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1、/Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Warming Up & Reading.用所给单词的正确形式填空1Be more _ (patience). You will do it well if you keep on.2A successful _ (business) must be aggressive.3You were wrong to take the car without _ (permit)4He listens and waits for the _ (narrate) to explain more.5The cakes are _ (p

2、aid); you shouldnt eat them right now.6This area is _ (wealth) in fruits and flowers.7We should not judge a person by his _ (appear)8As long as you drive _ (careful), you will be very safe.9There were many _ (service) in his house when he was rich.10Their answers are _ (exact) the same.答案与解析:1解析:此处是


4、盛产水果和鲜花”,be wealthy in表示“盛产”。答案:wealthy7解析:句意为“我们不应该以貌取人”,appearance是名词,意为“外表,出现”。答案:appearance8解析:修饰动词drive应该用副词carefully。答案:carefully9解析:句意为“他富有的时候,家里有许多佣人”。service意为“服务”;servant意为“仆人”。答案:servants10解析:句意为“他们的回答完全一样”,应该用副词exactly。答案:exactly.用适当的介词或副词填空1I visited several famous cities such _ New Yor

5、k, Chicago and Boston.2Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought _ by her aunt.3Jackie Chan is well known _ an actor.4The novel is set _ prewar London.5Tony was born _ December 24, the Christmas Eve.6He could not account _ his absence from school.7The little girl stared _ the little c

6、ats tumbling over each other in their basket.8The river flows _ the city from east to west.9I dont care _ the price, so long as the car is in good condition.10I dropped my camera _ the pavement and bust (摔坏) it.答案:1.as2.up3.as4.in5.on6.for7.at8.through9.about10.on.同义句转换1When she was reading a newspa

7、per, she heard that her son was crying._ _ a newspaper, she heard her son _.2In fact, the air quality of Beijing is still worrying._ _ _ _ _, the air quality of Beijing is still worrying.3Just as I was surfing the Internet, the storm hit the city suddenly.I was surfing the Internet _ the storm hit t

8、he city.4To tell the truth, he will never lie to any of us._ _ _, he will never lie to any of us.5You are too silly. You shouldnt believe what the beggar said.It is silly _ you _ _ the beggar.答案:1.When/While reading; crying2.As a matter of fact3.when4.To be honest5.of; to believe.根据提示翻译句子1时间不允许我久留。(

9、permit)_2由于缺乏耐心,这位护士陷入了困境。(lack; patience; get into trouble)_3你能不能(介意)与我换一换位置?这样我可以离炉火近一点。(mind)_4我们打赌看谁先背下这篇文章。(make a bet)_5粗心大意地驾驶是许多事故发生的原因。(account for)_答案:1Time doesnt permit my staying longer./Time doesnt permit me to stay longer.2Because the nurse lacked patience, she got into trouble.3Would

10、 you mind changing places with me so that I can be nearer the fire?4We are making a bet on whos going to recite this text first.5Careless driving accounts for many accidents.完形填空A Tale of Two Cities is a novel _1_ by the English author Charles Dickens. It tells us _2_ a tale of adventure (冒险) that _

11、3_ in London and Paris at the time of French Revolution. So the cities in the title _4_ London and Paris.The story dealt with the fate of small groups of _5_ who were drawn into the events of the Revolution. One of the main characters _6_ Dr Manette, _7_ was a French doctor. After having _8_ prison

12、for eighteen years, he was _9_ . Then he settled in London with his beautiful daughter Lucie. She fell in love with Charles Darnay,a _10_ heir (后裔) of the Evrmonde family of French. Then she _11_ him. Several years _12_, when Darnay returned to Paris, he was _13_ by the revolutionaries. At this time

13、 there was _14_ young man named Sydnay Carton, _15_ English lawyer who loved Lucie _16_ that he _17_ be sentenced to death instead of Darnay, who was very much like Darnay. Only _18_ could Darnay escape death _19_ his execution. _20_ this centre was the exciting life of revolutionary Paris.1A.found Bwritten Cdiscovered Dgiven2A.with Bfor Cof Dto3A.happened Bwas taken place Cwas happened Dwas appeared4A.pointed to Breferred to Cdealt with Dcut down5A.persons Bcharacters


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