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1、河北石家庄市2017秋人教英语七上期末练习解析版卷I(选择题,共80分)听力部分(第一节)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)A B C D E1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)6. A. Science.B. Subject.C. Mr. Cool.7. A. Theyre nice.B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, I do.8. A. On Sunday.B. At home.C. At six oclock.9. A. Sure.B. OK.C. Youre welco

2、me.10. A. Sounds great.B. I dont think so.C. Yes, please.III.听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)11. ABC12.ABC13. A. Bobs math teacher.B. Bobs Chinese teacher.C. Bobs English teacher.14. A. At 7:15.B. At 7:30.C. At 7:45.15. A. 8 dollars.B. 10 dollars.C. 18 dollars.IV.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共2小题,每小题1分,计2分)16. Wha

3、t color is the bed?A. White.B. Yellow.C. Red.17. Whats on the desk?A. Some books.B. The clock.C My family photo.V. 听短文填空。(共3小题,每小题1分,计3分)NameFavorite dayFavorite subjectReasonMaryTuesdayHistory18._Mike19._P.E.RelaxingLilyFriday20._Interesting笔试部分VI.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)21. Oh, I have _ English book

4、. It is in my room.A. aB. anC. /D. the【答案】B【解析】句意:我有一本英语书。English是元音/i:/开头,故选B。【考点】冠词辨析22. -Linda, are these Annas tapes? -No. _ are in the box.A. HeB. HisC. SheD. Hers【答案】D【解析】句意:-Linda,这些是Anna的磁带吗?-不。她的在盒子里。她的,后无名词,用hers。【考点】名词性物主代词23. Mary likes fish and _ for lunch. What about you?A. appleB. foo

5、dC. hamburgersD. banana【答案】C【解析】句意:Mary喜欢鱼和_作为午饭。可数名词需要用复数,排除A和D;food与fish不是同等级别,故选C。【考点】名词辨析24. This sweater looks _ on my daughter. Ill take it.A. bigB. smallC. niceD. well【答案】C【解析】由后句Ill take it.可知是因为看起来好!看起来,是感官动词,后接形容词;well是副词。故选C。【考点】形容词辨析25. I often play volleyball after class. But my cousin

6、Lily _.A. doesB. doesntC. doD. dont【答案】B【解析】句意:我经常课后打排球。但我堂妹Lily不。一般现在时,主语是三单,故选B。【考点】一般现在时26. We usually finish our classes _ 5:30 in the afternoon.A. atB. inC. onD. from【答案】A【解析】“在”:on+天;at+点;in+其它;from译为“从”,故选A。【考点】介词辨析27. -_ is this red T-shirt? -Its 17 dollars.A. How muchB. How manyC. What colo

7、rD. What【答案】A【解析】对价格提问,用how much。故选A。【考点】疑问词辨析28. My mother _ me a pair of new shoes for sports.A. sellB. buyB. sellsD. buys【答案】D【解析】buy sb. sth.为某人买某物,一般现在时,主语是my mother三单,故选D。【考点】一般现在时29. Look! The ball is behind the door. Lets _ it.A. getB. to getC. findD. to find【答案】A【解析】let后接省略to的不定式,句意:看!球在门后,

8、让我们拿到它。故选A。【考点】非谓语动词30. Tom likes vegetables, _ he eats them every day.A. becauseB. andC. butD. or【答案】B【解析】句意:Tom喜欢蔬菜,所以他每天吃它们。故选B。【考点】连词辨析VII.情景对话。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)James: Good morning, Austin.Austin: Good morning, James. _31_James: Im great, thank you. _32_ She is thinking about going to this school

9、. She has some questions. _33_Austin: Hello, Emma! _34_ Im happy to help you. Please come to my office(办公室) next week.Emma: Its nice to meet you, James. _35_Austin: Youre welcome. Ill try to answer your questions!A. Nice to meet you.B. This is my friend, Emma.C. Thank you for your help.D. Can you he

10、lp her?E. How are you?31. 【答案】E【解析】由答语Im great, thank you.我很好,谢谢。可知对身体提问用How are you?【考点】情景交际32. 【答案】B【解析】由后句可知,是介绍朋友。【考点】情景交际33. 【答案】D【解析】由前句可知是在求助。【考点】情景交际34. 【答案】A【解析】见到新人要说:很高兴见到你!【考点】情景交际35. 【答案】C【解析】由后句可知上句是不用谢。【考点】情景交际VIII.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Mr. and Mrs. Brown live in New York. Mr. Brown i

11、s a doctor and _36_ office is in New York. Mrs. Brown _37_ music in New York. They have two sons. Their _38_ are Ted and Roy. Ted is twenty years old. He is now in Shanghai. He is studying Chinese. He went to Shanghai last month and is going to stay there _39_ two years. Roy is a middle school stude

12、nt He likes sports very much. Oh, today is Roys birthday. He gets a basketball from his brother. How happy he is to have his _40_ birthday!36. A. heB. himC. hisD. her【答案】C【解析】句意:布朗先生是一个医生,他的办公室在纽约。【考点】代词辨析37. A. teachB. teachesC. teachingD. to teach【答案】B【解析】一般现在时,主语是单三。【考点】一般现在时38. A. namesB. nameC.

13、 namesD. names【答案】D【解析】他们的名字是复数。【考点】名词复数39. A. forB. inC. atD. on【答案】A【解析】长达:for。【考点】介词辨析40. A. thirteenB. thirteenthC. thirtyD. thirtieth【答案】B【解析】年龄用基数词,生日用序数词。【考点】序数词BDear Mary,Thank you for your e-mail. Its _41_ to know your timetable. In China, we have twenty-five lessons a _42_ and study nine _43_. My favorite subject is art. But I _44_ P.E. is a very difficult subject. My favorite day is Friday, _45_ theres a students dancing party.Do you think youd like to come to school here?41. A.



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