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1、九年级英语专题复习练习:代词一选择题(共50小题)1(2016温州)Jenny has a sweet toothLets make some cookies for()AmeBhimCherDthem【答案】C 2(2016温州)Although he suffered a lot from his foot problem,_ could stop him from finishing the race()AnothingBsomethingCanythingDeverything【答案】A 3(2016瑞安市校级二模)There isnt in todays newspaper()Aso

2、mething interestingBinteresting somethingCanything interestingDinteresting anything【答案】C 4(2016温州二模)Yesterday was my birthdayMy father sent me a CDis made by TF BoysYou must be very happy to get it()AwhoBwhomCwhichDwhat【答案】C 5(2015温州)Would you like coffee or tea?_Some water,please()ABothBNeitherCEit

3、herDAll【答案】B 6(2015拱墅区一模)I will do the washingupMark,would you please do the floors?Why_?Cindy is sitting there doing nothing()AIBmeCsheDher【答案】B 7(2015下城区一模)If you want me to help you,why dont you say_?()AitBsoCthisDthat【答案】B 8(2015高台县模拟)Ive got many books on Chinese foodYou can borrow _ if you lik

4、e()AeitherBoneCitDevery【答案】A 9(2015永康市模拟)When shall we start,today or tomorrow? is OKYou decide()ANeitherBBothCEitherDNone【答案】C 10(2015乐清市模拟)Which do you prefer,tea or milk?_ is OkIm really very thirsty()AAllBBothCEitherDNeither【答案】C 11(2015乐清市模拟)Would you like a cup of coffee or tea,Linda?_Just a g

5、lass of water,please()ABothBnoneCEitherDNeither【答案】D12(2015乐清市模拟)What do you think of the book,Betty?Its a good oneEach time you read it,you will find _()Asomething newBnew somethingCnothing newDnew nothing【答案】A 13(2015杭州二模)Weve got two TV sets,but _ works well()AanyBbothCeitherDneither【答案】D14(2015杭

6、州二模)How often are the Olympic Games held?_ four years()AEveryBEachCInDFor【答案】A 15(2015杭州二模)I dislike people _ talk much but do little()AwhomBwhoseCwhichDwho【答案】D16(2015乐清市模拟)Have you found the information about famous people _ you can use in your paper?Yes,I found a lot in the library()AwhichBwhoCwh

7、omDwhat【答案】A 17(2015上城区一模)Shopping on TV has made _ possible for people to buy things without leaving their homes()AoneBitCthatDthis【答案】B 18(2014丽水)Susan,can you help clean the window?Why _?Alice is sitting there doing nothing()AhimBherCyouDme【答案】D19(2014台州)一Hi,TomIs that your bag?一 No,it is MarysAn

8、d the sweater near the bag is_,too()AmineByoursChersDhis【答案】C 20(2014湖州)Excuse me,Im looking for my umbrellaOh,sorryI took _ by mistake()AyoursBmineChersDhis【答案】A 21(2014温州)Look,_is dancing under the treeOh,thats my cousin,Anna()AeverybodyBanybodyCnobodyDsomebody【答案】D22(2014金华)Jim,if you have _ to d

9、o,what about helping me in the garden?Ok,Mom()AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything【答案】C 23(2014宁波)Im a bit hungry,Auntie!Therere some cakes on the tableYou may take _()AitBoneCthatDthis【答案】B 24(2014嘉兴)Im looking for a bank,but I cant find_()AitBoneCthisDthat【答案】B 25(2014丽水)_ do you like the film,A

10、merican Captain 3?Its wonderful!I like it very much()AHowBWhoCWhatDWhen【答案】A 26(2014绍兴)I really like the photo of my family _ my sister took in the city park last year()AwhichBwhoCwhatDwhom【答案】A 27(2014杭州)I cant find my ticketI think I must have lost_()AitBoneCthisDthem【答案】A 28(2014金华模拟)My girls!You

11、 are too shyYou should have more confidence inOk,thanks()AyouByourselfCyourselvesDthemselves【答案】C 29(2014东阳市模拟)Nobody but two boys _ late for class yesterday,()AareBisCwasDwere【答案】C 30(2014江干区二模)A person _can reach out to help others is always welcome()AwhomBwhoseCthatDwhich【答案】C 31(2014金华模拟)They ha

12、vent heard any recent news about the Korean students made us Chinese sad as wellNor have I()AwhichB/CwhoDwhose【答案】A 32(2013丽水)What do you think of the movie by Zhao Wei?TerrificI like _ very much()AitBhimCherDyou【答案】A 33(2013台州)Lets do something for Yaan childrenWhy not write letters to cheerup?()Ah

13、imBherCusDthem【答案】D34(2013宁波)Excuse me,is this iPad mini?No,it isnt,is at home()Ayour; MineByour; MyCyours; MyDyours; Mine【答案】A 35(2013衢州)Our skirts look the sameYes,butlooks newer()AyourByoursCyouDyourself【答案】B 36(2013温州)Ill have a tennis game tomorrowIm a little bit nervousBelieve inYoure the best in our club()AherselfBmyself


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