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1、天津市部分区20182019学年度第一学期期末考试高三英语参考答案第I卷第一、二、三部分(Key to1-70)1-5 BACBB 6-10 ACBCA 11-15 CBCAC16-20 ACBDC21-25 CBACB26-30CBACB31-35 CABDA 36-40 BCADB 41-45 CDADB 46-50 CCBDA51-55ACDDB56-60 BCABC61-65 BCCDA66-70 BDCAB第II卷第四部分 第一节Some possible answers:71. That the man didnt respond to her./ That the man did

2、nt say hi to her./ Bobs not saying hi to her.72. Because she had sympathy for him./ Because Bob suffered misfortune in life.73. I felt very nervous. / I was very worried. /I was very concerned.74. Its about identifying various plants and trees./Its about how to identify different plants and trees./I

3、ts about botany.75. Answers may vary. One possible version: I think Bob attaches great importance to the girls friendship. 第二节76. one possible version Dear Mike,How is everything going? Im writing to tell you something about the Campus Reading Festival held in our school last week.Nearly five hundre

4、d students came to the festival. Many of them took books from home and exchanged them with other students. Almost everyone seemed to have got the books they liked. Those who were interested in literature attended the lecture on famous western works. They also had a heated discussion after the lectur

5、e. The Chinese poetry reading competition attracted many students as well. All the participants performed so well that the judges found it very hard to select the winner.I benefited a lot from it. Not only did it broaden my knowledge, but also aroused my interest in reading more books. Yours,LiJin 附

6、:听力材料Text 1 :W: Oh, no! Ive left my new hat somewhere.M: I dont remember you having it at lunch. Maybe you left it in your car.W: The car broke down yesterday. Oh, yes. Now I remember. I got a taxi to work. Thats where I left it.Text 2: W: Oh, what a pretty dress! My daughter would love it. But it s

7、eems a bit too large. Do you have a smaller size?M: Sorry. This is the only one left. But dont worry. Children grow fast!W: Yes, thats true. Ill take it.Text 3:M: What did you think of Danas speech today?W: Well, she must have spent a lot of time preparing it. I cant believe I could sit for that lon

8、g without feeling bored.Text 4:W: Im really tired from packing all these boxes for three hours. Its about time to call it a day. M: I know. Maybe we could do it first thing tomorrow morning.W: Why not? These orders are not urgent. Text 5:W: I wonder if Simon will be here by 8. Hes supposed to be.M:

9、His wife said he left at 7:30, so he should be here by 8:10 at the latest.Text 6:W: Did you have a busy week?M: Um, well, no. I mean, I didnt do a lot, but I bought a computer.W: You did? Thank goodness! Now you dont need to borrow mine! You had it for two weeks last time.M: Yeah, so sorry about tha

10、t. I wrote my history paper on it. Thanks again, by the way.W: Sure, no problem. So, how do you like your computer?M: Oh, its really cool. I use it every day.W: Really? Are you using it for class? I mean, youre working on a paper now, right?M: Uh, yeah, I am. But I dont use it for class. W: So, what

11、 do you use it for?M: Um, actually, I just watch DVDs on it all week.Text 7:W: Tom, as the manager of a company selling green products, youre now quite a successful businessman. When did you know you wanted to have your own company?M: My family left Budapest in 1986 and settled in Canada, where a lo

12、t of my friends parents were highly successful businessmen. It seemed so cool! So, in high school, I started a web design company and learned a lot from that experience.W: How did you find the money for your present company, then?M: Weve raised 18 million dollars from about 50 people. Were finally m

13、aking money. I own six percent of the company, and all employees get their shares.W: By the way, what aspects of your life are green?M: Im only mildly green. I do simple things, and Im a huge biker. I biked across Canada.W: Do you think you have ever done anything wasteful?M: Were always doing somet

14、hing wrong, but then, thats what allows us to learn and grow. When I first started out, we made all the products ourselves. But that was a mistake. Now, we work with other companies. We provide the materials, the product development, and the design. They make the products, andText 8:M: Good afternoo

15、n, I want to thank professor Johnson for giving me the chance to talk to you today about Alaska, One of the things that concern me most is the future of the Alaskas environment. About twenty years ago, before going on some wilderness research, I visited Anchorage, the largest city in Alaska. It was a small city of 40,000 people surrounded by a quiet wilderness. When I made a recent trip there, I found amazing changes. Anchorage now has a hundred and eight thousand people, more than four times as many as in 1960. Therere tall buildings, shop


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