新目标版英语七上《Unit 11 What time do you go to school》ppt课件

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《新目标版英语七上《Unit 11 What time do you go to school》ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标版英语七上《Unit 11 What time do you go to school》ppt课件(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Themorewegettogether together together Themorewegettogether Thehappierwe llbe Foryourfriendsaremyfriends Andmyfriendsareyourfriends Themorewegettogether Thehappierwe llbe Themorewegettogether together together Themorewegettogether Thehappierwe llbe Foryourfriendsaremyfriends Andmyfriendsareyourfrie

2、nds Themorewegettogether Thehappierwe llbe Unit11Whattimedoyougotoschool SectionA 1a GrammarFocus Riddle Ithasnofeet 脚 buthecanwalk 走路 withhishands 手 Hehasnomouth 嘴 Buthecanspeakto 对 说 you ItcallsTick Tick AndTickeveryday Whatisit It saclock 谜语 教师寄语 Afriendinneedisafriendindeed 患难朋友是真正的朋友 Whattimeis

3、it It sseveno clock kl k 点钟 只用于正点 几点 什么时间 6 25 4 05 9 30 It sseven sixtwenty five fourfive ninethirty It stwelveo clock Tryyourbest 时间表达法 整点 非整点 用 基数词 o clock 表示 但o clock经常可以省略 直接读出数字 先说出钟点后说分钟 都用基数词 即 钟点 分钟 教师寄语 只有不断的总结和归纳 知识才会更系统 1 2 3 4 5 Believeinyourselves A Whattimeisit B It s 2 00 3 00 6 50 2

4、 20 1 10 Showtime get p getup 起床 gotoschool 去上学 r n run 跑步 gotobed上床睡觉 takeashower a haveashower 洗澡 沐浴 eatbreakfast havebreakfast Doyouknow 看老师展示的图片 快速说出短语 Memorychallenge Matchthewordswiththepictures 1 gotoschool 2 getup 3 run 4 eatbreakfast 5 takeashower a d b e c Canyou Igotoschoolatsevenfifteen

5、Whattimedoyougotoschool usually usually usually ju l 通常 Whattimedoyouusuallygotobed Iusuallygotobedateighto clock Pairwork A Whattimedoyouusually B Iusually at A Whattimedoyouusuallygetup B Iusuallygetupatsixo clock A Whattimedoeshe sheusuallygetup C He Sheusuallygutsupatsixo clock Groupwork Welcome

6、tomylisteningclub Rick Ihavethreetasks Rick 小试牛刀 WhattimedoesRickdotheactivities Matchactivitieswithtimes getupruneatbreakfasttakeashowergotoschool 6 009 005 007 008 00 2aListentotheconversation Completethesesentenceswithwordsfromthebox Rickhas brothersand sisters Rick sfamilyhas shower twoonetwo tw

7、o two one 再接再厉 勇往直前 2bListenagain CompletethisshowerscheduleforRick sfamily 6 00 7 00 8 00 9 00 Youarethebest Youaremyfriends Report Igetupat7o clock Lucygetsupat6 30 Let sgetmoving 让我们动起来 AsurveyandreportYouandyourbestfriend sdailyroutines 日常作息时间 Activities Times 思考 我们应该用哪些介词 表示 在 时刻 点钟 表示具体的某一天 表示在一段时间内 in at on Proverbs 谚语 Timeismoney 金钱 Timeislife 生命 Timeisflying 飞 Soeverybodyshouldmakefulluseoftime 每一个人都应该好好利用时间 Homework 1 Makeasurveywiththedrill Whattimedoyou Activities Time 2 Design 设计 yourideal 理想的 day Activities Time 选做 Bye bye


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