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1、课时跟踪检测(三) Discovering Useful Structures.用适当的关系词填空1Frederick William , to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.2I saw a house, the windows of which were broken.3The first thing that he did after arriving home was doing his homework.4She has two sons, both of whom graduated from Harvar

2、d University.5This is the watch which/that I am looking for.6It is the tallest building that Daming has seen ever since he came here.7This is the man that/which my father bought a new bike for.8She said she would do anything that could help her mother recover from the disease.9Anyone who has helped

3、to save the drowning girl is worth praising.10The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely.单句写作1这就是我在这儿旅行时住过的旅馆。This_is_the_very_hotel_(that)_I_stayed_at_when_I_was_travelling_here.2他是我们大家都愿意向其学习的人。He_is_a_man_whom_we_are_all_ready_to_learn_from.3苏珊就是那个我们要送给她书的女孩。Susan_is_the_girl_who

4、_we_will_send_books_to.4她是唯一通过考试的女孩。She_is_the_only_girl_who_has_passed_the_exam.5我们在学生中进行了一次调查,78%的学生投票支持Lee来当班长。We_made_a_survey_among_the_students,_78%_of_whom_vote_Lee_their_monitor.6毕业以后,他回到那个他长大的小镇上。After_graduation_he_returned_to_the_small_town_in_which_he_grew_up.用定语从句合并句子1Do you know the ma

5、n? The man spoke to the headmaster just now.Do you know the man who/that_spoke_to_the_headmaster_just_now?2I have seen the film. Theyre talking about the film.I have seen the film that/which_theyre_talking_about.3The day came at last. We have been looking forward to the day.The day that_we_have_been

6、_looking_forward_to came at last. 4My grandparents live in the biggest house. It is more than 100 years old.My grandparents live in the biggest house that_is_more_than_100_years_old.5We settled down in a small village.In front of the village ran a winding river. We settled down in a small village, i

7、n_front_of_which ran a winding river.6She has three sons.All of her sons are abroad now. She has three sons, all_of_whom are abroad now.7There are sixty students in our class.Thirty of the students in our class are girls. There are sixty students in our class, thirty_of_whom are girls.8The man is ki

8、nd. The headmaster introduced him to us yesterday.The man the_headmaster_introduced to us yesterday is kind. .选词填空1I hope that the little thing that I have been able to do has been of some use. (that/which)2The book he had been looking for was found. (不填/for )3The bike and its rider that had knocked

9、 down the boy were taken to the police. (that/which)4This is the very letter that I am looking for. (that/which)5I like this activity I used to take part in. (in/不填)6This is the best hotel in the city that I know. (that/which)7The lady who you spoke to is a woman scientist. (不填/to)8This is the third

10、 week that the dustmen havent come for the rubbish. (that/which)9He hasnt got enough money with which he can buy the computer. (that/which)10The foreigner my father bought several books for came over. (for/to).语法填空My daughters birthday is May 29. As it was Monday, we preferred to celebrate it earlie

11、r on Saturday. On Friday the _1_ (entirely) family were busy packing the presents and putting funny pins on them. I promised my little princess that I would wake her up early in the morning _2_ distribute the presents to her classmates.I woke up at 5:30 when I realized that _3_ earthquake struck. I

12、woke my husband up and asked him _4_ (carry) my daughter and ran out. We were watching our house shaking from outside. However, as we _5_ (plan), I went to my daughters school but no one was there except the teacher _6_ warned us to get back to our house as a tsunami might come soon._7_ (return) to

13、my house, I began to wonder about the presents: to whom we should deliver? After several _8_ (discuss), we decided to give them to the children in hospital. Entering the hospital, I was really shocked. There were _9_ (thousand) of people bleeding and lying outside the rooms. Up came a boy with a ban

14、dage on his head. _10_ (quick) I handed over one present to him. He received it and then ran to his mom excitedly. His eyes glittered (闪闪发光), which I cannot ever forget. I cried silently while continuing to distribute the presents to other children.答案:1.entire2.and3.an4.to carry5.had planned6who7.Re

15、turning8.discussions9.thousands10.Quickly.完形填空In the midst of the deadly wildfires that spread across California this summer, a(n) _1_ friendship was developed between a cat and a chicken who stayed together to survive the fire.The Grass Valley firefighters _2_ the pair on their second day of cleaning up during the Carr Fire in a _3_ in the Redding area, California.“The _4_ had survived the deadly fire finding _5_ in each other in the doorway of a home,” Grass Valley Fire Chief Mark Buttron said. Buttron shared a heartwarming _6_ of the pair staying togethe


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