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1、Module 1 AgeA. words:“四会”:1)photo 相片 year年 year(s) old 多少岁 computer game电脑游戏birthday 生日 card 卡片 have a party 举办聚会 2)person 人 baby(babies) 婴儿 child(children) 孩子3)look 看起来 tell her 告诉她 sing a song 唱歌 give 给 cut 切 eat 吃4)really 真正的 happy 高兴的 so 因此5)不定代词: anything 任何东西 something 某些东西 nothing 没有东西“三会”::h

2、oliday photo 假日相片 younger 更年轻 To tell you the truth 老实告诉你secret 秘密 teenager 十几岁的少年 excited 激动的 forget 忘记 grandpa 爷爷 only joking 开玩笑而已 blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛B. Sentences:1 问年龄: How old are you ? Im 10 (years old) How old is he/she? Hes/Shes (year old)2 生日用语: Happy birthday! Thank you (so / very mu

3、ch)3 形容人的外貌特征: He looks strong and handsome She looks slim and pretty.1) Youre forgetting something. 你忘记了一些事情.2 )Is today your birthday? Yes, it is/ No it isnt3 )认真读课本P10的短语.Module 2 ActivitiesA. Words:“四会”1; listen to the radio 听收音机 listen to the Tape 听录音机 listen to music 听音乐 work on the computer 在

4、电脑上工作 paint a picture 画画 read a story-book 读故事书 Fish in the lake. 在湖里钓鱼。 Fish in the sea. 在海里钓鱼。 Make a model ship 做模型船 2; ready 准备好 again 再一次 fun 有趣的 have fun 玩的开心 enjoy 喜欢 out there 外面的那个地方“三会”:play the guitar 弹吉他 (play football/play a game) still 仍然 yet 仍然 kid 孩子 musical instrument 乐器BGrammar:现在进

5、行时1.1)定义:表示正在进行的动作或事情2)特征词:now,look(at),see,watch, listen(to),Its seven oclock. (具体时间) Theyre in the classroom. (具体地点) 3)结构:be(am,are,is)+现在分词(动词ing) 4)句型:Im playing tennis. (肯定句) Im not playing tennis. (否定句) Are you playing tennis? (一般疑问句) Yes,Im.No,Im not. What are you doing?(特殊疑问句) Im playing ten

6、nis. He is singing. He isnt singing.(肯定句) He not singing(否定句) Is he singing? (一般疑问句) Yes,he is. No,he isnt. What is he doing? He is singing.5)动词ing的变化:1.大多数动词直接加ingread-reading listen-listening2.以不发音的e结尾的动词,去e+ing come-coming make-making3.以重读闭音节结尾的动词,双写最后一个字母+ing get-getting swim-swimming put-puttin

7、g sit-sitting cut-cutting shop-shopping forget-forgetting skip-skipping读活册P2 EX.3。2.enjoy与like的用法: I enjoy reading. I like swimming.enjoy与like后面必须跟上动名词。Module 3 SportsA. words四会1. play basketball 打篮球 play football 踢足球 do the long jump 跳远 do the high jump 跳高Play badminton 打羽毛球 play tennis 打网球 play ta

8、ble tennis 打乒乓球 do weight-lifting 举重Running 跑步 swimming 游泳2. 副词 : fast 快的 slowly 慢的 high 高的 low 低的 Well 好的 badly 坏的3. get 得到 catch up 赶上 fall over 跌倒 4. team 队 gold 金 reporter 记者 also 也 (too,either) favourite 最喜欢的 good 好的Well done! 干(做)得好 Here we come! 我们来啦! Go for it 快点 pupil 学生三会 baton 接力棒 field 田

9、野 winner 胜利者 medal 牌 championship 锦标 wave 挥动 Setter 创造者 record 纪录 Olympic Game 奥林匹克运动会 across 横过B. Sentences问最喜欢的运动Whats your favourite sport?My favourite sport is swimming .Its swimming. / Swimming.问擅长的运动Which / What sport are you good at?Im good at running.Are you good at running?Yes, I am. / No,

10、I am not.(Swimming和running作为运动项目,要用词来表示。) (favourite sport与be good at tg后跟动名词 ) 比较:1) 一般疑问句Is she jumping high?Yes, she is.No, she isnt.2) 一般选择疑问句Is she jumping high or low?形容词和副词在句子中的位置They play football well. (副词放在动词前)She is a good girl. (形容词放在名词前)1. Dim and Jim are running across the field.2. Are

11、 you a setter of a world record?Yes, I am.3. China has seven gold medals from the 36th World Table Tennis Championships.Module 4 EntertainmentA. words“四会”1. 形容词important 重要的 interesting 有趣的 boring 厌烦的 wrong 错的 Whats wrong?出了事了?2. watch a play 看戏剧 TV plays 电视剧 see a film 看电影 news 新闻 cartoon 卡通3. need

12、 需要 turn on 打开 show 展示 parent 父(母)亲 sure 确信的 will 将会 part 角色 uniform 制服 lady (ladies) 女士 CD 光盘 does 助动词 doesnt = does not 不“三会”fairy 仙女 gentleman (gentlemen) 男士 listen to the concert 听音乐会 Micky Mouse 米老鼠 Donald Duck 唐老鸭 programme 节目B. . Sentences问最喜欢的节目What programmes do you like?We like TV plays.Wh

13、at programmes does he like?He likes TV plays.问通常听的节目What programmes do you listen to?I listen to news.What programmes does she usually listen to?She listens to news.问对某件事情的看法What do you think of films?I think films are interesting / boring / fun.Turn on the TV, please.OK / All right.C. Grammar一般现在时1 定义:表示经常发生的习惯性的动作或目前所有的状态。2 特征词:usually, often, sometimes, on Sunday, at seven, everyday, in the evening, like, want, look3 结构主语为非三单,动词用原形。主语为三单,动词要变化。4 句型1) 主语为非三单



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