冀教版八年级下册Unit 1 Lesson 3 The Sun Is Rising 课件 3

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1、Unit1SpringIsComing Whatcanyouseeinthispicture Howdoesshefeel Leadin Lesson3TheSunIsRising melthillsidewindgently v 融化n 小丘 山坡n 风 气流adv 温柔地 轻轻地 meltv 融化1 Ifyouwarmtheice itwillmeltitintowater 如果你给冰加热 他会融化成水 2 Thesechocolatesreallymeltinyourmouth 这些巧克力真正是入口即化 meltin溶解于Saltmeltsinwater Sugermeltsintea

2、windn 风 气流windyadj 有风的Awarmgentlewindisblowingfromtheeast 一阵温暖的风从东方吹来 a adj wind意为 一阵 的风strong much little说明风的程度或力量ThereisastrongwindinHandan hillside小丘 山坡ngentle温柔的adj gentleman绅士n gentlyadv 温柔地 轻轻地1 Sheisagentlegirl 她是个温柔的女孩 2 Thegirlsayseverythinggently 这女孩子说什么都柔声细气地 changev 改变 改造 变成1 Shallwechan

3、geseats 我们换座可以吗 2 Thewindchangesfromeasttonorth 风由东风变成北风 objectives TounderstandthepoemTousethewordscorrectly warmwindonebyonechange Springisafavouritethemeforsongsandpoemsinalllanguages ThisisaChinesepoemtranslatedintoEnglish CanyousaythispoeminChinese SpringDawnSleepinglazilyatdawninspring Soundof

4、birdsongallaround Lastnight swindandrainstillring Howmanyblossomsblowntotheground Let ssingasong isrising iscoming ismelting Come me thehillside iswarming blowsgently thetrees Thesunis Springis Seeit The change One oneThe blossom themonebyone Thesun Spring Thesnow with Climb Theweather Thewind Throu

5、gh by flowers Enjoy rising coming bring season s 太阳正在升起 春天就要来了 雪在融化 跟我来 爬上小山坡 天气在变暖 风儿轻轻地吹 穿过树林 一个接一个 鲜花盛开 欣赏它们一个接一个 太阳正在升起 春天就要来了 看它带来 季节的变化 Let sdoit Inagroupofthree readthesongaloudasapoem Eachofyoushouldreadonpart Howdoyouknowwhenspringiscoming Talkwithyourpartneraboutthingslikeair flowersandbir

6、dsinspring LanguagePoints 1 Theweatheriswarming 天气变暖和了 warm在这里是动词 变暖 的意思 它也可用作形容词 例如 It swarminspring 春天天气暖和 It sgettingwarmerdaybyday 天气一天天暖和起来了 2 onebyone一个接一个地例如 Theycameinonebyone 他们一个接一个地进来了 Youcanplanttheseedsonebyone 你可以一粒一粒地种种子 类似的有 yearbyyear一年又一年daybyday一天又一天 3 Seeitbring 看它带来了Theseason sc

7、hange 季节的变化 change在本句中是名词 变化 的意思 它也可以作动词 例如 Theseshoesarewet andI mgoingtochangethem 我的鞋湿了 我得换下来 seesb dosth 看见某人做某事 省略 to 的不定式作宾语补足语 例如 Isawthegirlgoout 我看见那个女孩出去了 changen 改变 找零钱 例如 GreatchangeshavetakenplaceinChinasince1990 从1990年以来中国发生了巨大的改变 Hereisyourchange 这是找你的零钱 change还可以作动词 替换 changeinto 变成

8、Pleasechangethesentenceintoanotherone 请把这个句子变成另一个句子 4 Comewithme 随我来 with介词 跟着 随着 例如 Withthesewords helefttheroom 说着这些话 他离开了房间 Withthesewords hethrewabigstoneattheanimal 说着 他用一个大石头朝这个动物砸去 I 从B栏中找出适合回答A栏的句子 Happybirthday Howareyou Wouldyouliketocometomybirthdayparty What stheweatherlikehere Thankyouv

9、erymuch Mybrotherisill What sthedatetoday Shallwegotothepark Whatabeautifulday MayIuseyourpen Goodidea It sverycold I msorrytohearthat Sure Hereyouare Thankyou Fine thankyou andyou It sMarchtwelfth Yes it sbeautiful isn tit I You rewelcome J Yes I dloveto A B II Fillintheblanks Theslopeistoosteepfor

10、ustoc Shegreetedmewithaveryg voice Theappletreesb inspring Remembertoc theirmedicinesintime Thebravemansavedthechildrenfromfire 一个接一个地 limb entle lossom hange onebyone 6 Look thetrain 过来 quickly 7 enjoy thesunshine boys springishere 8 He theforestyesterday 9 Themountainsarehighandtheiceonthemdoesn t

11、m allyearround 10 Wehavetomakeac inourplan hange elt went through Enjoy iscoming onebyonegetwarm TimeforReflection 一个接一个地 变暖 Homework Howdoyouknowwhenspringiscoming Writeapassageaboutthingslikeair flowersandbirdsinspring 70 100词 Usefulwords climbgentlyonebyoneblossomchangehillside Preview 1 LearnthewordsinLesson4byheart 2 ReadthedialogueinLesson4andunderlinetheusefulphrases Goodbye


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