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1、Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm cameSection B (3aSelf Check) .高频短语1在的时候_2(闹钟)发出响声_3接电话_4确保_5睡着_6在路边_7等待_8逐渐变弱_9费力地前进_10拆除_.经典句型1天开始下雨时我正往家走。(was walking home)_2昨天晚上我给你打电话了,但是你没接。(pick up)_3当他在睡觉时,闹钟响了。(go off)_4外面有很多灯,像白天一样。(with; feel like)_5我太忙了,没有时间去接她。(sothat)_佳句锦囊1He was taking a

2、shower when the phone rang.电话铃响时,他正在洗淋浴。2I was doing my homework while my father was reading newspapers. 我在做作业,爸爸在看报纸。3With many people standing there, she felt nervous. 那里站着好多人,她感到紧张。4The workers took down many old houses. 工人们拆除了很多旧房子。5She was making her way to school when her bike broke down. 她正往学

3、校赶,突然自行车坏了。 典型例题一天早晨“我”在买早餐时,看到一个小女孩把自己的早餐给了一个上了年纪的乞丐。请用英语描述一下这段经历,可展开想象,注意细节描写。词数:80词左右。写作思路 经典范文On a cold morning, while I was buying something for breakfast, I saw a girl in front of me buy some bread and milk. When she was about to leave, she found an old beggar under the tree. He looked cold an

4、d hungry. The girl went to the beggar, and gave her food to him. The beggar thanked the girl and the girl left with a smile. The thing touched me a lot. We dont have much money, but we can do something to help the people in need. I believe our world will become better and better. 名师点评本篇文章语言简练、思路清晰,先

5、使用过去进行时态和一般过去时态叙述了作者亲眼所见的一个小女孩帮助路边乞丐的感人故事,之后写出了自己的感受。亲爱的同学,最近最令你激动的消息是什么?你一定还记得听到那个消息时的情景吧!当时你和家人在哪里?你们在做什么?以上内容是下一节口语课的话题,请你写一篇80词左右的短文来为你的发言做准备。发言稿的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Hi, everyone!I have the most exciting news to share with you._教师详解详析基础预热.1.at the time of2go off3pick up4make sure5.fall asleep6by the s

6、ide of the road7wait for8.die down9make ones way10take down.1.I was walking home when it started to rain. 2I called you last night but you didnt pick up. 3While he was sleeping, the alarm went off. 4With many lights outside, it felt like daytime. 5I was so busy that I had no time to meet her. 模拟演练On

7、e possible version:Hi, everyone! I have the most exciting news to share with you. I won first prize in the national English writing competition last month. When I heard the news, I was at the airport with my mother, waiting for my father. At that time, we were very excited. I jumped up and down happily. Five minutes later, my father got off the plane. We told him the exciting news at once. My father was also excited and we went to a big restaurant for dinner to celebrate. How happy we were!


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