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1、(备战2014)高中英语 第一季 口语对话一天一练48素材迷你对话:A:Sam, we are hard up for the everyday expenses. When can you find a job.Sam,我们已经穷得揭不开锅了。你什么时候才能找到工作呀?B:Im looking for it, but you see, the market ishard upfor jobs, too.我正在找呀,可是你瞧,根本就没有哪里要人。A:You liar, I saw you again in the inn. I bet you dont want to work at all.

2、你这个骗子,我看见你又进酒馆了。你根本就不想工作。词海拾贝:1.hard up:一贫如洗讲解:该习语在口语中是“奇缺”,尤其是指“缺钱”。如果缺的是“钱以外”的东西,一般用hard up for。支持范例:Eg.Ever since I lost my job, I have been hard up.自从失业后,我的手头很紧。Eg.Sometimes, when they were very hard up, they sold something.有时他们穷得实在过不下去了,只好卖掉些东西。Eg.My parents were hard up during the 1930s but no

3、w they are well-off.在三十年代,我的双亲经济拮据,但现在他们很富有。Eg.If you are hard up, I can advance you some money.你如果缺钱,我可以借贷一些钱给你。2.hard up for:缺乏,缺少Eg.Shes hard up for ideas.她想不出主意。Eg.The company is hard up for new ideas.这家公司缺乏新的构想。Eg.The country is hard up for technicians and doctors.乡村急需技术人员和医生。3.in the inn:在酒馆里4.not at all:一点也不,根本不Eg.Its not at all certain.那根本不能肯定。Eg.Its not at all that bad.这根本没有那么坏。Eg.He is not at all alive to the danger he is in.他完全没有意识到他处境的危险。5.I bet.我肯定Eg.I bet you will have a bright future if you work hard.如果你努力学习,我敢肯定你将会有一个美好的未来。1


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