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1、Unit7 词汇篇 _1.熟练掌握重点单词、词组的用法2.理解并运用关于购物的表达1. how much 用来提问物品的价格,意为“多少钱”,回答时可用It is/They are How much are the eggs? 鸡蛋多少钱?其他用法:how much其后也可接不可数名词,用于提问不可数名词的数量。 How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水?2. socks n. 袜子,socks是sock的复数形式。 Where are my socks? 我的袜子在哪儿?同类词:shoes(鞋子), trousers(裤子), glasse

2、s(眼镜), shorts(短裤)都是通常以复数形式使用的单词。3. need v. 需要,后面可以跟名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。need 既可以用于肯定句中,也可用于否定句和疑问句中,构成否定句时要借助于助动词do或does。 He needs a hat. 他需要一顶帽子。 We dont need food. 我们不需要食物。 Does your mother need any help? 你妈妈需要帮助吗?知识拓展:need 还可以做情态动词,意为:需要。此时need没有人称和数的变化,其后跟动词时要用动词原形,变否定句时要在need后加not;变疑问句时,要把need提到主语前。

3、You neednt do it again. 你不需要再做了。 Need he do his homework first? 他需要先做他的家庭作业吗?4. look v. 看上去,看起来,其后跟形容词作表语。 You look very young. 你看起来很年轻。其他用法:look做实义动词时,其后接宾语时,要与at连用,即look at。 Look! Here comes the bus. 看,公共汽车来了。 Look at the picture, please. 请看这幅图片。5. clothes n. 衣服,统指各种服装,包括上衣、裤子、内衣等。clothes本身是复数形式,作

4、主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,但是如果用量词suit来修饰,谓语动词应和量词suit在单复数形式上保持一致。 I like new clothes. This suit of clothes is Jims. Those suits of clothes are on sale now.6. store 可数名词,意为“商店”。同义词为shop。store往往指百货商店。7. buy vt. 买。 buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物。 My mother buys a new bike for me.=My mother buys me a new bike.

5、 我妈妈给我买了一辆新自行车。8. sell vt. 出售;销售;卖。sell sb. sth.=sell sth. to sb.卖某物给某人。 She wants to sell the dress to me. 她想把裙子卖给我。相关单词: n. sale 降价销售;促销甩卖,on sale表示“促销中”。 There are some nice apples on sale in that shop. 那家商店有些很好的苹果出售。9. price n. 价钱,价格。 What is the price of the coat? 这件大衣多少钱?相关短语:at very good pric

6、es 以很低或合理的价格出售 the price of 的价格10. Can I help you? 你想买点什么吗? 此句是服务员招呼顾客时的常用语。在说英语的国家里,服务员通常用“Can I help you?”“May I help you?”“What can I do for you?”“Is there anything I can do foryou?”来招呼顾客,以表示客气和礼貌。回答时,若需购物用“Thank you , I want”或“Yes, please. Id like”来回答;若不想购物,用“No, thanks. Im just lookingaround”或“

7、Just have a look.”来回答。11. Ill take it. 我买下了。 此句式为选好商品并决定购买时的常用语。如果选定的物品是单数时,说“Ill take it.”;如果选定的物品是复数时,应说“Ill take them.”。 take 在句中意为“买下”,相当于buy/get/have,在口语中,表示“买下”东西常用take。 take 还可作动词,意为“拿走,取走”。 Please take some books to the classroom.请拿些书到教室里。12. Here you are. 给你。 这是把某物递给对方时常说的一句话。当你购物或向别人借东西时,对

8、方常用Hereyou are. 表示“给你”。单项选择1.(2015四川宜宾期末)- are you shoes?-Theyre 50 .A. How much B. How oldC. When2. (2015湖北宜城期末)- ?-Yes, please. I want some apples.A. What do you wantB. How are youC. Can I help youD. Can you help me3.(2015河南禹州期末)This sweater is very good . Ill it.A. think B. takeC. wantD. eat4.(20

9、15重庆九龙坡期末)-Please get me the not-book!-Ok, .A. give youB. here you areC. thanksD. great5. Lets to the shop and some books.A. go; buyB. going; to buyC. goes; to buyD. go; to buy6.(2015浙江杭州北苑试验中学期末)-I want to see the movie The Penguins of Madagascar. Do you know the of the ticket? -Yes . Nine dollars

10、.A. roomB. priceC. habitD. name7.(2015安徽庐江期末)We have skirts all colors ¥60 each.A. in; a B. at ; in C. in; forD. at ; for解析及答案:1. how much意思是“多少钱”;how old意思是“多大年龄”;When是“什么时候”,根据问句是询问价格,故选A。2. Can I help you是向人提供帮助的用语,适用于服务行业,意思是:你要买/ 吃点什么?根据答语可知,对方想买苹果。故选C。3. 顾客看重某件商品后,常常会对售货员说:Ill take it.意思是:我买下了

11、。故选B。4. 句意:-请把那个笔记本给我取过来。-好的,给你。here you are给你。故选B。5. lets后面应该用动词原形,and后的动作与前面并列,也用动词原形。 故选A。6. 根据答语Nine dollars可知,问句询问的是票价,故选B。7. in all colors 表示各种颜色的;表示销售某物的具体价钱时,后常和for连用。For在此句中表示“需要支付”的意思。故选C。基础演练一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. Students n to study hard.2. The boys favourite c are shirts.3. Its cold now. Pl

12、ease put on(穿上) your s , children.4. The p of the computer is 5,000 yuan. I cant afford(买得起) it.5. There are a lot of new things on s at the shop. Lets go to have a look.6. Its hot today, but he still wears a shirt and t . I like a T-shirt and shorts better.7. - How much are these socks?- Theyre nin

13、e d .8. Do you w a big bed or a small one for your son?9. There is a big s near our school. There are many school things in it.10. You can b some food in a supermarket(超市).答案:1. need2. clothes3. sweater4. price5. sale6. trousers7. dollars8. want9. store10. buy巩固提高二、按要求转换句型1. Our jackets are 50 dollars. (对划线部分提问) your jackets?2. What can I do for you? (改为同义句) I you?3. We sell socks. The socks are only 10 yuan. (合并为一句)We socks only 10 yuan.4. The T-shirt



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