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1、场所: 奥运 | 话题: 举重王芳How many gold medals do you think the Chinese weightlifting team will win at the Beijing Olympics? 你觉得中国举重队在北京奥运会上能拿多少块金牌? 赵伟5 or so. They have won 5 gold medals during the past two Olympics. 五块左右吧。他们上两次奥运会拿到的都是五块。 王芳Ng, the Chinese weightlifting team is pretty good, especially the

2、women. 嗯,中国举重队还是挺强的,特别是女队员。 赵伟Yeah. Since womens weightlifting became an Olympic sport, they have always performed extremely well. 是啊。从女子举重被列为奥运项目以来,她们的表现就一直非常好。 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 乒乓球李强Do you think that we could win all of the gold medals in ping-pong during the Beijing Olympics? 你觉得在北京奥运会上我们能包揽乒乓球的所有金牌吗

3、? 赵伟I hope so, but its hard to say. 希望如此,但不好说。 李强Why? 为什么? 赵伟The South Korean, Swedish, and Japanese athletes are strong competitors. 因为韩国、瑞典和日本队都是我们强有力的对手。 李强Yes, but I believe when the best players face-off, the matches will be awesome. 嗯,不过我相信高手对阵,比赛一定很精彩。 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 买票赵亮Do you have tickets to

4、the Olympics? 你有奥运门票吗? 汤姆No. Do you know where I can buy them from? 没有。你知道哪儿能买到吗? 赵亮Yeah, I bought mine online. 嗯,我在网上订购的。 汤姆Which site did you use? 在哪个网站订的? 赵亮The official ticket website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 2008年奥林匹克运动会官方票务网站。 汤姆Is there any other way? 还有其他办法购票吗? 赵亮You can also buy t

5、hem at the gate. 你也可以现场购买。 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 会徽王芳Do you like the emblem for the Beijing Olympic Games? 你喜欢北京奥运会的会徽吗? 刘丽Of course. The red emblem is reminiscent of a Chinese seal. 当然啦,你看,会徽的红色底色就像是中国印。 王芳The Jing character is shaped like an athlete, its very dynamic. 那个“京”字就像个运动员,很有动感。 刘丽Beijing 2008 in E

6、nglish also embodies the beauty of Chinese calligraphy. “北京 二零零八”的英文也体现了中国书法的美感呢。 王芳Its really creative. 真的是太有创意了。 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 体操 陈红Do you know who Liu Xuan is? 你知道刘璇吗? 孙雪Yes, I know who she is. She has won a gymnastics medal. 知道啊。她拿过奥运会的体操冠军。 陈红I like her so much, but she has already retired. 我很喜欢

7、她,但是她已经退役了。 孙雪What a shame. 好可惜啊。 陈红Well, the good news is that she has become a gymnastics judge. 不过,她现在转做体操比赛的评委了。 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 冬奥会韩美美The Olympics is coming to China in 2008. We have been waiting for it for 17 years. 零八年奥运终于要来到中国了,我们等了足足十七年哪。 海伦Every country is crazy about hosting Olympic Games. 每

8、个国家都渴望获得奥运会的举办权。 韩美美Yeah, I still remember the excitement when we won the bid for the 2008 Olympics. 嗯,08申奥成功时的激动,我现在都还记得呢。 海伦I feel happy for you. We also won the bid for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. 太替你们高兴了。我们也赢得了二零一零年冬奥会的举办权。 韩美美I dont get why the Winter Games are held separately. 不知道为什么冬奥会要分开办

9、? 海伦Because winter sports become very popular, and there are more and more events. Holding the Games together would require too much time. 因为冰雪运动越来越普及,项目也越来越多,一起办时间太长了。 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 击剑 李强I like fencing very much. 我很喜欢看击剑比赛。 赵伟Me too. And the Chinese fencing team is great. 我也是。而且中国击剑队也挺棒的。 李强But its

10、a pity that they havent won a gold medal in over 20 years. 不过可惜的是,他们已经二十多年没拿过金牌了。 赵伟When was the last time they won the gold medal? 上次是什么时候拿的金牌? 李强The 1984 Games in Los Angeles. That was Chinas first gold medal in fencing. 是在一九八四年的洛杉矶奥运会上。那是中国的第一枚击剑金牌。 赵伟I hope that China will be awarded a gold meda

11、l again at the Beijing Olympics. 希望在北京奥运会上中国击剑队能够再次夺冠。 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 历史张磊Dad, where was the first Olympics held? 爸爸,第一届奥运会是在哪儿举办的? 爸爸In Athens, Greece. 是在希腊的雅典。 张磊And when was it held? 是什么时候举办的? 爸爸In 1896. 一八九六年。 张磊So the Olympics has a history of over 100 years? 那奥运会不是已经有一百多年的历史了? 爸爸Yes, and it will

12、 be held in Beijing next year. Im really looking forward to it. 是啊,而且明年就要在北京举行了。真令人期待! 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 吉祥物 林涛Do you know what the first Olympic mascot was? 你知道第一个奥运会吉祥物是什么吗? 孙雪I dont know. But I know the mascots of the Beijing Olympic are the Fuwa. 我不知道。不过,我知道北京奥运会的吉祥物是福娃。 林涛The first Olympic mascot wa

13、s a dog called Waldi from the Munich Olympics. 第一个奥运吉祥物是慕尼黑奥运会的吉祥物五彩狗瓦尔第。 孙雪Oh, the first mascot was a puppy. 噢,原来第一个吉祥物是一只小狗啊。 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 奖牌王芳Chinas team has won more and more gold medals during the past few Olympic Games. 在前几届奥运会上,中国队获得的金牌越来越多了。 刘丽Yeah, we only won 16 gold medals during the Atla

14、nta Olympics, but in Sydney, we won 28 是啊,亚特兰大奥运会的时候我们只获得了十六块金牌,但悉尼奥运会的时候我们获得了二十八块。 王芳And in Athens we even won 32, and came in second in the gold medal standings. 在雅典更是拿到了三十二块,位居金牌榜第二呢。 刘丽I hope we can have even more success at the Beijing Olympics. 希望北京奥运会我们的成绩会更好。 场所: 奥运 | 话题: 奥委会汤姆Do you know who the current president of the Olympic Committee is? 你知道现任奥委会主席是谁吗? 吉姆Isnt it Samaranch? 不是萨马兰奇吗? 汤姆He retired a while ago. I heard the new president is Belgian. 他不久前退了。听说新任主席是比利时人。 汤姆Youre right



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