四年级下册what time is it B let27s learn

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《四年级下册what time is it B let27s learn》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级下册what time is it B let27s learn(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2Whattimeisit 宫前小学杜玉梅 30 40 10 25 It s It stimefor 学习目标 1 听 说 认读单词getup gotoschool gohome gotobed 并能在语境中恰当运用 2 灵活运用句型 It stimefor to 自主预习1 根据音标拼读单词 并写出下列短语的汉语意思 getup gotoschool gohome gotobed 2拼一拼 背一背 3 口头翻译课文 4 由词入句 例 gotoschool It s7 30 It stimetogotoschool 灰太狼 还不起床抓羊去 It s 6 25 It stimeto ge

2、tup a m It s 7 30 It stimeto gotoschool a m It s It stimeto gohome 4 00 It s It stimeto gotobed 9 00 It s6 30 It stimeto It s7 10 It stimeto It s4 35 It stimeto It s9 00 It stimeto getup gotoschool gohome gotobed It s It stimeto It s4 00 It stimetogohome Gohomewithme 和我一起回家吧 合作探究 读课文 与小组内同学互相评读 看一看

3、比一比 谁读得好 营救小羊 同学们 你们想救出小羊们吗 那你们必须回答对下面的问题哦 Let sgo 任务一 Mission1 Readandsay 读一读 说一说 6 20 sixtwenty7 06 sevensix10 45 tenforty five gotoschool gotobed getup gohome A B C D 任务二 MISSION2看图 选择 任务三 MISSION3 Readandchoose for or to 读一读 用for或to填空 1 It s9 00 It stime gotobed 2 It s7 00 It stime gotoschool 3

4、It s6 30 It stime breakfast 4 It s3 00 It stime musicclass 5 It s7 00 It stime gotobed to to for for to 营救成功 Thankyou Youaregreat getupgotoschoolgohomegotobedIt stimefor 名词It stimeto 动词 知识小结 2 15 12 00 10 40 It stimeforlunch It stimeforEnglishclass 6 30 7 00 It stimeforbreakfast Haha It smytimetable

5、 Whataboutyou It stimeformusicclass 4 50 It stimetogohome 7 20 It stimetogotoschool It stimeforPEclass 3 00 It stimetogetup 9 00 It stimetogotobed 自制一份时程表 和搭档一起讨论 A Whattimeisit B It s It stimefor to 6 45 It stimetogetup Timetable 课堂检测 一 根据汉意写出下列单词1 起床 2 去上学 3 回家 4 上床睡觉 二 我会选择填空 1 Whattimeisitnow A

6、It sthreeo clockB Threeclocks 2 It stimeformusicclass Let ssing dance A andB C but 3 Youhavetogoto before9p m A bedB schoolC home 4 Let s A gotohomeB gohome 5 Ioften at7 00 A gohomeB gotoschool 6 Hegoestobedat A 6 00B 8 00 7 Doyougohome A at5 00B 11 00 8 The isgreen A whiteB wall Formingagoodhabitisgoodforyourhealth 养成良好的作息习惯有益健康 GoodBye



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