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1、1 山东省滕州市滕西中学2013 届九年级英语第一次质量检测试题 无 答案 人教新目标版 第一卷选择题 共65 分 一 选择填空 每小题 1 分 共 20 分 1 My uncle is a worker He machines every day A mend B mends C will mend D mended 2 The young man s words his parents deeply yesterday A hurts B had hurt C hurt D has hurt 3 What do you think of Prison Break It is the bes

2、t American TV play that I these days A watch B will watch C was watching D have watched 4 Would you mind my sitting here A Yes sit down please B Yes take it easy C No of course not D No you can t take it 5 Hello could I speak to Jack Yes A I m Jack B This is Jack speaking C My name is Jack D Jack s

3、me 6 Let my introduce myself I m Jack A It s my pleasure B Glad to meet you C I m very pleased D That s very kind of you 7 Peter has good grades in all his subjects he never shows off I agree He is very modest A and B so C as D but 8 Another cup of coffee No thanks I be off Mary is waiting for me A

4、must B may C can D might 9 I have bought a toy for daughte r And I will give to her tomorrow A this B one C it D them 10 Before on our camping trip we made sure that we had plenty of food and water in store A setting out B making out C running out D working out 11 What did the teacher say just now S

5、he asked the students A if they were interested in chatting online B when was Albert Einstein born C what will they do with the computer D how often do they go to the movies 12 Bill is ill Do you know what s wrong with him Poor boy Eating unhealthy food is the of his illness 2 A result B cause C rea

6、son D end 13 I find most girls do better in language learning than boys In most cases it is so Perhaps they are in language A creative B better C helpful D talented 14 How can I improve my reading I think the most important is to a good habit of reading A develop B show C make D take 15 Look She s s

7、kiing so fast Hard to her legs were once broken A know B realize C imagine D find 16 After school we usually play basketball for half hour on the sports ground A the a B the an C a D an 17 Look Do you know girl under the tree Sorry It s too far for me to see clearly A that her B that him C this him

8、D this her 18 How old is your little brother John Today is his birthday He is years old A ten tenth B ten ten C tenth tenth D tenth ten 19 He is as one of the most popular basketball players in the world A watched B regarded C kept D made 20 Amy speak three languages when she was ten A was able to B

9、 is able to C will be able to D can 二 完型填空 本题共15 分 每小题1 分 Teaching the second grade is always a 21 Each student arrives at school with his own 22 and difficulties One year I met a student named Billy He could get 23 very easily Often Billy s mom would call to tell me that he had a specially emotiona

10、lly morning at home On those mornings I would be very careful and tried different ways to 24 him down One week our class was studying pets I brought my dog Rocky to school for the day Rocky was a friendly two year old dog He loved people 25 children I was 26 that the class would like him A few minut

11、es before I 27 Billy to arrive the phone rang It was Billy s mom She told me that Billy had had a bad morning at home and that I would need to spend some time getting him OK As I was talking to his mom Billy came into the classroom angrily Rocky at once ran up to him wagging his tail 摇尾巴 The little

12、boy was surprised at first but then he began to laugh The happy sound of his laughter traveled 28 the phone line to his mother She asked me Is that Billy Yes I replied I brought my dog to school today He is 29 well with Billy 3 It sounds like Billy will be just fine she said Her voice was full of jo

13、y Throughout the day Billy showed his caring and loving 30 He never left Ricky sside and took care of him telling other students to be 31 when Rocky was asleep Billy had used to 32 reading but on this day he found a good dog story and read it to Rocky Rocky was a good listener and never 33 if Billy

14、missed a word Billy read happily My little dog was able to 34 Billy s day from one of anger to one of joy gentleness and love That day Rocky did more than just help me with teaching He helped to change the life of a child After that Billy s behavior 35 greatly For thanks to his mom Billy soon had a

15、dog friend of his own at home 21 A problem B challenge C success D record 22 A confidence B stories C needs D experience 23 A angry B sad C sorry D pleased 24 A let B push C get D calm 25 A only B still C even D especially 26 A hopeful B confident C worried D crucial 27 A hoped B meant C expected D

16、preferred 28 A on B across C through D in 29 A working on B going on C playing on D getting on 30 A nature B personality C character D feature 31 A easy B quiet C slow D gentle 32 A hate B enjoy C refuse D practice 33 A mattered B minded C wondered D cared 34 A turn B change C become D get 35 A influenced B succeeded C improved D changed 三 阅读理解 本题共30 分 每小题2 分 A Dick was having dinner with his mother and sisters one evening Suddenly his younger sister asked Why does it look like that outside Ever


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