广东省佛山市高明区第一中学高中英语必修一导学案:Unit2Warm up &ampamp; lesson 1 Word版含答案

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《广东省佛山市高明区第一中学高中英语必修一导学案:Unit2Warm up &ampamp; lesson 1 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省佛山市高明区第一中学高中英语必修一导学案:Unit2Warm up &ampamp; lesson 1 Word版含答案(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Warm up主备人:黎燕晖一、Preview(预习):1. Learn the new words in this lesson.(学会拼读本课新词)2. List some adjectives to describe your heroes or heroines.列出一些能描述你心目中的英雄的形容词。e.g.: 友善的:kind; 勤奋的diligent; 有礼貌的_; 努力认真的_; 热心的_; 积极活跃的 _; 友好的_; 谦虚的 _; 自信的_; 无私的_; 得力的,有帮助的 _; 随和的 _; 忠诚的 _答案:polite; hard-working; warm-hearted

2、; active; friendly; modest; confident; selfless; helpful; easygoing; faithful;二、classroom learning and exploration(课堂学习和研讨)Task 1: Group discussion. Classify the adjectives (brave, calm, cruel, dangerous, generous, honest, humorous, kind, pleasant, smart, violent) as positive (+) or negative (-), th

3、en write a character description of a famous film or television actor/actress in groups without saying who he/she is. Then exchange your description with another group and try to guess who is being described. 把形容词分成褒义词、贬义词两类,然后用这些形容词描写一个电影/电视明星,与其他组的同学交流,看看能不能猜出所描写的明星是谁。e.g. He is a well-known film

4、star. He is from Hong Kong. He is not very tall but strong and brave. He is famous for his Chinese Kung Fu. Who can it be? 答案:(Jack Chen)Task 2: Listen to descriptions of three film characters. Match them with the following adjectives. (见课本P21)Task 3: Complete the following sentences by choosing a c

5、orrect word. (完成句子,每空填一个词)Nemo is the _ (main/mainly) character in the movie Finding Nemo. He is a little fish who is often _ (frightening/frightened) but he never runs away from _ (danger/dangerous). He also often finds himself in funny situations that make people laugh.Bridget Jones is the main ch

6、aracter of the book and movie, Bridge Jones Diary. She is a really nice person_ (but/and) is always doing funny things _ (that/who) cause her a lot of trouble and give people a lot of _ (joy/joyful).Doctor Octopus is Spidermans enemy in the movie Spiderman II. He is a very _ (smart/foolish) man but

7、his _ (invent/invention) makes him kill many people.答案:main; frightened; danger; but; that; joy; smart; inventionTask 4: Oral practice. Use 3 or more sentences to describe a hero/heroine that you know well and share your opinion in your group.(三) Classroom assessment 课堂检测Fill in the blanks with prop

8、er words.用适当的单词填空。1.There are plenty of people who think that killing animals is _, but eating animals is fine.2.Keeping _ is one of the most important things in any emergency.3.It is _ of him to give away his money to the poor.4. Scientists are very interested in _ (探索) space.5.The _ (航班)to Beijing

9、 leaves at 7:30 in the morning.答案:cruel calm generous exploring flight(四)Homework: Write s short passage(about 100 words) about a hero/heroine that you know well .Use one or two examples to describe him/her._Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 第1课时一、Preview(预习):Write down the nouns verbs or verb ph

10、rases related to a manned space flight.写下有关太空船飞行的词汇。_答案:spaceship , astronaut , flight , launch , high gravity , rocket , space , atmosphere , parachute , helicopters ,2、 classroom learning and exploration(课堂学习和研讨)Reading Tasks (见课本和周报)(三) Classroom assessment 课堂检测Task 1: Use the words to complete t

11、he sentences. collect complete let out express explore feel 1. One of the reasons why people are interested in _ space is that they wonder if there is life on any other planets.2. Before you start writing your article, you must do research and _ information.3. You may watch TV after you have _ all y

12、our tasks.4. You can _ gravity when an airplane takes off and you are pushed back in your seat.5. When John jumped from the airplane , he _ his parachute and floated slowly back to earth.6. Children often _ wishes and dreams through art. Their pictures show how they are feeling.答案1.exploring, 2.collect, pleted, 4.feel, 5.let out,,Unit 2 Heroes Les


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