跨文化交际(胡超版)-判断题 及翻译

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1、跨文化交际实用教程 判断题及翻译 Unit 1 T 1 As a phenomenon intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years However as a discipline its history is only about fifty years 作为一种现象 跨文化传播已经存在了数千年 然而 作为一门学科 它的历史只有大约五十年 F 2 Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe 跨文化交际是欧洲第一门学科 F

2、3 Culture is a static entity 静态的 实体 while communication is a dynamic process 文化是一个静态的实体而沟通是一个动态的过程 T 4 Culture can be seen as shared knowledge what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given 约定的 特定的 culture 文化可以被看作是一种共享的知识 人们需要知道的是在一个特定的文 化中扮演适当的行为 T 5 Although cultural stereotype

3、has its limitations over generalization it still contributes to a person s cultural cognition 认识 认知文化刻板印象虽有其局限性 但仍有助于人的文化认知 T 6 In intercultural communication we should separate one s individual character from cultural generalization 在跨文化交际中 我们要把自己的个性和文化的泛化分开 T 7 Cultural mistakes are more serious t

4、han linguistic mistakes The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill feeling between individuals 文化错误比语言错误更严重 语言错误意味着有人不能充分表达自己的 想法 而文化上的错误会导致严重的误解 甚至个人之间的不适感 F 8 All people of the same nat

5、ionality will have the same culture 所有同一民族的人都会有相同的文化 T 9 Although two cultures may share the same ideas their meaning and significance may not be the same 虽然两国文化有着相同的想 法 但它们的意义和意义可能不一样 F 10 One s actions are totally independent of his or her culture 个人的行为完全独立于他或她的文化 Unit 2 T 1 All cultures require a

6、nd value politeness but the ways in which politeness is achieved may vary significantly 所有的文化都需要和价值的礼貌 但礼貌的方式可能会有所不同 T 2 Don t take offence getting the form of address wrong is rarely intended to be offensive 不要拿 错误 的形式来攻击 这是很难得的进攻 T 3 Addressing forms like Miss Mary Brown by the Chinese may be a fo

7、rm of cultural compromise 解决形式如 玛丽小姐 棕色 由中国可能是一种文化妥协的形式 T 4 Ranks in the armed forces like Captain Colonel can be used as titles 上校 上校 上校 可以用作头衔 F 5 Westerners can understand what Uncle policeman or P L A Uncle means 西方人能够理解警察叔叔和解放军叔叔的手段 F 6 We can address Jason Douglas who is a lawyer as Lawyer Dou

8、glas 我们可以解决杰森道格拉斯 他是个律师 律师道格拉斯 F 7 Chinese hospitality toward the westerners is always greatly appreciated 中国人对西方人的热情好客是非常赞赏的 F 8 The Chinese way of showing concern is usually appreciated by the Westerners 西方人对中国人的关注往往受到西方人的赞赏 F 9 Thank you for coming is a typical expression used by Western hosts wh

9、en the guests just arrived 谢谢你的到来 当客人刚到的时 候 这是西方主人使用的一种典型的表达形式 T 10 I m sorry to have wasted your time or I m sorry to have taken up so much of your time are usually appropriate for the business visit 我很抱歉浪费了你的时间 或者 我很抱歉占用了你这么多时间 通常都 是适合商务拜访的 Unit 3 T 1 sometimes the Chinese way of showing modesty m

10、ay be considered as fishing for compliments 有时 中国人表现出谦虚的方式可以被视为对赞美的赞美 T2 The social functions of Chinese and English compliments are roughly the same 汉语和英语的社会功能大致相同 T 3 In informal situations a large number of compliments are used to make people feel comfortable 在非正式场合 大量的赞美是让人感到舒服的 F 4 The cultural

11、 assumption of compliments is the same between cultures 文化的假设是文化的相同的 T 5 Adjectives and verbs are often used to convey compliment message in English while adjectives adverbs and verbs are often used in Chinese 形容词和动词常被用来传递英语中的恭维话 而形容词 副词和动词常 被用在汉语里 F6 English compliments often begin with the word yo

12、u while Chinese compliments often start with the word I 英语的赞美常 以 你 一词开头 而中国人的赞美常以 我 一词开头 F 7 Chinese people give more compliments in daily life than Americans 在日常生活中 中国人比美国人更为赞美 F8 Americans tends to be self effacing in their compliments responses 美国人往往自谦在称赞别人的反应 F9 Compliments on other s belongings

13、 are sometimes an indirect way of request in American culture 对他人财物的赞美有时是美国文化中的一种间接的方式 T10 If a guest compliments something in another person s home the Chinese host or hostess will probably give that thing to the guest 如果一个客人在别人家里赞美别人的话 中国主人或女主人很可能会把 这件事告诉客人 Unit 4 F 1 Verbal communication is more

14、important than nonverbal communication 言语交际比非语言交际更为重要 F 2 Dragon means the same to the Westerner as 龙 to the Chinese 龙 是指同为西方人的 龙 到中国 F 3 The Chinese phrase 知识分子 has the same meaning as intellectual 中国 知识分子 具有相同的含义是 知识 T 4 A term in one language may not have a counterpart in another language 在一种语言中的

15、一个术语在另一种语言中可能没有对等词 F 5 In referring to animals and birds the Chinese practice is generally but not always to use 公 or 母 to show whether a creature is male or female This is the same with the English language 在谈到动物和鸟类 中国的做法是通常 但不总是 用 公 或 母 来表 明该生物是否是男性或女性 这与英语是一样的 T 6 The following six English word v

16、ice associate assistant deputy lieutenant and under can all mean 副 in Chinese language 以下六个英文单词 副 联想 助理 副 中尉 和 下 都 是 副 在汉语中 F 7 There are as many similarities as dissimilarities between English proverbs and Chinese proverbs 有许多相似之处 英语谚语和汉语谚语的异同 T 8 Violating a cultural taboo is as serious as violating a verbal taboo 违反文化禁忌的是严重违背了言语禁忌 T 9 Patterns of thought varies with culture 思维方式随文化而变化 T10 Particular thought patterns predominate in each culture e g American culture is predominantly factual ind


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