高中英语译林版选修6课件(江苏):Unit 1 Period One Welcome to the unit &ampamp; Reading

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《高中英语译林版选修6课件(江苏):Unit 1 Period One Welcome to the unit &ampamp; Reading》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语译林版选修6课件(江苏):Unit 1 Period One Welcome to the unit &ampamp; Reading(95页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit1Laughterisgoodforyou 话题导入 Mr BeanYoumusthaveseenthismansomewhere funny looking alwaysinajacketandaredtie Heseldomtalksbutalwaysactshumorously Whoishe Heisthewell knownMr Bean whoisverypopularwithmostpeopleallovertheworldandhealwaysmakesuslaughbymeansofhisfunnybodylanguage Mr Beanisthemaincharac

2、terintheBritishcomedytelevisionseri esofthesamename ItwaswrittenbyRowanAtkinson RobinDriscoll RichardCurtisandBenElton Thefirstepisodewasshownon1stJanu ary1990anditsfinalepisodeGoodNight Mr Beanwasshownon31stOctober1995 Duringitsfive yearrun theseriesgainedalargeaudie nceintheUKandthroughouttheworld

3、 Peoplearemostamusedbytheantics 滑稽动作 ofMr Bean achildinagrownman sbody Mr Beanoftenseemsshortofworldly 善于处事的 experience Theprogramusuallyshowshisattemptstocompletewhatwouldnormallybeconsideredsimpletasks suchasgoingswimmingortakinganexam Butheisquitenotcleverindealingwiththeproblemspresentedtohimeac

4、htime Thehumorlargelycomesfromhisoriginalsolutionstoanyproblemandhistotaldisregardforotherswhensolvingthem TheroleofMr BeanisplayedbyRowanAtkinson anOxfordUni versitygraduate AtkinsonisconsideredtobeagreatcomedianinthestyleofCharlieChaplin Peopleareveryimpressedbyhishumor IfyouenjoyMr Bean pleaseenj

5、oyhisshows Mr Bean 阅读短文 判断正 T 误 F 1 Mr Beanusedtomakethepeoplelaughbyhishumorouswords 2 Mr Beanalwaysseemsverycleverwhenhedealswiththeproblemsinhislife 3 AnOxfordUniversitygraduateplaystheroleofMr Bean F F T 基础自测 课文预读 内容索引 要点探究 当堂达标 PeriodOneWelcometotheunit Reading 基础自测 1 n 喜剧2 n 周刊 周报adj 每周的n 周 星期

6、3 vt 取笑 揶揄 戏弄4 adj 先前的 以往的5 n 同一事物 不同种类 多种样式adj 不同的 各种各样的vt vi 变化 不同 comedy weekly week tease previous variety various vary 重点单词 6 n 风格 方式 样式7 vi vt 表现n 表现8 n 表演 演出 表现 业绩vt vi 表演 演出 做 履行 工作 运转n 演员 表演者9 adj 鲜为人知的 style behavio u r performance perform performer little known behave 10 adj 技术的 技能的n 技术ad

7、v 从技术上来说11 vt 逗笑 逗乐 提供 消遣 使 娱乐n 娱乐12 n 格言 警句 谚语 technical technically amuse amusement saying technology 重点短语1 支持 维护2 依赖 依靠3 对 做出反应4 排队5 绊倒6 拿 开玩笑 取笑 嘲弄7 喜爱 钟爱 standupfor depend relyon upon reactto queueup tripover makefunof haveaffectionfor 8 想出 拿出9 效法某人 以某人为榜样10 去世 亡故 comeupwith followinone sfootst

8、eps followthefootstepsofsb passaway 1 while引导让步状语从句2 状语从句的省略 whilestandinginfrontofthemirror 重点句式 itusuallyonlyworksifboththecomedianandtheaudiencehaveaffectionfororadmirethepersonbeingmadefunof 这种幽默听起来有点刻薄 但通常只有当喜剧演员和观众都喜欢或者崇拜这个被取笑的对象时 这种幽默才奏效 Whilethiskindofhumourmaysoundcruel Hesaysitisbecausewhe

