We lived in a very quiet neighborhood. One evening I heard a loud crash in the street. Earlier that evening my wife had asked me to go to the store to get some soft drinks. It


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