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1、/ (9A Unit 6)夯基固本限时:15分钟I. 词汇A. 根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。1.I think this problem is _(相当)difficult for me to solve.2. If you want to have true _(友谊),you should be honest first.3. Do you have a _(习惯)of getting up early every day?4. Can you tell me when the meeting will_(结束)?5. We watched their car moving_(更远地

2、)away.B. 请根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. It is reported that this disease_(attack) the central nervous system.7. Winter is the best time for_ (hunt) in mountain areas.8. Chen Kaige is a very famous _ (direct) in China. He has directed many wonderful films.9. Kate likes watching romantic films because they

3、usually have happy_(end).10. Further treatment_(prevent) cancer from developing.II. 单项选择1.-Thats a wonderful film! -_. Ive never seen such an interesting film before. A. I agree with you B. Youre quite wrong C. I dont like it at all D. I disagree.2. The _ film we saw last night made me feel scared.

4、A. two hours B. two hoursC. two-hour D. one hours3. Tony did _ than any other student in this physics exam. His mother asked him to work than before. A. bad; hard B. worse; harder C. badly; more hard D. worse; more hardly4. Helen was sad because her pet cat was found _ this morning. A. die B. deathC

5、. to die D. dead5. -Kitty, how did you make Mothers Day special for your mother? -Oh, we had _and I expressed my love for her. A. such interesting picnic B. so interesting a picnic C. so an interesting picnicD. such interesting a picnic 6. -Why dont you watch TV at 8 0clock as usual? -I am _ busy _w

6、atch TV.I have to prepare for my English exam. A. so; that B. too; to C such; that D. not; until 7.-How many stamps shall we buy to _ these letters? -About ten. A. give out B. get out C. take out D. send out 8. You will not find the answer_ the problem until the end of the film A. of B. toC. about D

7、. for9. -Do you think _ more exciting to watch horror films than romantic ones? -Yes. I do. A. its B itC. that D. them10. The performers were very funny and they made us _ all the time A. laughed B. laughingC. laugh D. to laugh综合提升限时:20分钟. 根据汉语句子意思完成英语句子1. 一位尽责的医生的工作总是做不完。 A responsible doctors work

8、 _.2. 周末,他通常没什么事可做。 At weekends, he usually_.3. 这个剧场太小了,容不下这么多人。 This theatre is _ hold so many people. 4. 今晚我们去看电影,好吗?_go to the cinema tonight?5. 每天午饭后,我通常会睡一会儿。 I usually have _ after lunch every day.6. 王彬下周末将参加一个电视谈话节目。 Wang Bin will _ on TV next weekend.7. 他因没有获得大奖而感到失望。 He felt disappointed be

9、cause he didnt _.8. 当他正在做作业的时候,电话响了。_ , the telephone rang.9. 你看完书后,请按时归还给图书馆。_ , please return it to the library on time.10. 直到收到他的来信,我才知道我们在同一个城市工作。 I didnt know that we were working in the same city _.IV. (2015 .湖北黄冈 . 6467)阅读理解Have you ever heard of a mobile phone company called Nokia? And do yo

10、u know that theres a mobile phone throwing competition in Finland every year?In order to recycle old mobile phones, the town of Savonlinna in southeast Finland holds a Mobile Phone Throwing Competition every year. And people can have a little fun from the games.While competitors cannot throw their o

11、wn phones, the competition organizers provide hundreds of mobiles to choose from. Then people throw as far as possible from the throwing area. Last years winner Ere Karjalainen set a world record with his 101.46m throw. As a prize, he got a chance of drinking and practiced again as his preferred tra

12、ining methods.Those without a strong throwing arm can enter the freestyle competition. During the competition, the style of the throw are judged (判断) rather than the distance.A three-person jury (评委) gives scores from one to six, and the thrower with the highest number of points wins.This Years comp

13、etition will be held on August 24. Sign-ups(报名注册) are still being accepted for five dollars per person or two dollars for children 12 and under. Once all the days phones have been thrown, they are taken to a recycling center.1. Finland holds the mobile phone throwing competition mainly in order to_A. recycle old Nokia mobile phones B. raise money for the poorC. have fun and enjoy the competitionD. take exercise and keep healthy2. The underlined word “competitors ” in the passage means“_ ”.A. The competition


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