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1、Unit 19Unit 20知识要点聚焦1重点词汇单词:merchant, crown, deny, mercy, enemy, responsible, weakness,judgement,gentleman,greeting,envy,troublesome, accuse,fortune,merciful,bargain,bless,legal,deed,surgeon, requirement,declare,court,justice,therefore,worthy,punishment, punish,kindness,order,sword,complex,decoratio

2、n,pin, clothing, dozen,tend,approximately,average,statue,remote,distant,quantity, accompany, vast, square短语:pay back,have mercy on,go about,as far as I know,after all,tear up,at the mercy of,go down on ones knees,tend to,in terms of,in the eyes of,lend a hand,serve as,dig up 2重点句型 The Duke asked Shy

3、lock to be reasonable. Bssanio asked if all men killed the things they didnot love. It is certain that the man in the grave spent his youth in central Europe. It has been proved that the copper knives came from Spain and western France. 3交际用语 Correct me if Im wrong,but . One of the most important fa

4、cts is.You could,for example, . As far as I know,.I wonder what/who. That may be difficult to find out重点考点精释 1. mercy n怜悯;仁慈 have mercy on sb/show mercy to/sb.宽恕某人 without mercy毫不怜悯地;无情地!at the mercy of任凭的摆布 May God have mercy on their souls They showed mercy to the defeated enemy. The judge threw h

5、im into prison without mercy Nature used to have us at its mercy.2. go/get down on ones knees跪下;屈膝 Never go down on ones knees before enemy He got down on his knees and begged for mercy3. cut off割,切;停止 Be careful not to cut your fingers(off) He cut off some branches from the tree. They cut off all m

6、edical/supplies to/for that area4. envy n.vt. 羡慕;嫉妒envy n. envy n. n. My success excited his envy John envied his friends success I envy you your good fortune5. leave vt. 使处于某种状态leave n. adjleave ndoingleave n. done leave n. as 从句 Yond better leave all the windows open Did you leave the doors and wi

7、ndows locked? Im sorry to have left you waiting, outside in the rain. Dont touch my writing-tableLeave it as it is 辨析leave/forget leave忽略做某事,忘记带某一物品。 forget遗忘某事在头脑中原本留存的概念或印象,表示记忆的缺失: The child left his toy car in the park I forget his name. Did you forget that I was coming? 6. tend vt,倾向于;趋向 tend t

8、o do倾向做某事 tend to/towards趋于 The local people tend to be unfriendly to strangers. I tend to go to bed earlier during the winter. The sort of music he listens to varies,but tends to popular music.He tends towards extreme views.7. allow短语Allow for考虑到;体谅 allow of允许 You should always allow for the possib

9、ility that it might rain He often makes mistakes,but we must allow for his youth and inexperience. Such conduct allows of no excuse. The matter allows of no further explanation8. remote adj遥远的;偏僻的 They came to Peking from the remotest parts of our country They found a lot of cultural relics of remot

10、e ages in my village It is remote visage in the nulls9have短语 Have a history of 有的历史Have a population of 有人口Have an area of 有面积 China has a population of 13 billion and a history of thousands of years. The city has a population of 15 million and an area of 105 square kilometers10accompany vt陪伴,陪同;伴奏,

11、伴唱 They may swim provided that an adult accompanies them. He offered to accompany a foreign visitor to the airport. She would accompany him wherever her husband went. Teachers tend to accompany their speech with gestures. Who will accompany me on the violin? The pianist accompanied her singing 11. n

12、ow that既然 Now that you are here,let,s have a discussion over the question. Now that youve come,you may as well stay. Now that you are reading the article,lets stop discussion for a while. Now that/seeing that/in that.高考样题例释1. (2004年广东)The great success of this program has been due to the support giv

13、en by the local businessmen. Arather B. very C. quickly D. largely 【解析】答案为D。largely due to表示“主要因为”,注意副词与不同形容词的固定搭配。 2(2003年北京)Im sorry I stepped outside for a smokeI was very tired There is no for this while you are on duty. A. reason Bexcuse C. cause Dexplanation【解析】答案为B。reason原因,理由;excuse借口;cause起

14、 因,原因;explanation解释。根据语境可知,B为最佳答案。3(2000年上海)It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to Areward Bprizes C. awards Dresults 【解析】答案为A。reward 指因为做出了努力得到的“报偿” prize指竞赛或抽彩中“奖品”或“奖赏”;award指因为竞赛获胜或工作成绩卓著而获得的 “奖赏”或”荣誉”;result结果。句意:人们普遍认为,婴儿之所以学会做事是因为某些行为会得到赞赏。单选高考模拟1. It is reported that Americans eat much protein(蛋白质)every day They eat as they actually need A. twice as much Bas twice much C. much as twice Das much twice2Well,its a long storyPlease be patient Excuse me, if your calls not too urgent(紧急的),do you mind mine first? A. I make B.


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