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1、合同写作技巧:认真检查初稿合同已经用于很多行业,随处可见的,具备相关合同的知识也是一种现代人的常识之一,防患于未然,特别是商务人员在这方面是要十分谨慎的,以下是小编给大家整理的合同写作技巧:认真检查初稿,希望可以帮到大家写完合同的初稿算是一项大工程取得了阶段性的胜利。不过这还不是放松的时候,你需要认真的检查初稿,改正错误和矛盾的地方。1. check spelling, paragraph numbering, and cross references both manually and with your word processors spelling and grammar checke

2、r. this almost goes without saying today, especially since microsoft word now checks your spelling and grammar as you type. (unfortunately it also changes per stirpes to per stupid if you fail to watch it closely.) and now there are even computer programs that check contract documents for undefined

3、terms. dealproof is packaged with corel wordperfect for law offices, and docproofreader is available for download for ms word 97 and 2000.核实合同的拼写情况、段落序号以及上下文的注解,你可以自己手动来做,也可以用文字编辑软件中的拼写和语法检查功能来完成,特别是自从有了微软的word软件后,做这样的工作你似乎不要费多少精力(但机器有时也不可靠,如果你不看仔细,它就会把“per stirpes”改成 “per stupid”)。现在,有些专业的软件甚至可以帮你检

4、测到合同中没有释义的术语,如:corel公司专门为法律办公开发的文字处理软件包中的dealproof软件,还有可供word97和word2000下载安装的docproofreader软件。2. let your secretary or paralegal read it. not only will your staff frequently find spelling and grammar errors missed by your word processors spell checker, but they will find inconsistencies and confusin

5、g areas that you missed when drafting.让你的秘书或者助手阅读你草拟的合同。你的同事不仅能帮你检查到你的文字处理软件没有查到的拼写和语法错误,而且他们还能发现你起草时没有察觉到的矛盾和混淆之处。3. stamp draft #1 6/22/2000 on it. this may be the first of many drafts, so avoid confusion early by numbering and dating all drafts at the top of the first page. it is also a good idea

6、 to write draft across the face of each draft to preclude the possibility of an impatient client signing a draft rather than waiting for the final version.在合同上注明“第一稿于2000年6月22日”,第一稿完成后,可能还要草拟几个版本,为了避免他混淆,最好在每份草稿首页的顶部注上序号和起草时间。另外,在每一个版本的封面上注明“草稿”字样,也能够避免你那急躁的客户不等到最后的定稿文本就急于签字。4. let your client read

7、it. letting the client in on reading the first draft assures that your drafting will stay in tune with the clients wishes.让你的客户读你草拟的合同。这样可以确保你起草的东西和客户的愿望相符。5. save the drafts as multiple files on your computer. if you save the first draft on your computer as two files, you will have one file identif

8、ied as the first draft and the other identified as the current version. this can be done by naming the current version contract and the first draft as contract.d1. then, subsequent versions can be named contract.d2, contract.d3, etc., where the d in the extension indicates draft.在电脑中将草拟的合同多保存几个复本。如果

9、你将第一稿合同存了两份在电脑中,那么其中的一份可以用来存档,另一份则可以用来继续修改。用来存档的文件可以命名为“合同.草1”。用来修改的文件可以命名为“合同”。以此类推,以后修改的版本就命名为“合同.草2”,“合同.草3”,等等。带“草”字的扩展名表示此合同是草拟版本。6. compare the current version to prior versions. if you save draft versions, it is very easy to compare one version to another using the word processors compare fea

10、ture or using the comparerite computer program. when you compare contract.d1 to contract.d2, save the comparison as contract.c21 and print it to show the client what changes were made.将当前的草拟版本和以前的版本进行比较。如果你存了很多个草拟版本,那么你就可以很容易地用文字处理软件或者是comparerite软件来比较分析两个合同版本。当你用软件比较“合同.草1”和“合同.草2”两个版本时,最好将软件的分析结果打印出来给客户看,让他知道变化在哪里。4


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