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1、中国南玻集团股份有限公司精细玻璃事业部机械工程师招聘试题 考试日期: 年 月 日姓名 得分 年龄 学历 毕业学校 专业 现在单位 联系电话 一、 单位换算:1、 1Mpa=( )kg/cm2=( )bar(巴)2、 1英尺=( )英寸; 1英寸=( )厘米3、 1托=( )pa=( )mbar4、 120=( )=( )K5、 1千瓦=( )马力二、 有一真空室,其上盖为一圆板,直径1米。真空室内的绝对压力为310-6大气压。请计算上盖所受的总压力。三、 填空:1、 生产线有一部件需要无磁,耐温350,合适钢种为( )。2、 若有一45#钢轴需综合机械性能,应采用( )热处理。既( )加( )

2、。温度约为( )。3、 单相电机利用( )作为起动的手段。三相电机的起动电流(异步)约为正常运转电流的( )倍。4、 所谓PLC即是( )。用于( )。5、 空调机主要由( )、( )、( )、( ) 、( )等组成。其工质一般为( ),填充压力( )Mpa。工作过程大致是:6、 RZ25=( ); 7=Ra( )。7、0.2A表示以( )为( ),( )误差为( ). 0.1A-B表示以( )为( ),( )误差为( )。8、 模数为2,齿数为20的齿轮,其齿轮分度圆半径为( )。9、 301轴承表示( )轴承,( )系列,内径为( )mm。 6205表示( )轴承,( )系列,内径为( )

3、mm。10、 对于高温高速中使用的滚动轴承,润滑脂应采用( )。润滑脂应占轴承空间的( )。11、 三角皮带张紧力的调节:对A型带,在皮带中部用手指压以3-4公斤力,皮带下压距离以( )毫米为正常( )。12、 齿形带传动的特点有:( )13、 75 H7/g6表示基( )制( )配合。轴径为( )mm ( )级精度。孔的下偏差为( )mm,孔的精度等级为( )级。13润滑油的主要用途为( ),( ),( ),( ),( )。14、 轴的设计要点为( )。 15、图纸上未注公差一般按IT( )级,长度尺寸偏差取( ),外形尺寸偏差取( ),内孔/腔尺寸偏差取( ), 16. 形状公差与尺寸公差

4、的关系是( ),同一要素的形状公差与位置公差的关系是( ) 四请设计出一个快慢进直线运动的气动系统图。五 说出生产线上使用的压缩空气的预处理过程,你能知道的空气压缩机有哪些种类。六 叙述润滑油分类,适用范围,润滑油的使用方法。七 请叙述常用轴承的分类,代号意义(从倒数第一开始说明)。八 请画出Fe-Fe3C合金状态图及大致说明每个区域组织状态。九 说明为什么斜齿比直齿好?十 试写出一个矩型横断面的均匀长杆的抗弯模量。十一 将下面两段英文翻译成中文(可选一段也行)Turbo molecular Pumps (涡轮分子泵)Resembling a jet engine, a turbo pump

5、has a stack of rotors, each with multiple, angled blades which drive at very high tangential speed. Gas molecules, hit by the underside of the angled blades, move with momentum in the direction of the higher pressure exhaust.Turbo pumps come in two basic designs. In the SNECMA design (named after a

6、French jet-engine manufacturer) all gas enters through the main flange at the visible single-end of the pump; the Pfeiffer (named after the original turbo pumps manufacturer) double-ended design, has two rotors set-mounted on a common axle. Gas enters the pump through a right angle port between the

7、two rotor sets and exits into an exhaust manifold connecting the two ends of the pump.For normal commercially-available pumps, pumping speeds range from approximately 20 L/s to 3,000 L/s (although some turbo pumps manufactured in Russia are quoted with pumping speeds of 20,000 L/s). All gases are pu

8、mped at roughly the same rate. One pump, for example, listed with 450 L/s for nitrogen, has a pumping speed for hydrogen of 310 L/s.When selecting a turbo molecular pump, consider not only the rate of pumping, but also compression ratio (CR). Lets look at an example:ApplicationsTurbomolecular pumps

9、are used in a wide variety of high vacuum applications - any that demand clean, truly oil-free vacuum between 10-4 and 10-10 Torr. The single-ended pump is frequently chosen to replace a comparably sized diffusion pump in existing systems. Versions made from materials that withstand chemical attack

10、when pumping corrosive gases find extensive application in semiconductor processing, particularly those using reactive gas plasmas. For truly oil-free systems, choose magnetically levitated turbo pumps. They can work with an oil-free piston pump or in some circumstances, with a diaphragm pump. The i

11、nitial cost of a turbo pump is higher than a diffusion pump with similar pumping speed. But the lack of need for external components (see Technical Notes ), the turbo pumps lower running costs, and the almost negligible chance that clumsy operation will cause an expensive vacuum disaster, make the t

12、urbo pump the first choice for many users. (We do not recommend turbo pumps for systems generating dust or particulate matter, nor where the induced micro-vibrations might upset precise positioning, e.g. electron microscopes, micro-surface analysis, atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopes.) Turbo pumps find applications in processes involving:


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