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1、高一英语必修3Unit 1 Festivals around the world1.mean doing sth. 意味着 mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事 mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作用 2. take place 发生;举行 take the place of sb= be in place of sb 替代某人3. of all kinds各种各样的 4. .starve to death饿死 be starved of sth. 缺乏 starve for sth / starve to do 渴望 5.be

2、 satisfied with感到满意 to ones satisfaction感到满意是. 6. in memory of / in honor of . 纪念某人7. do harm to sb. =do sb. harm =be harmful to sb. 伤害某人 8.in the shape of呈的形状 9. award sth.(to sb.) =award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予, 颁奖 reward sb. for sth. 因.奖赏某人 10. reward sb. with sth.用某物酬劳某人 .dress up打扮,化装 11. admire s

3、b. for sth在某方面钦佩某人 12. look forward to期望, 期待 13. have fun with sb. 玩得开心, 过得快乐 =have a good time = enjoy oneself. 14. turn up.来, 出现; 把音量开大些 15. keep ones word 守信用 16. break ones word 失信 17. set off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸 18. remind sb. of sth. 提醒, 使想起remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 19. forgive sb (for) sth 原

4、谅某人某事 forgiving adj. 宽容的 20. apologize to sb for (doing) sth = make an apology to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉 知识点归纳1. mean 的用法1). mean doing sth. “意味着(必须要做某事或导致种结果)”, 其主语通常是指事物的词。2). mean to do sth. “打算或企图做某事”,主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,过去完成式表示“本来打算做某事”。3). mean sb. to do sth. “打算让某人做某事”,也可以用于被动结构。4). mean 后接名词、副词或从句,

5、“表示;打算;存心”等意思;后接that 从句,意为“表示”。5). be meant for “打算给予;打算作用”。In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour.A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting2. take place 发生;举行 (不能用于被动语态中!) The performance didnt take place after all. 演出终于没有进行。 Was there anybody passing by when the accid

6、ent took place? 事故发生时,有人路过那里吗?与place相关短语:in the first place (用于列举理由)首先,第一点 in the last place 最后in ones place 处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想 in place 放在原来的位置,就位in place of 代替,用而不用 take ones place 找替某人接替某人的位置3. of all kinds 各种各样的相关归纳:all kinds of 各种各样的 the same kind of 相同种类的 different kinds of 不同种类的 this/that kin

7、d of 这(那)种 a kind of 某种 That kind of question is very difficult to answer.= Questions of that kind are difficult to answer. We sell all kinds of shoes.= We sell shoes of all kinds. You can see different kinds of animals in the zoo.= You can see animals of different kinds in the zoo. 你在动物园可以看见不同种类的动物

8、。用动词的适当形式填空 Books of this kind _ (sell) well in the bookstore. This kind of books _ (sell) well in the bookstore.4. starve v. 挨饿; 饿死 He said he would starve rather than beg for food. 他说他宁愿挨饿也不要饭吃。5. plenty n. 富裕days/years/.of plenty 富裕的日子/年月 如:You have a life of plenty, what would you be worried abo

9、ut?plenty pron. 大量; 充足plenty of可修饰可数名词和不可数名词, 用于陈述句。如: You neednt hurry. There is plenty of time left. 你不必慌忙, 剩下的时间很充足。 Taking plenty of exercise every day keeps you healthy. 每天多运动会使你身体健康。6. 1) satisfy vt. 满足,使满意; satisfy sb. satisfied a. 感到满意的; be satisfied withsatisfying a. 令人愉快的 satisfaction n. 满

10、意; to ones satisfactionsatisfactorily ad. 满意地 satisfactory a. 令人满意的She bought a satisfactory computerits cheap and of high quality.辨析 satisfactory, satisfied, satisfyingsatisfactory 指客观的事物或主观的表现达到要求而令人满意, 主语一般用客体。satisfied指主体对事物或表现感到满意, 主语是主体(人)如: She is satisfied with the service. 她对该项服务感到满意。satisf

11、ying: giving pleasure令人愉快, 主语是不定式. 常用于句型: Its satisfying to do sth. 做.使人满意如:Its satisfying to learn the success of his son in job-hunting. 得知儿子找到工作,令他非常高兴。hurt, injure, harm, damage, wound的区别与用法hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上, 感情上的伤害。如:The girl hurt herself badly in the accident.那位女孩在那次事故中伤得很重。injure比hurt

12、正式, hurt多指伤痛, 而injure则指损害健康, 成就, 容貌等, 强调功能的损失。如:He injured his hand while playing basketball.他在打篮球时手受了伤。damage主要指对于物的损害,强调对于价值、用途、外观等所造成的损失, 这种损失或因自然灾害所致, 或因人为造成。如: Several cars were damaged in the accident. 好几辆汽车在事故中损坏了。wound 指枪伤, 刀伤, 刺伤等皮肉之伤, 是出血的, 严重的伤, 特指战场上受伤, 它可以指肉体上的伤害, 也可指人们精神上的创伤。如: The bul

13、let wounded his left leg. 子弹打伤了他的左腿。7.origin n. 起源;源头 如:the origins of the life on earth 地球上生命的起源。in memory of/ to the memory of sb. 纪念某人 例句:The statue was built in memory of the famous scientist.8. dress作及物动词时, 不接clothes之类的表示衣服的名词, 而是接表示人的句词或代词, 意思是“给穿衣服”。当表示自己穿衣服时, 则用反身代词, 如:Wake up children and d

14、ress them. 唤醒孩子,给他们穿上衣服。dress的过去分词常用来构成get dressed与be dressed短语, 前者表示动态, 后者表示静态, 穿何种衣服, 则用介词in. 如:Harry up and get dressed. 快点穿上衣服。 The girl was dressed in red. 这个女孩穿着一身红衣服。dress up是“打扮,化装”,如: You should dress up when you take part in the party.She is _ in red today and looks very beautiful.A. weari

15、ng B. having on C. dressing D. Dressed9. award. n. 奖, 奖品 v. 判给, 授予 award sb. sth. 奖赏某人某物辨析: award 和reward:award后接双宾语 如: award sb. a metal 授予某人奖章reward 奖赏, 酬谢, 不能接双宾语。 reward sb. for sth. 因奖赏某人 reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人例句:She rewarded herself with a cup of coffee after a whole mornings hard work. 10. adm


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