人教课标高一英语必修3辅导:Unit 4 Astronomy WORDS &ampamp; EXPRESSIONS

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《人教课标高一英语必修3辅导:Unit 4 Astronomy WORDS &ampamp; EXPRESSIONS》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教课标高一英语必修3辅导:Unit 4 Astronomy WORDS &ampamp; EXPRESSIONS(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、WORDS & EXPRESSIONSexist【寓词于境】 仔细阅读下列句子,并试着总结exist的含义及用法。1. Does life exist on other planets?2. Mike cant exist on the money hes earning. 3. The species of bird now exists only in Australia.4. There still exist several questions to be solved.【自我归纳】 exist作不及物动词,意为“_” (句1句4)。exist on sth.(句2),意为“靠为生”,

2、exist in . (句3)意为“存在于中”,exist还可以与there组成There exists . (句4)的结构,意为“那里存在”。【即学即练】 翻译下列句子。1. 不存在电脑能取代人类的可能。2. 没有食物或水我们就不能生存。 Keys:【自我归纳】存在;生存 【即学即练】1. There exists no possibility that computers can take the place of human beings. 2. We cannot exist without food or water. puzzle【寓词于境】 仔细阅读下列句子,并试着总结puzzl

3、e的含义及用法。1. How the Pyramids in Egypt were built remains a puzzle for scientists. 2. I cant understand the puzzle of how the sun works.3. The question puzzled the students and they didnt know how to answer it. 4. I have puzzled over this question for a while, and Im still not sure what the right answ

4、er is. 5. Jack spent the afternoon trying to puzzle out what had gone wrong with his car.【自我归纳】 puzzle作名词,意为“谜,难题”(句1和句2),后常接介词_,表示“的谜/难题”(句2)。puzzle作动词,意为“使迷惑,使为难”(句3句5),可构成短语:puzzle _ / about意为“苦苦思索,仔细琢磨”(句4);puzzle out意为“仔细思考,设法想出”(句5)。【拓展】 puzzling adj. 意为“令人困惑的,令人费解的”,多修饰物。puzzled adj. 意为“困惑的,迷

5、惑不解的”,多修饰人。如:The whole thing is very puzzling. I dont understand how he escaped from the prison. The children are puzzled about how the world came into existence. 【即学即练】 用puzzle的适当形式填空。1. Scientists have been trying to solve the two _ for years.2. Hearing what I explained, the little girl had a _ lo

6、ok on her face. Keys:【自我归纳】 of; over【即学即练】 1. puzzles 2. puzzled give birth to【寓词于境】 仔细阅读下列句子,并试着总结give birth to的含义及用法。1. Mrs. White gave birth to a fine healthy baby in her late thirties.2. Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl.3. It was this event that gave birth to the peace movement.【自我归纳】 give

7、 birth to后可直接跟名词,意为“_” (句1和句2),也可意为“_”(句3)。【拓展】at birth 出生时 since / from birth 自出生后 date of birth 出生日期【即学即练】 根据汉语提示,用含birth的短语的适当形式完成下列句子。1. Janes mother has just _(生了双胞胎).2. It was said that the baby _(出生时重七磅). Keys:【自我归纳】 分娩;产生【即学即练】 1. given birth to twins 2. weighed seven pounds at birthprevent

8、. from【用法展示】prevent . from阻止,制止。如:The government has taken action to prevent the disease (from) spreading to other areas. No one can prevent little John (from) climbing the mountain. The little boy was prevented by law from driving the car. 【注意】prevent . from用于主动句时,from可以省略,但在被动句中,from不能省略。【拓展】1. 表示

9、“阻止,制止”的短语还有:stop / keep . from,其中keep . from中的from在主动句和被动句中均不能省略。2. protect . from / against保护免受伤害。【即学即练】 翻译下列句子。1. 那个愤怒的男子被阻止进入经理办公室。2. 已经派出部队保护船只免受袭击。Keys:【即学即练】1. The angry man was prevented from going into the managers office.2. Troops have been sent to protect ships from/against attack.system观

10、察 阅读下列各句,并观察system在句中的用法。1. The solar system consists of the sun and its eight planets.2. What are the differences between the American and British systems of government?3. His system was greatly weakened by his long illness.4. The teacher has a good system of teaching languages.5. You cant get good

11、 exam results if you work and live without system.点拨 system n.系统,体系,如句1;制度,体制, 如句2;生理机构,身体,如句3;方法,办法,如句4;条理,规律,如句5。拓展 systematic adj. 有条理的,系统的systematically adv. 有条理地,有条不紊地systematize v. 使条理化小试 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 我们有一个庞大的铁路系统。2. 社会主义制度下的竞争给我们提供了机遇。3. 她有自己的一套学习英语的方法。Keys:1. We have a large system of railw

12、ays. 2. Competition under the socialist system provides us with great chances.3. She has her own system of learning English.violent观察 阅读下列各句,并观察violent在句中的用法。1. Students were involved in a violent struggle with the police.2. He gets very violent when he is drunk.3. He was engaged in a very violent a

13、rgument with Henry.4. The boat sank in a violent storm at sea.点拨 violent adj.暴力的,激烈的,如句1;狂暴的;暴躁的(情绪),如句2;激烈的;尖锐的(言辞),如句3;强烈的,猛烈的(风暴、地震等),如句4。拓展 violently adv. 暴力地,猛烈地violence n. (不可数) 暴力行为;愤怒小试 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 这次大地震使两千人无家可归。2. 那个女孩吃了太多的糖后牙疼得厉害。3. 讨论变得更加激烈了。4. 这些逃犯残暴而危险。Keys:1. The violent earthquake l

14、eft 2,000 people homeless.2. The girl had a violent toothache after eating too many candies.3. The discussion grew more violent.4. The escaped prisoners are violent and dangerous.in time观察 阅读下列各句,并观察in time在句中的用法。1. They caught the bus in time.2. She will be back in time to prepare lunch. 3. If you

15、keep on, you will succeed in time.4. You will learn how to do it in time.点拨 in time及时,如句1,2;过一段时间;迟早,如句3,4。联想on time 按时,准时 in no time 立即, 立刻ahead of time 提前 all the time 一直, 始终at a time 一次, 每次 at one time 一度, 曾经 at the same time 同时; 尽管如此 at times有时, 偶尔 for the time being暂时 kill time 消遣, 消磨时光take ones time 不着急, 慢慢来 小试 单项选择。1. I must hurry. I want to get home _


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