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1、高考英语书面表达成语、谚语运用1.不可置信 unbelievable2.五彩缤纷 colorful3.满怀希望 hopeful4.老老实实 honestly5.认认真真 earnestly6.仔仔细细 carefully7.整整齐齐 orderly / neatly8.舒舒服服 comfortably9.多姿多彩 colorful10.不可置疑 undoubtedly11.坚持不懈 perseverance12.和蔼可亲 kindness13.为人处事 behave14.昙花一现 a flash in thepan15.与时俱进 keep pace withthe times16.素质教育 e

2、ducation forall-round development17.一臂之力 lend sb ahelping hand18.一点一滴every little bit19.一刻千金 every minute isprecious20.一目了然 be clear at aglance21.一视同仁treat equally without discrimination22.一无所知 know nothingabout23.一心一意undivided attention24.三番五次 again and again25.三三两两in twos and threes26.三心二意be of tw

3、o minds27.四面八方in all directions28.四通八达extend in alldirections29.五颜六色colorful ,of variouscolours30.十全十美be perfect in everyway31.不厌其烦take great pains/bepatient32.不分胜负come out even33.不甘落后be unwilling to lagbehind34.不可思议unimaginable/incredible35.不速之客uninvited(unexpected)guest36.不言而喻it goes without sayin

4、gthat37.不由自主cant help38.不足为奇not at all surprising39.迫不及待cant help40.不知不觉unconsciously41.毫不在意dont/doesnt care atall42.举世闻名be world-famous43.举足轻重occupy a decisiveposition44.名不符实unworthy of ones name45.名不虚传deserve the reputations one enjoys46.井然有序be in good order47.井井有条in perfect order48.跃跃欲试 itch to d

5、o sth49.全面发展develop in anall-around way50.安然无恙be safe and sound51.半途而废give up halfway52.义不容辞ones duty to do sth53.全力以赴go all out for/spareno efforts54.千方百计by every possiblemeans55.持之以恒persevere56.家喻户晓widely known, known toall57.默默无闻unknown to the public58.树立榜样set a good example for59.理所当然naturally,o

6、f course60.数以万计tens of thousands of61.世世代代from generation togeneration62.心不在焉absent-minded63.梦想成真come true,realize ones dream64.迫在眉睫extremely urgent65.刻不容缓be of great urgency66.无时无刻all the time67.无所事事have nothing to do68.毫不犹豫without hesitation69. 读书明理Learn and bereasonable; Study and be sensible.70.

7、 开卷有益Reading will always dogood.71. 学而不厌Learn withindefatigable zeal; Be eager and tireless to learn.72. 言传身教Teach by words andinfluence by deeds.73. 因材施教Teach students inaccordance with their aptitude.74. 言简意赅Talk not much, butalways to the point.75. 为人师表Be a model of virtuefor others.76. 学无止境Learn

8、ing is an endlessprocess; Knowledge has no limit.77. 循循善诱Lead one gradually onfrom good to better.78. 持之以恒Persevere.79. 循序渐进follow in order andadvance step by step.80. 脚踏实地Do solid work. Every step leaves its print.81. 日积月累Accumulate over a longperiod82. 文如其人The style of thearticle shows the charact

9、er of the author.83. 文从字顺Be clear and smooth inwriting.84. 手不释卷Linger over onesbooks all the time.85. 熟能生巧Skill comes frompractice; Practice makes perfect.86. 应对如流Ones replies flowlike a stream.87. 一目十行One reads ten lines ofwriting with one single glance.88. 好为人师Have a tendency tosermonize people.89

10、. 抛砖引玉Cast away a brick toattract jade.90. 现身说法Warn people by takingoneself as an example.91. 学以致用Study for the purposeof application.92. 人才辈出Men of talent come outin succession.93. 循循善诱Lead one gradually onfrom good to better.94. 持之以恒Persevere.95. 循序渐进follow in order andadvance step by step.96. 脚踏实

11、地Do solid work. Every step leaves its print.97. 日积月累Accumulate over a longperiod.98. 文如其人The style of the articleshows the character of the author.99. 文从字顺Be clear and smooth inwriting.100. 手不释卷Linger over onesbooks all the time.101. 熟能生巧Skill comes frompractice; Practice makes perfect.102. 应对如流Ones

12、 replies flowlike a stream.103. 一目十行One reads ten lines ofwriting with one single glance.104. 好为人师Have a tendency tosermonize people.105. 抛砖引玉Cast away a brick toattract jade.106. 现身说法Warn people by takingoneself as an example.107. 学以致用Study for the purposeof application.108. 人才辈出Men of talent come outin succession.109. 既往不咎 Let bygones be bygones.110. 分秒必争 Every minute counts.



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