山东省禹城市第一中学外研版高二英语必修五单元测试:Module6 Animals in Danger Word版缺答案

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《山东省禹城市第一中学外研版高二英语必修五单元测试:Module6 Animals in Danger Word版缺答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省禹城市第一中学外研版高二英语必修五单元测试:Module6 Animals in Danger Word版缺答案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、编制时间:2017年10月17 编制人:高二三部 审核人Book5 Module 6 单元检测1. 单词1. 危及2. 保护区3. 灭绝4. 挣扎,斗争5. 保护6. 理想的7. 值钱的8. 现场9. 环境,情况二短语1.处于危险中2.与.斗争3.为.斗争4.struggle to ones feet5.工作/生活条件6.状况好/不好/糟糕7.与此同时8.当场,现场三完成句子1.We should _ for _ animals,我们应该为濒临灭绝的动物建立更多的自然保护区。2.If you dont _ (听取他的建议), you will be _ (很快处于危险中).3.这辆车值得买(w

2、orth; worthwhile)(至少两种表达方式)。_ _ _4.Use your umbrella to _(保护自己免受雨淋).5.You may borrow the book, _(只要)you dont _(借出) it to anyone else.6._(即使受到邀请), I wont go to the party.7._(她正走着), she heard her name _(被叫).8.Every day each of us _ (做决定)that involve _(碰运气).9._(难怪) she _ (突出) above her colleagues in Ch

3、inese.10.Some children _(容易受到影响) by new things so that they cannot _(集中) their study.11._ (一收到)the order, he _(开始) do the job.12._(只有她有强烈的想活下去的意愿), will she have a _(好转的机会).10. 同时11. 目标12. 涉及,包含13. 活的14. 奇迹15. 焦点(n.),集中注意力v.16. 能源,精力17. 浪费(n/v)9.发现某人做某事10.关心/挂念某事11.厌烦.12.代表,主张13.突出,显眼14.袖手旁观15.浪费时间/

4、金钱18. wildlife19. dealer20. reptile21. insect22. bald23. brink24. initial25. branch26. continent四 改错1.Its dangerous of him to swim in such a deep river.2.The children talked very loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle to be heard.3.The car is worthy being bought.4.You can use my bike on condi

5、tion that you will return it tomorrow.5.The conference will begin in an hour, and meanwhile lets have coffee.6.Although he treated unfairly, he still worked hard.7.I have no choice but get into it as expected.8.As far as I concerned, I disagree with what he said.9.The new road sign is easy to be rea

6、d; the word stand out well.五 语法填空On a 1. (freeze) cold day in January 1994,Jiesang Suonandajie gave his life to save the Tibetan antelope, an 2. (endanger) animal. By the 1990s, the number of Tibetan antelope had fallen from millions to about 50,000, because their wool is very expensive and can brin

7、g huge profits to the poachers. Often 3 (work) at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes and skin them 4 . the spot, leaving only the babies. Then they take the wool to India to make it into the shawls, 5is exported to rich countries. In the 1990s,the Chinese government began to take an

8、active part in 6. (protect) the antelopes. Over the next ten years about 3,000 poachers 7 (catch) and 300 vehicles confiscated. Today the government seems to be 8. (win) the battle. The small group of officials who work in the reserve are helped by volunteers. Meanwhile, in those countries 9 the shawls are sold, police are getting tough with the dealers, making the antelope population grow 10. (slow).六 微写作 大家都知道,现在很多动物处于危险境地或灭绝了(extinct),因为它们天然的栖息地遭到了严重破坏(destruction)。人们对这些动物的生存感到担忧(be concerned about). 到了我们把注意力集中在保护这些动物的时候了(Its time to do)。我们希望越来越多的人加入(get involved in )到动物保护的行列中._


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