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1、素养全练4七年级(下册)Unit5Unit8.单项选择1.Our teacher says that Koalas come from Australia.A.is fromB.are fromC.be fromD.different from答案B解析befrom“来自”,相当于comefrom。Koalas是名词复数形式,做主语时谓语动词用复数。2.Look,its a rainy day.A.the day is rainyB.it rains every dayC.the day is heavyD.the rain is heavy答案A解析itsarainyday意为“是个雨天”,

2、相当于thedayisrainy。3.(2018贵州贵阳,40)“Tom,would you please take out the rubbish?”“Just a minute,mom.I a phone call.”A.makeB.makesC.am makingD.was making答案C解析考查动词时态。句意:“汤姆,把垃圾扔了,好吗?”“稍等一会,妈妈。我正在打电话呢。”根据Justaminute“等一会儿”可推断,说话时正在做某事,用现在进行时表达。故选C项。4.(2018黑龙江绥化,12) do you like WolfWarriors?Because its exciti

3、ng.A.WhyB.WhereC.HowD.When答案A解析考查特殊疑问词。根据答语Becauseitsexciting“因为它令人激动”可知需要用why来问,故选A项,意为“为什么”。5.(2018江苏南京,6)Some people enjoy out their messages in bottles when they travel on the sea.A.to sendB.sendC.sendingD.sent答案C解析考查非谓语动词。enjoydoingsth.“喜欢做某事”是固定用法。故选C项。6.(2019预测)There some good advice about ho

4、w to improve our listening and speaking skills.A.areB.isC.haveD.has答案B解析考查therebe结构中be动词的具体应用。从题中“somegoodadvice”可获得信息,“advice”是不可数名词,所以答案是B项。7.(2019预测)Mrs.White,can I leave my homework for tomorrow?Im afraid not.Dont what you can do today till tomorrow.A.put offB.get offC.take offD.cut off答案A解析考查短语

5、动词辨析。putoff“推迟”;getoff“下车”;takeoff“(飞机)起飞;脱衣服”;cutoff“切断”。根据句意可知选A项。导学号533240078.(2019预测)Excuse me,is there a bus to the Olympic Center?.You can take No.111 bus.A.Yes,it isB.Yes,there isC.Im not sureD.Sorry,I have no idea答案B解析考查therebe结构的用法。根据句意可知,答句第一句应为对therebe结构进行回答。答案为B项。9.(2019预测)Dont to turn o

6、ff the tap after washing hands.A.rememberB.hopeC.forgetD.spend答案C解析考查祈使句的用法及动词的辨析。根据句意可知此处应该是说洗完手后不要忘记关掉水龙头。故选C项。10.(2019预测)Mum,wheres TreasureIsland?I cant find it!Look!Its the bookshelf,next to the English-Chinese dictionary.A.onB.inC.overD.beside答案A解析考查地点介词的用法。句意:妈妈,金银岛这本书在哪里?我找不到啊。看!在书架上,就在英汉词典的

7、旁边。由句意可知应选A项。.完形填空My father was a very kind man.He was quick to lend a 11 to anyone who needed it.I always looked up to my father.He was in a care center for years12 he got sick.That made it hard for him to walk,and his speech became very slow and hard to understand.We tried to 13 him several times

8、a month.My little daughter,Kelsey,told 14 to him.They loved each other very much.Kelsey was only four years old when my dad died.I was very 15 for weeks,and Kelsey tried to comfort(安慰)me.She often cried 16 me or tried in some ways to make me feel better.One day while we were preparing to go to17 oth

9、er grandparents for Christmas,I heard Kelsey talking to her 18.She said,“Daddy,since Mum doesnt have a daddy any more,do you think you could just 19 yours with her?”I cried and then20.I didnt feel sad any more.I knew my father had given Kelsey the present of kindness and caring for others.11.A.handB



12、ledD.said答案C解析根据下句“我”不再悲伤了可知是“我”笑了。故选C项。.阅读理解Everyone hopes to have a very good memory.Here are some steps on how you can improve your memory.Keepyourbrainactive.By learning a new language or learning to play a new musical instrument and challenging your brain with puzzles and games,you can keep you

13、r brain active.Exercisedaily.Regular aerobic(有氧的)exercise can not only make you more relaxed,but also improve your memory.Eatwellandeatright.Healthy food like broccoli,spinach and berries is good for a healthy brain.On the other hand,eating 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large me

14、als is also helpful to improve your memory.Takebetterpictures.Look at an unfamiliar photograph for a few seconds and then turn the photograph over and describe its details(细节);with regular practice,you will find youre able to remember more details.Repeatthingsyouneedtolearn.The more times you hear,s

15、ee or think about something,the better youll remember it.When you want to remember something,repeat it,either out loudly or silently.Try writing it down;think about it.Organizeyourlife.Keep things that you often need,such as keys and eyeglasses,in the same place every time.Keep phone numbers and addresses in an address book or enter them into your computer or mobile phone.These can give you more time to memorize what you


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