9、nhestartedpracticingstand upasachild hetoldhimselfjokes brushinghisteeth 他说 这是因为小时候开始练习单口喜剧时 他总是站在镜子前边刷牙边给自己讲笑话 3 现在分词短语作状语4 thisisbecause thisisbecause Theycouldonlyseehimstandingthere 他们只能看到他站在那里 嘴唇在动 movinghislips Theysaywhenyoulaugh yourbrainsendschemicalsaroundyourbodythataregoodforyou 他们说这是因为当

10、你笑的时候 你的大脑就会向全身传递对身体有益的化学物质 5 whatever引导让步状语从句 Whateverthereason researchshowsthatintheend theEnglishsaying Laughteristhebestmedicine maybetrueafterall 不管是什么原因 研究最终表明 英语格言 笑是灵丹妙药 到头来可能真的没错 课文预读 1 2 3 4 课文阅读理解 1 Astand upcomedian A mustbeamanB can tmakefunofanaudiencememberC maytalkdirectlytotheaudie

11、ncemembersD mustn tstandrightthereinfrontoftheaudience 答案 5 2 WhatisWRONGaboutBillyCrystal A HehashostedtheAcademyAwardsninetimes B Wheneverheisonstage healwayskeepsatoothbrushinhispocketforgoodluck C Heisfamousforhisoutstandingabilityofquickthinking D Hestillenjoysstand up 1 2 3 4 答案 5 3 Fromthetex

12、tweknowthat A nocomediansrelyonvisualhumourB BillyCrystalplanstostopmakingfilmsbutnottostoptellingjokesC stand upcomedyispopularallovertheworldD BobHopeandGeorgeBurnslivedtobe100yearsoldbecausetheyretiredintheirfifties 1 2 3 4 答案 5 4 Accordingtodoctors whylaughterisgoodforyou A Becausewhenyoulaugh y

13、ourbrainsendschemicalsaroundyourbodythataregoodforyou B Becauselaughinghelpsyourbodystayhealthy C Becauselaughinghelpsyoufightpain D Alloftheabove 答案 1 2 3 4 5 5 What stheauthor smainpurposebywritingthispassage A Tointroducethestand upcomedytous B TomakeusknowaboutfamouscomedianslikeBobHopeandGeorge

14、Burns C Totellpeoplethatlaughingisthebestmedicine D Tohelpuslearnhowtoperformstand upcomedy 答案 1 2 3 4 5 课文阅读填空 introduction behavio u r s visual impress watch why think around amusing laughing 课文阅读简答 1 Whatisspecialaboutstand upcomedy 2 WhendidBillyCrystalbeginpractisingstand up 3 Whatdoesyourbrain

15、dowhenyoulaugh Stand upcomedyisspecialbecausethecomedianisrightthereinfrontoftheaudienceandmaytalkstraighttoaudiencemembers Hebeganpractisingstand upwhenhewasachild Whenwelaugh ourbrainssendchemicalsaroundourbodythataregoodforus 阅读课文 并以约30个词概括最后一段 P3 L49 58 的段落大意 Weoftenhearthatlaughteristhebestmedi

16、cine Doctorshavefoundittrue Itcanhelpyoustayhealthyandevenhelpyoufightpain Soinordertolivelonger trytolaughalot 要点探究 重点词汇 经典句式 难句分析 1 varietyn 同一事物 不同种类 多种样式avarietyof varietiesof多种多样的 许多 2 variousadj 各种各样的 3 varyvt vi 改变 变更varyfrom to 在 和 之间变化 Thereareavarietyofdifferentstylesofstand upcomedy 单口喜剧有许多不同的类型 归纳拓展 重点词汇 1 Studentsareofferedavarietyofcoursesinthisdepartment 这个系为学生开设各种各样的课程 2 Therearevariouswaysofsolvingtheproblem 解决这个问题有各种各样的方法 3 ThatsortofthingvariesfrompersontopersoninAfricancountr



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