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1、Module 2语法篇 _1.熟练掌握指示代词this, these, that和those的用法 1.指示代词的基本用法指示代词this, these, that和those是表示“这个,这些,那个,那些”等指示概念的代词,其中this(这个)和these(这些)指离说话的人较近的人或事物;that(那个)和those(那些)指离说话的人较远的人或事物。指示代词this, that作主语时,系动词be用单数形式is,后面的名词用单数形式;指示代词these, those作主语时,系动词be用复数形式are,后面的名词用复数形式。This is a big ball.这是一个大球。That i

2、s my dictionary.那是我的词典。These are my friends.这些是我的朋友们。Those are my pencils.那些是我的铅笔。2. 含指示代词的否定句This/That is和Thses/Those are的否定句变化规律简单,be动词后加not即可,其中is not 可缩写为isnt,are not可缩写为arent。3. 含指示代词的一般疑问句和答语由陈述句转为一般疑问句时,直接将be动词提前到句首即可。在回答主语是this或that的一般疑问句或特殊疑问句时,为了避免重复,在答语中用it来代替文具中的this或that。当回答主语是these或tho

3、se的问句时,在答语中用they来代替问句中的these或those。-Is this a computer? 这是一台电脑吗?-Yes it is.是的,它是。-Whats that ?那是什么?-It is a pen.它是一支钢笔。-Are these cars?这些事小汽车吗?-Yes, they are.是的,它们是。4. 注意几点用法(1)在介绍某人时,用“This is”,而不用“He/She is”。(2)打电话时,介绍自己用“This is”,问对方时用“Whos that?”。-Whos that ?你是谁?-This is Lucy.我是露西。(3)that is可缩写为

4、thats,而this is不能缩写为Thiss。单项选择1. -Are _ oranges? -Yes, they are.A. it B. this C. that D. these2. Lily, _ is Wang Wei.A. This B. this C. you D. your3. -Hello! 45986325. -Hello! Is that Li Lei? -_.A. Yes, Im Li Lei B. No, Im Li Ming C. Yes, thats Li Lei D. No, this is Li Ming4. Look! _ are my books.A.

5、This B. That C. It D. These5. -Mum,_ is my friend, Jim. -Nice to meet you.A. that B. this C. heD. it6. -Are these American students? -No, .A. they areB. they arentC. these areD. these arent7.(2014甘肃兰州中考)Bob, can you see the boys over there? are my cousins. Lets go and say hello to them.A. ThisB. Tho

6、seC. ThatD. These8.(福建福州中考改编)-What are ? -They are oranges.A. theseB. thisC. them解析及答案:1. oranges为复数,应该用these来指代,故选D。2. 表示介绍人物,用句型This is. 开头。因Lily后面是逗号,空白处单词不在句首,用小写的this,故选B。3. 在打电话的时候,问对方用代词that,说自己用代词this,故选D4. 由books可知,主语应用表示复数的指示代词,故选D。5. 句意:-妈妈,这是我的朋友吉姆。-遇见你很高兴。当做介绍时应该用This is,其他的代词没有这种用法,根据句

7、意故选B。6. 本题考查Are these?的答语。由No可先排除A和C两项,答语中要用they,故选B。7. 可用“前后呼应法”解题。由上句句意“鲍勃,你能看到那边的那些男孩吗?”可知后句应使用表示复数的those来指代远处的人,故选B。8. 可硬“语法分析法”解答此题。系动词be用了复数形式are,说明主语应为复数,排除B项;them是代词的宾格,不能作主语,排除C项。these这些,可以用作主语,故选A。基础演练一、选词填空(单句选词填空) 1. - Is this your brother?- No, (this/it) isnt.2. (That/Those) are my gran

8、dparents.3. - Are (these/this) your pens?- Yes, they are.答案:1. it2. Those3. these二、单项选择1. - Hello, Betty!- Hello, Lucy! is my good friend, Linda. A. TheB. ThisC. SheD. These2. - Whats your job?- . A. I am thirteenB. I work hardC. Im fineD. Im a teacher3. two girls are Mary and Linda. A. ThisB. TheyC

9、. ThatD. Those4. Is a panda over there(那边)? A. thisB. thatC. thoseD. these答案:1-4 BDDB巩固提高三、按要求转换句型1. Is that your brother? (作否定回答)No, .2. These are Tinas pens. (变为单数句) is .3. That is a photo. (变为复数句) are .4. Those are Jims books. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) Jims books?Yes, .答案:1. it isnt2. This, Tinas pen3. Tho

10、se, photos4. Are those, they are四、翻译(全句翻译)1. -这是什么?-是一把尺子。 2. 那些是我的铅笔。 3. -这是你的手表吗?-是的,它是。 4. 这些是我的姐姐们。 5. -你是谁?-我是张伟。(打电话用语) 答案:1. -Whats this?-Its a ruler.2. Those are my pencils.3. -Is this your watch?-Yes, it is.4. These are my sisters.5. -Whos that?-This is Zhang Wei.一、单项选择1. He is my fathers b

11、rother and he is my . A. auntB. cousinC. grandfatherD. uncle2. Her name is Lucy and is my aunt. A. sheB. herC. heD. his3. I have uncle. A. anB. aC. theD. 4. Look! This is a photo our school. A. toB. ofC. forD. with5. - is the girl next to Lily?- Shes my classmate. A. WhoB. WhatC. HowD. Where6. Britney is a nurse. She works at the . A. factoryB. hotelC. universityD. hospital7. - Whats your fathers ?- Hes a bus driver. A. workB. jobC. nameD. friend8. There is a red car the house. A. in frontB. front of


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