Unit2 last weekend单元测试卷

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《Unit2 last weekend单元测试卷》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit2 last weekend单元测试卷(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 一 写出下列动词的过去式 stay 2 clean 3 wash 4 do 5 watch 6 drink 7 is am 8 are Unit2LastweekendPartA1随堂练 二 单项选择 l She TVlastSaturday A watchB watchingC watched 2 youhelpthem theirroomlastweekend A Are tocleanB Does cleanC Did cleanA Are tocleanB Does clean 3 What Sarah lastweekend A did doB do doesC does do 4

2、 Sheoften herclothesonSundays ButlastSundayshe herclothes A washed didn twashB washes didn twashC washes didn twashed 5 Whatdidhedo A yesterdayB tomorrowC thisafternoon 6 I mgoingtoshop Saturday A inB atC on 7 TodayisSaturday Tomorrowis A SundayB SaturdayC Monday 8 Hehassomenew A clothB clothesC shi

3、rt 9 Let splay basketball A theB aC X 10 Verywell thanksA HowareyouB HowoldareyouC Howdoyoudo 三 连词成句 1 TV I at stayed and home watched 2 was your how weekend 3 last you do what did weekend 4 you else do anything did 5 I at stayed your home with grandma 四 读问句 选答语 A I mfine B Itwasgood C I mgoingtocle

4、anmyroom D WedrankteaintheafternoonandwatchedTV E Yes Icleanedmyroomandwashedmyclothes 1 Howwasyourweekend 2 Whatdidyoudolastweekend 3 Didyoudoanythingelse 4 Howareyou 5 Whatareyougoingtodonextweekend Unit2LastweekendPartA2同步习题 一 写出下列动词的过去式 stay 2 clean 3 make 4 do 5 watch 6 drink 二 用所给单词的适当形式填空 Wha

5、t you lastTuesday do 2 I wash myclothesintheafternoonlastSaturday 3 Didyourfather drink teainthemorning 4 I clean myroomlastweekend 三 单项选择 l Shewateredtheflowers A tomorrowB soonC yesterday 2 What Mikedolastweekend A doB doesC did 3 I myroomlastSunday A cleanedB cleanC amcleaning 4 Ioftenhelpmymothe

6、r housework A doesB didC do 5 you TVlastnight A Do watchB Did watchC Did watched 6 Whathedo HewatchedTV A didB doesC do 7 Didhedo elsetosay A somethingB anythingC everything 8 How yourholiday Itwasgreat A isB wasC were 四 按要求完成下列题目 1 MyauntwatchedTVathome 对画线部分提问 2 Lucycleanedherroomlastnight 改为一般疑问句

7、 3 Wearegoingtoplayfootballnextweek 对画线部分提问 4 Howwasyourweekend 根据实际情况作出回答 Unit2LastweekendPartB1随堂练 一 英汉互译 动词短语写原形和过去式 上周末 2 看书 3 感冒 4 睡觉 5 看电影 6 thedaybeforeyesterday 7 lastnight 8 lastMonday 二 读问句 选答语 1 Whatdoyouusuallydoontheweekend Bob 2 Doyouplayfootballeveryweekend Bob 3 DidBobplaybasketballl

8、astweekend 4 DidyouplayfootballlastSaturday Bob 5 WhatdidyoudolastSunday Bob No hedidn t C Iplayedfootball B Yes Idid D Yes Ido E Iplayfootball 三 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 They see afilmlastnight 2 He have acoldandstayedathomeyesterday 3 He sleep verylatelastnight 4 ChenJie read abookthedaybeforeyesterday 四 按

9、要求完成下列题目 1 weekend What do did John last 连词组句 2 Ireadabookyesterdaymorning 对画线部分提问 3 Wesawafilmlastnight 改为一般疑问句 4 I mhappyyoufeltbetternow 找出错误并写出正确的句子 5 他昨天感冒了吗 汉译英 五 阅读短文 选出最佳答案 Amyhadabusyweekend LastSaturdaymorning shereadabookanddidherhomework Afterthat shestayedathomeandslept OnSaturdayaftern

10、oon shewatchedTVandcleanedherroom Thatnight shesawafilm OnSundaymorning shewentboatingwithherfriends OnSundayafternoon shewentshoppingwithherparents Whatabusybuthappyweekendshehad 1 LastSaturdaymorning Amy A watchedTVB cleanedherroomC readabook 2 Afterdoingherhomework she A sawafilmB stayedathomeand

11、sleptC wentboating 3 shewentboatingwithherfriends OnSaturdaymorningB OnSundaymorningC OnFridaymorning 4 DidAmyenjoyherweekend A Yes shedid B No shedidn t C Wedon tknow 5 Amywentshoppingwithher A parentsB friendsC classmates 一 写出下列单词的过去式 1 do 2 wash 3 see 4 watch 5 have 6 go 7 is am 8 stay 9 read 10

12、play 11 are12 visit 13 like14 make15 sleep16 tast 17 get18 fix19 listen20 live 二 读问句 选答语 1 Howwasyourweekend A Iplayedfootball 2 Whatdayisittoday B ItwasSunday 3 Whatdaywasyesterday C Itwasgreat 4 Wasitinteresting D ItisMonday 5 Whatdidyoudoyesterday E Yes itwas 五 阅读短文 选择最佳答案 DarningisaChineseboy He

13、isveryhelpful YesterdaywasSunday Hehadnoclasses Hewasveryexcitedyesterday becausehisfamilyhadapicnicinaPark Darminggotupat6o clockinthemorning Hecookedbreakfastforhisparents Theywenttotheparkbycar Inthepark Damingplayedwithhisdogandatefood Thenheflewakite Thekiteflewhigherandhigher Theywereveryhappy

14、 At4o clock theywentbackhome Intheevening DamingwatchedTVwithhisparents Yesterdaywasaniceday 1 IsDarninganEnglishboyoraChineseboy A AnEnglishboy B AChineseboy 2 Whatdaywasityesterday A Saturday B Sunday 3 DidDarninggetupearlyinthemorning A Yes hedid B No hedidn t 4 HowdidDarning sfamilygotothepark A Bycar B Bybus 5 WhatdidDarningdointhepark A Darningplayedwithhisdogandatefood Thenheflewakite B Darningplayedwithhiscatanddrinkjuice Thenheflewakite


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