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1、 http:/SAT语法考点不间断句子SAT 考试的复习是个长期的过程。既要坚持背单词,做题相结合,又要坚持逐个联系和整体模拟相结合。下面是 SAT 语法考点不间断句子。什么是不间断句子?如何改进不间断句子?会如何考察不间断句子?1.什么是不间断句子不间断句子在英文中成为 run-on sentence, 是一种错误的语法现象,它指的是两个完整的独立句子之间,没有任何连接词或者冒号、分号来将这两个句子连接,简单的说就是直接用逗号连接两个独立完整的句子。例:He has only one book, I have two.2.如何改进不间断句子(1)根据两个句子之间的关系,在两个句子之间加上连词

2、。He has only one book, but I have two.(2)将原句中的逗号改为分号,分号在语法功能上接近句号。He has only one book; I have two.(3)将其中一个句子改为从句或者是伴随结构。Though he has only one book, I have two.例:A recent report indicates that sleep-deprived drivers caused more than 100,000 accidents last years, they fall asleep at the wheel.改正:A r

3、ecent report indicates that sleep-deprived drivers caused more than 100,000 accidents last years, by falling asleep at the wheel.五大基本句型主谓主谓宾 http:/主系表主谓宾宾补主谓双宾3.会如何考察不间断句子(1)用逗号连接两个完整的句子从而导致不间断句子的错误例题 1:Fabric was very expensive in the United States before the industrial Revolution, this is why scra

4、ps were saved and recycled into such items as patchwork quilts and doll clothes.(A) Revolution, this is why(B) Revolution, this explains why(C) Revolution, and so(D) Revolution, and so that(E) Revolution; resulting in答案:C分析:句子中的 Revolution, this explains why,造成了句子间断,所以 C 选项中加入连词 and 可以连接两个独立完整的句子,D选

5、项中的 so that 是“以便”的意思,不符合句义,E 选项中分号后面不能构成一个完整的句子。例题 2:Giraffes have a distinct way of walking, they move both right legs forward and then both left legs.(A) walking, they move both right legs(B) walking, which move both right legs(C) walking, both its right legs move(D) walking; they move both right

6、legs(E) walking; moving both right legs答案:D分析:walking, they move both right legs,犯了不间断句子的错误,可以用分号进行连接。(2)用副词连接两个完整的句子从而导致不间断句子的错误 http:/例:The policy is intended to encourage the employees, however,it has frustrated those employees with initiatives.在这个句子中,两个完整的句子用|however 连接,但是 however 并不是连词,所以正确的形式是

7、将 however 前的逗号改为分号。例题 1:In the tennis match Martina Hingis tool advantage of Venus Williams error and tied the score; however, Williams fought back to the lead again.(A) score; however, Williams fought back to the lead again.(B) score; Williams, though, fought back again to the lead(C) score; howeve

8、r, Williams fighting back to the lead again.(D) score; along with Williams fighting back to the lead again.(E) score; in fact, Williams fought back to the lead again.答案:A例题 2:Many people think taxes are too high, consequently, some of those people do not report all the money they earn.(A) high, cons

9、equently, some of those people do not report(B) high, therefore, some of those people do not report(C) high; consequently, some do not report(D) high, some people do not report(E) high, and therefore no reporting.答案:C常见的副词:however, nevertheless, nonethelessConsequently, therefore, thus, thereby以上就是 SAT 语法考点不间断句子的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助,最后预祝大家在 SAT 考试中取得优异的成绩。


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