2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school测试卷课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school测试卷课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school测试卷课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school测试卷课件 (新版)人教新目标版(51页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit3单元测试题 一 听力理解 本大题分为A B C D四部分 共25小题 每小题1分 共25分 见 听力随身听 二 单项填空 本大题共20小题 每小题1分 共20分 26 Tomis13yearsoldbuthehas one year oldsister A aB anC theD 27 Thanksfor mewithmyhomework A helpB helpingC giveD giving A B 28 Jackgoesonaropewayto therivereveryschoolday A crossB goC swimD take 29 Lilywants abeau

2、tifuldressasherbirthdaypresent A tosellB tobuyC sellingD buying A B 30 Manygirlsareafraid dogs Theyrunawaywhentheyseethem A inB toC ofD with 31 Myhomeisnearourschool It sonly A fiveminutewalkB fiveminuteswalkC fiveminutes walkD fiveminute swalk C C 32 Thevillageisfarfromthecity It s kilometersaway A

3、 threehundredsB threehundredofC hundredsofD threehundredsof 33 Shehastoo homeworkthisweekend A manyB muchC someD alot C B 34 HowdoesTom home Bymotorbike A getsB gettoC getD getsto 35 Thereisnobridgeovertheriver thestudentshavetogettoschoolbyropeway A becauseB soC andD but C B 36 willhestayinthevilla

4、ge About2months A HowfarB HowlongC HowsoonD Howoften 37 Mr Chanislikeafather us A inB withC toD from B C 38 Itistheir tohaveabridge A jobB workC timeD dream 39 isitfromyourhometoschool About10minutes ride A HowmanyB HowlongC HowfarD Howoften D C 40 It simportant us learnteamspirit 精神 A of ofB of toC

5、 for toD to to C 41 I msureourdreamwill ifweputourheart 心 intoit A comeoutB cometrueC comeinD comeafter 42 Whatdoyou yournewteacher Tom He skindandfriendly A thinkofB playwithC talktoD takeout B A 43 It mehalfanhourtogotothepostofficeonfoot A makesB takesC spendsD crosses 44 Thewatchisbroken 坏的 Inee

6、da n watch A interestingB funnyC oldD new B D 45 There sariver thevillage themarket Thevillagershavetogotherebyboat A between andB both andC either orD neither nor A 三 完形填空 本大题共10小题 每小题1分 共10分 Johnisa13 year oldboy Helivesinavillagefarawayfromthecity Thereisnobusforhimtotake 46hehastorideahorsetosch

7、ooleveryday Everyearlymorning hefeeds 喂 hishorsewithsomedry 干的 grassfirstandthenhasaquick47himself Before7o clock heshouldleavehis48andridehishorsetoschool Itis15kilometers49hishometoschool Itisnottoofar butthereisamountainandtwo50betweenhishomeandschool His51takeshimthrough 穿越 themountain52acrossth

8、eriverseveryday ItisnotafuntripforJohnto53school especially 尤其 whenit srainyinwinter Toclimbthemountain54rainydaysisvery55 Hehopesthattherewillbeaschoolinhisvillage andhecangotoschoolonfoot 46 A thoughB soC butD if 47 A breakfastB lunchC supperD dinner 48 A homeB schoolC hospitalD shop 49 A toB from

9、C aboutD for 50 A roadsB waysC hillsD rivers B A A B D 51 A horseB dogC catD cow 52 A becauseB andC tillD or 53 A gettoB cometrueC lookforD thinkabout 54 A atB inC onD before 55 A goodB funC excitingD dangerous A B A C D 四 阅读理解 本大题共15小题 每小题2分 共30分 从每小题所给的四个选项中 选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案 并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内 A

10、Howdoyouusuallygettoschool Studentsalwaysgettoschoolindifferentways Thereisasurvey 调查 onthetransportationsamong150studentsofeachagegroupinDongguan Hereistheresult 56 Thestudentsof6to12use transportation s togotoschool A fourB threeC twoD one 57 Mostofthestudentsof6to12gotoschool A onfootB bycarC byb

11、usD bybike B B 58 Inthissurvey studentsgotoschoolbybike A onehundredandtwentyB onehundredandtwoC fiftyD onehundredandsixty two D 59 WhichstatementisTRUEforthestudentsof12 16 A Nostudentsgotoschoolbybus B Bikeisthemostpopulartransportation C Halfofthestudentswalktoschool D Mostofthestudentstakeacarto

12、school B 60 Fromthesurveyweknowthat A onlyafewstudentsinDongguangotoschoolbycarB moststudentsof16 20likeridingbikestoschoolC thereare150studentswalkingtoschooleverydayD thestudentsof6to12alwaystakebusestoschool B BDifferentmeansoftransportationcantakedifferentbenefits 利益 toyourtrip Manypeoplethinktr

13、avelingbyplaneisthemostcomfortableandthesafest Alsothebeautifulskycantakegoodmoodtoyourtripandmakeyouhappyallthetime Itwouldbenicetoseethecloudsaroundyou Fortheoneswhoenjoythecountrysidemost maybe travelingbytrainisthebestway Youcanseegreatmountainsandflatlands 平原 onthetrain Itisalsoagreatplacetomak

14、enewfriends Asfortheshorttrips travelingbycarismoreconvenient 便利的 thanbybus Butitisnotagoodideatoprotecttheenvironment 环境 Nowadays moreandmorepeopleliketohaveshorttripsbybike Itcanmakeyourbodystrongeranditisalsoagoodwaytorelease 释放 thestressfromwork 61 Peoplethink isthesafestwayofalltransportation A

15、 carB busC trainD plane 62 Toenjoythepeaceflatlands onecantravel A bybusB bytrainC bycarD byplane D B 63 Moreandmorepeopleridebikesto AenjoythecountrysideB tomakemorefriendsC enjoythefantasticskyD keepthebodystrong D 64 Theunderlinedword mood means inthispassage A 能量B 食物C 心情D 想法 C 65 Thebesttitleoft

16、hispassageis A TravelingbyBikeandbyBusB HowtoRelaxYourselfC DifferentTransportations DifferentBenefitsD HowtoTravelbyPlane C C配对阅读 左栏是对五个人的爱好或想参加的活动的描述 右栏是七个活动的简介 请为每一位选择最适合参加的一项活动 66 Joeisaquietboy Hewantstolearntoplaythepiano Heonlyhastimetotakeaclassonweekends C 67 Lindaisinterestedinsinging Shewantstosingandjoininashowwithotherstogether 68 Tomisgoodatplayingchess Hewantstohaveapart timejobasachessteachertohelphimliveabetterlife B D 69 TinawantstoimproveherEnglish butsheisbusyfromMondaytoFrid



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