2020届高考英语二轮复习语法专题训练:说明文 Word版含解析

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1、完形填空专题说明文AAll parents know that one of their most important tasks is to prepare their children for a(n) 1 life,but any parent can tell you that its hard to let 2 of your children.That 3 between keeping your children safe and allowing them to learn from their own mistakes can be 4.Years of experience

2、 means that parents often do know best,but 5,the young,being less bound by tradition,are often more 6,more able to find new solutions to old problems.7 are led by the young.Good teachers make the growth of critical thinking easier in their students,8 that this can lead to a question of the teachers

3、basic beliefs.Schools encourage parents to become 9,but are often embarrassed when parents have doubts about some of the educational methods being used.The rebellious(叛逆的) 10 are important in social development.They are not 11 representatives of those they want to 12 or not realistic about their dem

4、ands,13 their voices must be heard.Good parents know that just forbidding particular behavior does not prevent their children from finding ways to 14 in these forbidden activities.15,sometimes the forbidden fruit is more 16,just because it is not accepted by 17.Parents must work with their children

5、to educate them 18 the facts,know as much as possible about the lives of their children,provide a good example,encourage more wholesome activities and 19 support their children when they dont follow 20 is expected of them.But the most important point is that they also need to learn how to let go.【语篇

6、导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要告诉父母应该如何教育孩子从而让他们健康独立地成长。1.A.happyB.independentC.meaningfulD.easy答案:B解析:考查形容词辨析。根据下文的“its hard to let 2 of your children”和“and allowing them to learn from their own mistakes”可推知,所有的父母都要为孩子的独立人生做准备。2.A.goB.dropC.aloneD.fall答案:A解析:考查固定搭配。由最后一段的“But the most important point is that they

7、 also need to learn how to let go.”可知,选A项。let go of意为“放手”,为固定词组。3.A.alternativeB.differenceC.balanceD.definition答案:C解析:考查名词辨析。让孩子保持安全又可以从自己的错误中学习,这是一种艰难的平衡(balance)。4.A.heartbreakingB.heartbrokenC.warm-heartedD.wholehearted答案:A解析:考查形容词辨析。这种平衡并不容易,有的时候让人心碎(heartbreaking)。5.A.on one handB.for one thin

8、gC.on the other handD.in other words答案:C解析:考查固定搭配。根据“but”的提示可知,此处在讲事物的另一个方面。on the other hand“另一方面”,符合语境。6.A.creativeB.activeC.passiveD.unlimited答案:A解析:考查形容词辨析。根据空后的“more able to find new solutions to old problems”可推知,年轻人更具有创造性。creative“有创造力的”。7.A.DestructionB.RevolutionsC.ConversationsD.Recognition

9、答案:B解析:考查名词辨析。由上文的“the young,being less bound by tradition”和“more able to find new solutions to old problems”可推知,年轻人更具有创造性,会引领新的变革。8.A.just to findB.only to findC.just to knowD.only to know答案:B解析:考查不定式辨析。好的老师培养学生的批判性思维,结果却发现这会对老师的权威形成挑战。only to find“结果发现”。9.A.linkedB.attachedC.includedD.involved答案:D

10、解析:考查形容词辨析。根据空后的“but are often embarrassed when parents have doubts about some of the educational methods being used”可推知,学校鼓励父母参与(involved)孩子的教育活动。10.A.youngB.oldC.middle-agedD.aging答案:A解析:考查形容词辨析。根据上文的“the young,being less bound by tradition”可知,年轻人不受传统束缚,往往比较叛逆,但他们对社会的发展却很重要。11.A.frequentlyB.accide

11、ntallyC.certainlyD.necessarily答案:D解析:考查副词辨析。(这些叛逆的)年轻人并不一定是他们想要代表的那些人的代表。not necessarily“不一定”,符合语境。12.A.suggestB.representC.implyD.respond答案:B解析:考查动词辨析。参见上题解析。“representatives”是提示。13.A.soB.andC.butD.then答案:C解析:考查连词辨析。根据语境可推知,上下文表示逻辑上的转折关系。14.A.engageB.resultC.persistD.believe答案:A解析:考查短语动词辨析。由“preven

12、t their children from finding ways”可知,选A项。engage in意为“参与,从事”,符合语境。result in“导致”;persist in“坚持”;believe in“相信”。15.A.AnyhowB.HoweverC.IndeedD.Somehow答案:C解析:考查副词辨析。根据语境可知,此处是对一个事实的描述,故选C项,与下文的“the facts”呼应。16.A.confusingB.invitingC.astonishingD.shocking答案:B解析:考查形容词辨析。根据常识可推知,禁果有时候的确诱人。confusing“令人困惑的”;

13、inviting“诱人的”;astonishing“令人惊讶的”;shocking“惊人的”。17.A.governmentB.organizationC.authorityD.agency答案:C解析:考查名词辨析。禁果诱人只是因为它不被权威(authority)所接受。18.A.atB.ofC.onD.over答案:C解析:考查介词辨析。家长要和孩子一起学习,让孩子了解这些事实。educate sb.on sth.“教育某人了解某物”。19.A.alsoB.tooC.norD.otherwise答案:A解析:考查副词辨析。“support”和上文的“know”“provide”和“enco

14、urage”等是逻辑上的并列关系,鼓励并支持他们。also“也”,符合语境。20.A.whetherB.thatC.whichD.what答案:D解析:考查连词辨析。空处应用what引导宾语从句,在从句中做主语。此处表示当他们没有按照期望做事情时。故选D项。BChildren model themselves largely on their parents.They do so mainly through identification.Children identify 1 a parent when they believe they have the qualities and fee

15、lings that are 2 of that parent.The things parents do and sayand the 3 they do and say to themtherefore strongly influence a childs 4.Therefore,parents must consistently behave like the type of 5 they want their child to become.A parents actions 6 affect the self-image that a child forms 7 identification.Children who see mainly positive qualities in their 8 will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way.Children who observe chiefly 9 qualities in their parents will have difficult


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