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1、附件2:项目编号 中山大学导师招收博士后计划申 请 表导 师: 徐瑞华 单 位: 中山大学肿瘤防治中心 人事处博士后管理办公室制表二零零六年制填 表 说 明一、 您在填写申请表以前,请先查阅中山大学博士后管理工作暂行办法(试行)和本年度学校博士后工作招收计划通知,申请表内各项内容,应实事求是,认真填写。二、 申请表为A4纸,于左侧装订成册,一式一份(含电子版)。三、 项目申请表应通过所在院系统一上报校博管办。四、 本文及附表可从中山大学博士后之家主页http:/ XuDate of birth1967.4MajorMedical Oncology职称教授传真02087343468联系电话139

2、22206676Current positionProfessorFax02087343468Tel13922206676电子邮件E-一、 申请导师简介(中英文,500字以内)Introduction of supervisor(in both Chinese and English; aximum 500oords)(包括研究方向及专业特长等Please include the field of research and speciality.)长期从事肿瘤化学治疗、靶向治疗的临床工作及抗癌药物的基础、临床研究。近年来主要从事消化道肿瘤、恶性淋巴瘤的治疗及研究。2002-2005年前往美国德

3、州安德森(M.D. Anderson)癌症中心工作,在美国期间,一直与MD Anderson癌症中心的医生共同进行临床工作,同时,也从事了抗癌靶点药物的开发及作用机制的基础研究。回国后,继续从事肿瘤化学治疗、靶向治疗的临床工作及如何提高肿瘤治疗疗效的应用基础研究工作,在消化道肿瘤、淋巴瘤等方面有深入的研究。负责执笔撰写中国版NCCN结肠癌临床指导原则和NCCN直肠癌临床指导原则临床共识,负责、参与了多项国际及国内抗肿瘤新药的临床试验。在国内外重要期刊共发表文章50余篇,其中第一作者(或通讯作者)近30余篇,近年来有多篇文章发表在国际上重要的学术期刊上,如Journal of National

4、Cancer Institute,Journal of Cell Biology,Cancer Research, Oncogene,Leukemia, Cancer等,这些高水平的论文引起了国外同行的高度关注。在国际上率先阐明了肿瘤细胞能量代谢(糖酵解,Glycolysis)异常与细胞耐药的内在关系,并特异性的设计药物抑制肿瘤细胞的Glycolysis,在实验领域取得了成功,该药物已获得美国专利。负责及参与了近20余项国家、部省级的科研课题,并参加了一项美国国立卫生院的重大研究。I have been devoting in the basic research and clinical s

5、tudy of cancer chemotherapy, target therapy and pharmacology, especially in the gastrointestinal carcinoma and lymphoma. I had an experience to work in M. D. Anderson from 2002 to 2005. Except working with doctors in M. D. Anderson, I also took part in the exploring of new agents and basic research

6、of mechanism. After returning to China, I continued to devote in the cancer chemotherapy, target therapy and the basic researches aiming to improve the effect. The fields in which I am engaging are gastrointestinal carcinoma and lymphoma. I am in charge of the writing of Chinese edition NCCN guideli

7、ne in colon carcinoma and NCCN guideline in rectal carcinoma. Besides, I have been in charge of several international and domestic clinical trials.I have published over 50 articles in the home and abroad key journals, among which I am the first author or communication author for more than 30 article

8、s. Recently I have published several articles in some important international journals such as Journal of National Cancer Institute, Journal of Cell Biology, Cancer Research, Oncogene, Leukemia, Cancerand so on. Some of the articles have attracted the attention of contemporary worldwide. Moreover, m

9、y group first proposed the internal relationship between tumor cell energy metabolism abnormal and cell drug resistance. Basing on the idea we designed one specific drug to inhibit the glycolysis of tumor cells and have achieved success in the experimental field. Now the drug has got American patent

10、s. Till now, I have taken part in almost 20 national or station researches as well as a research of American national institutes of health.二、招收博士后拟承担或开展的主要研究任务(中英文)main task for post-doctorate research(in both Chinese and English)招收博士后主要开展研究3Bromopyruvate及其衍生物在克服耐药性及放疗耐受性的临床意义,胃癌肿瘤干细胞特性及克服耐药性的研究,主要内

11、容包括:1建立起一套界定胃癌干细胞群体的细胞标记,观察CD133细胞是否具有干细胞的特征,必要时结合ABCG2 来进行流式细胞仪的细胞分离,建立胃癌干细胞培养方法,能良好的分离胃癌干细胞;2.建立一套移植瘤模型,良好的观察肿瘤干细胞的生物学行为。3.深入的研究干细胞的分子特征、初步探索其耐药的机制。4.应用3Bromopyruvate及其衍生物等来逆转耐药性,并研究其内在的机制。 The main task for post-doctorate research includes the clinical value of 3Bromopyruvate and its derivants in

12、 overcoming the drug resistance and radiotherapy resistance, the characteristics of gastric carcinoma stem cells and the research to overcome drug resistant. In detail, it includes: 1. building up a serial of cell markers to identify gastric carcinoma stem cells and observing whether CD133 positive

13、cells own the feature of stem cells, if necessary we will combine ABCG2 to separate the tumor cells by flow cytometer, and set up the method to culture gastric carcinoma stem cells, which can effectively separate gastric carcinoma stem cells. 2. building up a model of cancer metastasis which can be

14、used to observe the biologic behavior of tumor stem cells 3. further study the molecular character of tumor stem cells, and explore the mechanism of drug resistance. 4. using 3Bromopyruvate and its derivants to overcome the drug resistance and study the internal mechanism.注:如获立项,以上资料将用于博士后招聘启事,并将在学校博士后招收主页上公布。三、目前承担主要科研项目情况(包括项目名称、项目来源及经费情况等)1 国家自然基金:肿瘤细胞线粒体变异与耐药及克服耐药性的研究。40万2 市科技局:肿瘤细胞线粒体功能异常与耐药、克服耐药性的研究。22万3 教育部留学人员基金:肿瘤细胞耐药及克服耐药性研究。第一负责人。3.5万4 2007教育部新世纪优秀人才配套经费。50万5 国家重点学科建设:溶瘤腺病毒对顺铂耐药性的逆转作用及其机制的研究。10万6 “985工程”二期:肿瘤细胞能量代谢异常、缺氧与耐药的研究。3万。横向联系:消化系统肿瘤的应用基础研究。5万四、拟招收博士后类型及人数计划内博士后 拟招



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