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1、广西德保县 2016 高考英语二轮阅读理解精练 4 说理议论 阅读理解 由 2013安徽名校联盟高三第一次联考 改编 Well to pick up where we left off last time I believe now we might all agree that self improvement is of great benefit for each of us However there are lots of stops along the road to self improvement which often calls for patience emotional

2、 strength and kindness With concentrated effort you can become a better person than you ever thought possible 1 Nice people always put themselves in the other person s shoes If the service is a little slow maybe it s because the waitress has been standing for 8 hours and her back and feet are aching

3、 Perhaps her little baby isn t feeling well and she got very little sleep the night before In a word you never know the full story from a brief meeting with a person 2 Be a reasonable man Service centered businesses often live by the idea The Customer is Always Right They re totally mistaken The cus

4、tomer is not always right sometimes the customer is quite difficult to deal with You do not deserve a free meal because the waitress forgot to bring you a spoon If you have a grievance let it out but be reasonable 3 Fight fairly When arguing with another person stick to the subject Present the facts

5、 briefly and don t bring up unrelated incidents that happened 4 weeks from last Tuesday Never hesitate to create a chance for other people to voice their opinions They are just as important as yours 4 Put others first Let the troubled looking Mom have the parking space Stand a few extra seconds hold

6、ing the door for an elderly person Don t interrupt people when they re speaking or finish their sentences for them Such small things yet the effects are immediate and far reaching Nice people make a concentrated effort to be kind and put others needs above their own Stop a moment and think how you c

7、an help someone and you ll become a nicer person 1 What might the speaker most probably discuss last time A The origin of self improvement B The process of self improvement C The structure of self improvement D The importance of self improvement 2 The best title for the second paragraph is A Be unde

8、rstanding B Stay calm C Be positive D Be merciless 3 The underlined word grievance in Paragraph 3 is the closest in meaning to A mistake B complaint C commitment D decision 4 Which of the following may the speaker support A Learn to share the other person s point of view B Put forward relevant facts

9、 in detail when arguing C Make your voice heard when others are speaking D Involve your own matters with others when arguing 语篇解读 自我提高是非常重要的 本文的作者就如何自我提高 成为一个受欢迎的人提 出了宝贵的建议 答案及剖析 1 D 推理判断题 由第一段的第一句话 to pick up where we left off last time I believe now we might all agree that self improvement is of g

10、reat benefit for each of us 可知 作者上一次的话题是关于自我提高的重要性的 故选 D项 2 A 主旨大意题 由该段的内容可知 作者建议人们做一个善解人意的 为他人考虑的人 故选 A项 3 B 词义猜测题 由此处的语境可知 如果你在饭馆吃饭的时候有不满的地方可以提出 来 但是要合情合理 故选 B项 4 A 细节理解题 由作者提出的几点建议的内容可知A项正确 由第四段的Present the facts briefly and don t bring up unrelated incidents that happened 和Never hesitate to crea

11、te a chance for other people to voice their opinions以及第五段的 Don t interrupt people when they re speaking 可知B C D三项与作者的观点背道 而驰 疑难词汇解读 1 reasonable adj 合理的 公道的 有理性的 I bought the car at a reasonable price 我以合理的价格买的这辆车 2 far reaching adj 深远的 广泛的 What he said at the meeting has a far reaching effect on us

12、 他在会上说的话对我们有深远的影响 长难句子分析 然而 在自我提高的过程中会有很多需要耐心 感情力量和善良的地方 陕西省西安市长安一中2014 第二次模拟 C 阅读些列四篇短文 从每小题后所给的A B C D 四个选项中 选出你最佳选项 并在答 题卡上将该选项涂黑 Tony Blair former Prime Minister of Britain would not have felt excited over Oxford s intention to offer him an honorary doctor s degree had he known it were later to

13、be taken back The story should begin from a girl called Catherine Lisa Bell Catherine Lisa Bell was a girl from a remote mountain area She was the first graduate in that area to reach Oxford s entry score but her application was refused in the interview because the professors thought she lacked crea

14、tive potential The government of the girl s hometown paid a special visit to Minister of Education and asked him to speak for her to Oxford The Minister called at Oxford and hoped they would give the girl special admission Quite unexpectedly however his pleading was refused The Minister turned to th

15、e deputy prime minister but he got turned down as well The deputy prime minister couldn t help but turn to Prime Minister Blair Blair telephoned to Oxford himself to show his personal attention to the matter He tried his best to persuade the university officials to change their decision only to be g

16、reeted with a declaration from Oxford We admit that Prime Minster s proposal comes out of concern for the students from less developed areas but it is unacceptable There is but one reason On matters of enrolment 招生 no one has the right to change the interview conclusion the professors draw This is hundreds of years of tradition of Oxford Feeling a loss of face Blair complained in private that Oxford was too stiff 古 板 and needed reforming Famous people have no privacy 隐私 The complaint soon found


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