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1、Module3模块检测卷(120分90分钟)第一部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(C)1.If you want to learn a foreign language,you must use it asaspossible.A.hardB.longC.oftenD.soon(A)2.I hear Mary has got a good job in a worlds top company.Yes.Her goodexperience helped her a l

2、ot.She once studied in one of the best colleges in China.A.educationB.travelC.lifeD.habit(D)3.Why not ask Bob to join us in the school trip?I cant tell if hes able to.Hes alwayswith his work.A.carefulB.familiarC.pleasedD.busy(B)4.The Apple Watch is so expensive that I cantit.A.saveB.affordC.supportD

3、.offer(C)5.I felt muchafter I told the problems to my close friend.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best(A)6.It was quite noisy at the party,so everyone had to.A.speak upB.stand upC.look upD.pick up(C)7.Its not soas yesterday,so there arepeople walking in the park today.A.cold;fewerB.warm;moreC.cold;moreD.warm

4、;most(B)8.Shefor ten years and now she has a lovely daughter.A.marriedB.has been marriedC.got marriedD.has got married(A)9.Can you hear me?No,Icant.Would you please speak?A.clearly enoughB.clear enoughC.enoughclearD.enough clearly(B)10.Were trying hard,but cant solve the problem.I think you canit in

5、 another way.A.share withB.deal withC.keep up withD.put up with(A)11.Tom didnt work hard.,he failed in the exam.A.As a resultB.InsteadC.For exampleD.After all(D)12.Now the air in our town isthan it used to be.Something must be done to stop it.A.very goodB.much betterC.rather badD.even worse(D)13.the

6、 scientists have done lots of research on Mars,there is still much waiting to be discovered.A.IfB.SinceC.UnlessD.Though(B)14.I hate vegetables.Ieat them.But they are good for your health!You should eat them every day.A.alwaysB.seldomC.oftenD.usually(B)15.She used to have long straight hair,but now s

7、hes got short curly hair.!A.ThanksB.People sure changeC.Dont worryD.Good idea.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AA wise man was on his long journey with a young man.In the evening,they found a small old house.A poor family lived in it.After the meal,the wise man asked how t

8、hey16in such a poor place.In a low voice the husband replied,“We have a17.We sell her milk to our neighbours and keep some for18own needsmake some cheese and cream.”The next morning,the two visitors continued their19.After they walked a few miles,the wise man told the young man to go back and kill t

9、he cow.The young man was20about the future of the family.But21he returned to the old house and did as the wise man told him.A few22later,the young man travelled on the same road.He decided to visit the family again.To his surprise,he saw a large house with a beautiful garden there.He knocked on the

10、door and a well-dressed man answered it.The man invited him to enter the house and told him23their life changed.“Youknow,we had nothing but a cow to keep us alive years ago.But one day she died.We had to come up with new24of making a living.Yousee,we are much25than before.” At his words,the young ma

11、n smiled.(D)16.A.took a walkB.got into troubleC.took a vacationD.made a living(C)17.A.horseB.pigC.cowD.sheep(A)18.A.ourB.theirC.hisD.her(C)19.A.planB.workC.journeyD.sail(D)20.A.angryB.quietC.madD.worried(B)21.A.luckilyB.finallyC.suddenlyD.especially(A)22.A.yearsB.monthsC.weeksD.days(C)23.A.whatB.whe

12、reC.howD.whether(D)24.A.placesB.wishesC.interestsD.ways(B)25.A.smarterB.betterC.busierD.prettierBA young couple bought a big house from two old sisters.The sisters lived there for 30 years.The house was very nice and the couple bought it at a low26.So the couple was very27.However,winter was not far

13、 away at that time.The couple was a little bit worried about how28would keep the old house warm.The house didnt have any fireplaces or heaters(供暖设备).At first,they planned to buy some heaters for the long cold winter.Butsoon,they thought that29the old sisters could stay warm and comfortable in the ol

14、d house during the winter in the past,so could they.Atlast,they just30to wait for winter to come and did not make any preparations.Winter arrived and temperatures soon dropped31zero.The large house became freezing cold.Frost(霜) covered the insides of its walls.Life inside the house became miserable(

15、痛苦的).Finally,thehusband couldnt stand it32and called the old sisters to ask them how they33to keep the house warm during the winter.34speaking to them on the phone,the husband spoke to his wife,“For the last 30 years,the sisters have spent every winter on35in Thailand.”“Oh,my god!” cried his wife.(A)26.A.priceB.voiceC.noiseD.degree(B)27.A.relaxedB.excitedC.seriousD.upset(B)28.A.she


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