八年级下册英语课件Unit2 Grammar focus

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1、Unit2 SectionA GrammarFocus 短语动词 Grammar 短语动词是指英语中有些动词和其他词类一起连用 构成一个固定词组 可看成一个整体 相当于一个单独的动词 这种组合称之为短语动词 动词 介词此类短语动词可以用作及物动词 后面必须接宾语 Lookattheblackboard please 请看黑板 此类短语动词还有listento dependon upon lookfor dealwith lookafter takeafter waitfor等 短语动词的构成基本有下列几种 动词 副词此类短语动词既可以用作及物动词 也可以用作不及物动词 Igetupveryea

2、rlyeverymorning 我每天早晨都很早起床 注意 当此类短语动词用作及物动词时 如果宾语是名词 可以将其放在短语的后面 也可以放在动词和副词之间 如果宾语是代词 则必须将其放在动词和副词之间 Heputonhisclothesquickly Heputhisclothesonquickly 他快速地穿上了衣服 Pleasewakemeupatfivetomorrowmorning 请明天早晨五点钟叫醒我 此类短语动词还有 cleanup cheerup giveout eatup fixup giveup giveaway handout helpout putoff putup t

3、akeoff等 动词 副词 介词此类短语动词可以用作及物动词 We rerunningoutofwater 我们的水快用光了 此类短语动词还有comeupwith dowellin lookforwardto lookdownupon lookoutof putupwith等 动词 名词 介词此类短语动词的意义取决于名词 而不是动词 修饰时不用副词而用形容词 Weshouldtakegoodcareofourparents 我们应该好好照顾我们的父母 此类短语动词还有makeuseof takepridein makefriendswith payattentionto等 4a Fillint

4、heblankswiththephrasalverbsinthebox 1 Iwantto myplantoworkinananimalhospitaluntilnextsummer I mtoobusywithmystudiesthisyear 2 Shehopesto atleastfiveprimaryschoolstoaskiftheyneedtovolunteersfortheirafter schoolprograms putuphandoutcallupcheerupcomeupwithgiveoutputoff putuphandoutcallupcheerupcomeupwi

5、thgiveoutputoff 3 Ourclassistryingto someideasto sickchildrenbecausetheyareoftensad 4 Wedecidedto signsaroundtheschooland noticestotellstudentsaboutthebooksale Wewill themoneyfromthesaletohomelesspeople putup张贴 搭建 Heputupsomesignsaskingforoldbikes 他张贴了一些寻求旧自行车的告示 Theyquicklyputupatent 他们迅速地搭建了一个帐篷 I

6、boughtanicepictureand onthewall A putupitB putitupC putupthemD putthemup 点拨 选B 代替anicepicture应用代词it 排除C D两项 putup是 动词 副词 构成的短语动词 代词作宾语时应置于短语中间 putoff推迟 拖延 Wecan tputoffmakingaplan 我们不能推迟制订计划 1 putoff 推迟 拖延 是由 动词 副词 构成的短语动词 其后可接名词 代词或动词 ing形式作宾语 2 当代词作宾语时 要放在动词和副词中间 类似的短语动词还有 putup fixup callup cheer

7、up writedown giveout handout等 Themeetingisveryimportant Wecan t A putoffitB putitoffC putitupD putitaway 点拨 选B 句意 这次会议非常重要 我们不能推迟 putoff 推迟 拖延 代词作宾语时 要置于put与off之间 4b Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinthebox helpmovedomakevisitspend Mostpeopletodayareonlyworriedaboutgettinggoodjobs lotsof

8、money Intheirfreetime theythinkaboutwhat forfun However fewpeoplethinkaboutwhattheycando others Therearemanypeoplewhoarelessluckythanus Volunteeringourtimetohelpthesepeopleisagoodway ourfreetime Forexample wecanmakeplans sickchildreninthehospitalorraisemoneyforhomelesspeople Somepeopleevenstopdoingt

9、heirjobsforafewmonthstoayear toanotherplace likeoneofthecountriesinAfrica andhelppeoplethere 4c Completethesentenceswithyourownideas Useinfinitives 1 I dliketovolunteer 2 At12 00a m Icalledmyfriend 3 I mverybusybutIcouldhelp 4 Summervacationiscoming andIwant 5 Iwanttotravelalone Myparentstoldme not

10、根据句意及括号内的汉语提示 用短语的正确形式填空 1 Can tyou 想出 abetterexcusethanthat 2 Yourdesksaretoodirty Youshould 打扫它们 atonce 3 Theschoolhas 开办 aspecialclasstohelppoorreaders thinkup clean themup setup 4 Weshouldtryourbestto 使她开心起来 5 Whocan 想出 agoodideaforourparty 6 Theteacher 挂起 aChinesemaponthewalloftheclassroomyeste

11、rday 7 Therearesomepeople 分发 papersattheshoppingcentereveryday cheerherup comeupwith putup givingout handingout 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1 这房间太脏了 请把它打扫干净 Thisroomistoodirty Please 2 让我帮你做家务活吧 Letme you yourhousework 3 露西 你能帮我把地图张贴到墙上吗 Lucy couldyouhelpme themaponthewall clean itup help with putup 根据句意 从方框中选择正确的

12、短语 并用其正确形式填空 hangoutwritedownhandouttakeafterfixupworkoutaskforrunoutoftakeawayfrom 1 Don tworry Iwillhelpyou yourcomputer 2 Theproblemistoodifficultformeto 3 Whoishelpingtheteacher thestudents homework hangout writedown handout takeafter fixup workout askfor runoutof takeawayfrom fixup workout hand

13、out 4 Ihavetwochildren Mysonlookslikemeandmydaughter hermother 5 Pleasewaitaminute I llgetapento yourtelephonenumber 6 Ifyouhaveanyproblems youcan help hangout writedown handout takeafter fixup workout askfor runoutof takeawayfrom takesafter writedown askfor 7 Thesebooksmustn t thelibrary 8 Ilike wi

14、thmyfriendsafterschool 9 Haveyou allofyourmoney hangout writedown handout takeafter fixup workout askfor runoutof takeawayfrom betakenawayfrom hangingout tohangout runoutof 短语动词单项选择1 Youaresohandsome Ithinkyoumight yourfather A lookafterB takeafterC lookupD lookfor 2 Mypetdogislost Couldyoupleasehel

15、pme A lookitforB lookthemforC lookforitD lookforthem3 Thecomputerdoesn twork Let s A fixupitB fixitupC fixupthemD fixthemup 4 Bobcan tbuyanynewbooksbecausehehas hismoney A runoutB runoutofC ranoutD ranoutof5 Thetreeisverytall Ican t now A getdownB turndownC getoutD turnoff 6 I mgoingonvacation Could

16、youplease mydogwhileIamaway A takecareB takecareofC tookcareD tookcareof 7 Youmustpayattention yourpronunciation A atB withC toD in8 Ithinkparentsshouldbestrict theirchildren A isB aboutC ofD with 2011山东济宁 18 Couldyoupleaseprovideus someinformationaboutthestudents health Ofcourse it smypleasure A toB ofC fromD with答案 D 解析 介词的用法 providesb withsth 意为 向某人提供某物 为固定短语 故选D 2012福建福州 Itwassuchafunnyshowthatpeoplecouldn thelp againandagain A laughB tolaughC laughing 解析 考查固定搭配 can thelpdoingsth 意为 禁不住做某事 此


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