内蒙古准格尔旗世纪中学人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom 教案

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《内蒙古准格尔旗世纪中学人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《内蒙古准格尔旗世纪中学人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom 教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom 教案2 (PEZZLES IN GEOGRAPH)Teaching Goals1. Get the students to know the information about the United Kingdom.2. Encourage the students to talk out what they know about the UK and Ireland.3. Help the students learn to get information by listening.Teaching methodsSkimming & sc

2、anning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.1. Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what theyve learned in class.2. Pair works of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.3. Competition and role-play method to arouse the Ss intere

3、stTeaching proceduresStep 1 Warming upSs compete in answering the questions as quickly as possible.Step 2 Pre-reading Q: England can be divided into three main areas. Do you know what they are? The south, the Midlands and the northStep 3 Introduction of the UK.Area: 244,820sq.km.Population: 59,113,4

4、39Languages: English, Kymric, GaelicReligion: CatholicismComposing countries: England Wales Scotland Northern IrelandCapitals: London Cardiff Edinburgh BelfastStep 4 Reading 1. Fast-reading Ask the students to read the map and the text on P10 and answer the following the questions1)The Union Jack fl

5、ag unite the flags of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why? Wales. It is usually considered to be part of the England.2)What three countries does British Airways represent?England, Scotland and Wales3)Which group of invaders didnt influence London? The Vikings didnt

6、influence London.2. Text structure analysis Have the students find out the topic sentences of each paragraph 1st paragraph Why are different words used to describe England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland?2nd paragraphFirst there was England.3rd paragraphGreat Britain was the name given when En

7、gland and Wales were joined to Scotland.4th paragraphThe four countries are still very different.5th paragraphEngland is the largest of the four countries.6th paragraphThe greatest historical treasure of all is London. Ask the students to divide the passage into three parts and write down the main i

8、dea of each partPart1 (para1-4) What the UK includes and how the UK formed and more detailed information about the four countries in the UKPart2 (para5) The geographical division of England into three zones: their similarities and differencesPart3(para6) The cultural importance of London3. Careful r

9、eading 1)Have the students put the events happening to the form of the UK into the right order.Three centuries later Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom.In 1603 England and Wales were joined to Scotland. The name Great Britain came into being. In the

10、 13th century AD, Wales was linked to England.First there was England.2)Have the students identify the invaders and their influences on The United Kingdomthe UK.The Romans in the 1st century ADThe Anglo-Saxons in the 1060sThe Vikings The NormansTowns and roadsLanguage and governmentVocabulary and pl

11、ace-namesCastles and words for food3)Have the students look at the map of England and Wales. Draw lines across to show the zones of the South, Midlands and North of England.North: Leeds, York, Sheffield, and ManchesterMidlands: Coventry, BirminghamSouth: Reading, London, Brighton, PlymouthStep 5 Teaching new words and structuresStep 6 HomeworkWrite a short summary of the passage.


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