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1、人教版(PEP)四年级英语下册期末模拟卷(时间:40分钟 满分:100分)听力部分(50分)一、听辨单词或词组。(1分20=20分) A)听音,圈出正确的字母或单词。听两遍。 1.a ar 2.al a 3.e er 4.ur u 5.i ir 6.dinner dollar 7.fork forty 8.apple animal 9.cool cold 10.skirt shirt B)听音,选出与你所听单词相符的图片,将其代号填在题前的括号里。听两遍。 C)听音,选出你所听句子中含有的单词。听两遍。 ( )1.What are these? They are . A.potatoes B.

2、carrots C.green beans ( )2.Is this the library?No,it isnt.The library is the teachers office. A.near B.next to C.on ( )3.How do you like this skirt? Its very . A.expensive B.pretty C.nice ( )4.Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its . A.cool B.warm C.hot ( )5.Are these your ? Yes,they are. A.pants B.

3、hats C.coats二、听辨句子或对话。(2分10=20分) A)听录音,按所听内容的顺序,给下列图片标序号。听两遍。 B)看图,根据所听问题选择正确的答语。听两遍。 A.Its on the second floor.( )1. B.Its on the first floor.C.No,it isnt.A.Its 7:30.( )2. B.Its 9:30.C.Its 11:30.A.Its windy.( )3. B.Its rainy.C.Its sunny. A.They are goats.( )4. B.They are horses.C.They are cows.A.Ye

4、s,it is.( )5. B.Yes,its a dress.C.Yes,they are.三、短文理解。(2分5=10分) 听短文,根据内容判断下列图示的正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,听三遍。笔试部分(50分)四、单项选择。从ABC三个选项中选择最佳答案,将其代号写在题前的括号里。(1分10=10分)( )1.What time is it? Its 9 oclock. .A.Its time for English classB.Its English classC.Its lunch time( )2.The weather in Wuhan is rainy. Yichang

5、?Is it hot? No,it isnt.A.What about B.Whats C.How( )3.Go to the .Play football.A.library B.teachers office C.playground( )4.What are those at Mr MacDonalds farm?Theyre .A.sheep B.cow C.sheeps( )5.Whose pants are these? Theyre .A.your father B.Mike C.yours( )6.Whats the weather like today?Its 38 degr

6、ees.Its .A.warm B.cool C.hot( )7.The dress is very pretty,Its 498 yuan.Oh! Thats too .I cant take it.A.good B.expensive C.cheap( )8. do you like this dress? Its very pretty.A.How B.How many C.Where( )9. is the library? Its on the second floor. A.Whose B.How many C.Where( )10.Can I go outside now? .I

7、ts cold outside. A.Of course. B.No,you cant. C.OK五、短文填空。从方框中选择单词完成小短文。(2分5=10分)hens sunglasses sunny carrots cows Today is Sunday.Its warm and 1. .I wear2. to my uncles farm.I see many animals there. He has many 3. .They lay(下蛋)many eggs.These are4. .My uncle gets milk from them.Look,there aremany p

8、otatoes,green beans and 5. too.I like the farm.六、情景对话。(2分10=20分) A)读图,选择合适的句子填空,将其代号填在题后对应的横线上。 A.Its very hot.B.Its 11:00.C.Can I go outside now?D.Yes,you can.E.Have some lunch,Mike?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B)从方框中选择句子完成对话,将其代号写在题后的横线上。A.Its too small. B.Can I try it on? C.Is it OK?D.What size? E.Can I help y

9、ou?A: 1 ?B:Yes.This skirt is nice. 2 ?A:Of course. 3 ?B:Size S,please.A:Here you are. 4 ?B:No, 5 .Let me try size M.A:Here you are.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、阅读理解。(2分5=10分) 阅读短文,判断正误。对的在括号里写“T”,错的写“F”。 Hello.I am Chen Jie.Im in Qingdao now.Its sunny and hot here.My new school is very big.My classroom is big,t

10、oo.Its on the second floor.I live in(居住) my grandparents home.They have a big farm.There are many vegetables and animals.The tomatoes are red.They are yummy.I have a new dress.Its pink.Oh.Its 10 oclock.Its time for English class.( )1.Its sunny and hot in Qingdao.( )2.Chen Jies classroom is on the first floor.( )3.The tomatoes are green and yummy.( )4.Its 10 oclock.Its time for English class.( )5.Chen Jies dress is red.参考答案笔试部分四、1.A 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B五、1.sunny 2.sunglasses 3.hens 4.cows 5.carrots六、A)1.B 2.C 3.E 4.D 5.A B)1.E 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A七、1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F


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