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1、Unit 8 单元测试 一 选择划线部分读音不同的选项 5 分 1 A happy B family C what D can 2 A job B ic C doctor D walkman 3 A locker B hers C others D secondary 4 A coke B door C ball D floor 5 A look B good C too D book 二 词汇 A 根据句意或首字母填入所缺单词 7 分 1 Do you have any ic b What a your sister 2 Nick s c has a basketball 3 Millie

2、doestn t have any hair c But Lily h some 4 These are their rackets O are in the classroom 5 What d Li Fen have in her box B 用所给词的适当形式填空 8 分 1 who model plane is this 2 Is this your brother photo No it s my 3 What they have in their lockers 4 Could you give tow can of Coke 5 There are three pair of t

3、rainers Whose are they 6 The students don t have some pets 三 选择正确的答案 1 they have a basketball No they don t have A Are one B Are a C Do one D Do a 2 Do you have any story books Yes I have A books B any C some D a 3 Are these pictures A your B yours C you D yours 4 We any pets A don t have B have no

4、C have not D aren t have 5 There an apple and some on the desk A is watchs B is watches C are watchs D be watches 6 My brother has two in his room A pair of sunglass B pairs of sunglass C pair of sunglasses D pairs of sunglasses 7 What the girl in her box A do has B does have C do have D does has 8

5、the left of the old man there is a tree A On B In C At D Beside 9 In there are some red hair clips A Lily box B Lily s box C Lilys box D the Lily s box 10 The purple flowers aren t They are A our their B ours their C our theirs D ours theirs 11 I snacks A have no B am not have C have not D not have

6、12 These aren t pets They re A he s hers B his her C his hers D his she s 13 the boy beside the window A Whose is B Which is C Who s D Where s 14 What s that Let me Oh it s a rubber A have look B see C to look D to see 15 Is this locker or It s Millie s A Millie Lily B Millie s Lily C Millie L ily s

7、 D Millie s Lily s 四 根据汉语意思完成句子 10 分 1 尼克 这个飞机模型是你的吗 不是我的 Nick is this plane No it isn t 2 你们有表吗 you have watches 3 米莉的储物柜里有什么 What Millie in her locker 4 在游泳池旁边有为学生准备的柜子 Beside the pool there are students 五 句型转换 15 分 1 What s the Chinese for VIP 改为同意句 What s VIP 2 This shirt is David s 对划线部分提问 Whos

8、e shirt 3 The woman in the red blouse is Lucy s mother 对划线部分提问 is Lucy s mother 4 I have no hair clips 改为同意句 I hair clips 5 Whose rackets are these 改为同意句 Whose rackets 6 These snacks are his 有 Tom 改为选择疑问句 these snacks 六 用适当的代词填空 5 分 Tom Is this pen Jim Jim Let me have a look Oh it isn t pen is blue

9、But Lucy has a pen like this I think it s Tom Where is Jim She is on the playground Tom Let s go and find her 七 完形填空 10 分 Hi I am Liu Ying Do you me Today I am a green shirt and brown trousers This is dog It two black eyes I like very much We often together That s my grandfather is very good He is w

10、earing black shoes He looks after his everyday His bird is very beautiful It s a black bird I like my dog and my grandfather his black bird 1 A look B know C guess D listen 2 A wearing B putting C wear D put on 3 A his B her C my D mine 4 A have B has C are D there are 5 A its B they C it s D it 6 A

11、 playing B play C are D studying 7 A He B She C It D He s 8 A dog B bird C goldfish D rabbit 9 A black B white C green D brown 10 A like B is like C likes D to like 八 阅读理解 A I have some clothes here Whose are they Look here s a blue sweater Is this yours Ann B It s not mine Mine is black I think it

12、s his C Yes it s mine Mr Smith A Here you are Jim You must look after your things now this blouse whose is this white blouse D It s mine Mr smith A Ok here you are Put it on please What about these grey socks Are they yours too Amy D They look like mine but not I think they re Mary s A Is that right

13、 Mary E I think the red ones are mine the grey ones are Bruce s A Here you are Bruce You must look after your things Oh where is my brown hat B Here it is On your head A Oh dear Thanks a lot Let s go and play together 1 Whose is the blue sweater A Ann s B Jim s C Amy s D Mary s 2 How many children a

14、re there in the dialogue 对话 A Four B Five C Six D Seven 3 Who is D A Mary B Jim C Bruce D Amy 4 What colour is Mr Smith s hat A Brown B Grey C Blue D Black 5 Where is Mr Smith s hat A It s on the desk B It s in his hand C It s on his head D We don t know 九 下列句子各有一处错误 指出并改正 1 What s colour is your ba

15、g 2 These English books are our 3 My rackets are on floor 4 Who s are these green pencils 5 The girl in a red hat is Li Ming sister 十 根据短文意思填入单词 L at this picture The girl i a red blouse is Wei Ha She is in NO 15 M School There is a m near her W he He is Wei Hua s father He is forty H mother is behind her T look very happy Wei Hua h a little cat I colour is w What a nice picture


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